Curriculum vitae of Alessia Cattabriga

Personal identifying data:  born on  25/10/1976 in Bologna  (Italy).

Positions and Titles:

1.       2008 (actual position) postdoc position in Mathematics at University of Bologna.

2.       2003-2007: research fellow in Mathematics at University of Bologna.

3.       2000-2003: PhD in Mathematics at University of Bologna. Thesis “(1,1)-knots and cyclically presented groups”, advisor: Prof. M. Mulazzani, (08/05/2003). 

4.       Spring 2002: visiting student at Université de Nantes.

5.       2001-2002: titular of a financing of the University of Bologna for Young Researchers. 

6.       1995-1999: degree  in Mathematics at University of Bologna (cum laude). Thesis “De Rham Coomology”, advisor: Prof. A. Vistoli, (10/12/1999).


1.       A. Cattabriga, M. Mulazzani: Strongly-cyclic branched coverings of (1,1)-knots and cyclic presentations of groups, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., (2003), 135, 137-146.

2.       A. Cattabriga, M. Mulazzani: (1,1)-knots via the mapping class groups of the twice punctured torus, Adv. Geom., (2004), 4, 263-277.

3.       A. Cattabriga, M. Mulazzani: All strongly-cyclic branched coverings of (1,1)-knots are Dunwoody manifolds, J. Lond. Math.  Soc., (2004), 70, 512 - 528.

4.       A. Cattabriga, M. Mulazzani: Representations of (1,1)-knots, Fundam. Math., (2005), 188, 45-57.

5.       A. Cattabriga: The Alexander polynomial of (1,1)-knots, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, (2006),  15, 1119-1129.

6.       A. Cattabriga, M. Mulazzani: Extending homeomorphisms from 2-punctured surfaces to handlebodies, Kobe J. Math.,  (2007), 24, 11-20

7.       A. Cattabriga, M. Mulazzani: Extending homeomorphisms from punctured surfaces to handlebodies, Topology  Appl., (2008), 155, 610-621.

Comunications and posters at congress:

  1.  “(1,1)-knots and the mapping class group of the twice punctured torus” – Braids in Cortona, Cortona (AR), 2002. (poster)
  2. “(1,1)-nodi e mapping class group del toro con due buchi” – Geometric properties of real and complex varieties. New italian contributions III, Mondello (PA), (2002).
  3. “(1,1)-knots via the mapping class group of the twice punctured torus” – Knots in Poland 2003,  Bedlewo, 2003.
  4. “Polinomio di Alexander di (1,1)-nodi" – Recent progress in real and complex geometry, Levico (TN), 2004.
  5. “Omeomorfismi di una superficie puntata che si estendono al corpo di manici" – Recent progress in real and complex geometry, Levico (TN), 2006.
  6. Extending homeomorphisms from punctured surfaces to handlebodies” Braids and their Ramifications, Cortona (AR), 2007.
  7. “Omeomorfismi di una superficie puntata che si estendono al corpo di manici" – U.M.I National Congress, Bari,  2007.