List of Publications

Angelo Favini

1) Sulla teoria della interpolazione negli spazi vettoriali topologici, Rend.Mat.(2)3,
Ser.VI(1970), 361-390.

2) Sulla interpolazione di operatori compatti, Rend.Sem.Mat.Univ.Padova 45 (1971), 279-304.

3) Su un metodo di interpolazione, Boll.U.M.I.(4)4(1971), 677-686.

4) Alcuni risultati sulla interpolazione non-lineare, Boll.U.M.I.(4)4 (1971),918-936.

5) Sulla interpolazione non-lineare tra certi spazi localmente convessi, Boll.U.M.I.(4)5(1972), 511-527.

6) Sulla interpolazione multilineare, Rend.Sem.Mat.Univ.Padova 46 (1971), 19-47.

6)' Sulla interpolazione multilineare: una precisazione, Rend.Sem.Mat.Univ.Padova 49(1973), 353-354.

7) Sulla interpolazione degli spazi K{Mp}, Boll.U.M.I.(4)6(1972), 440-449.

8) Su una estensione del metodo d'interpolazione complesso, Rend.Sem.Mat.Univ.Padova 47(1972), 243-298.

9) Sulla interpolazione di certi spazi di Sobolev con peso, Rend.Sem.Mat.Univ.Padova 50(1973), 223-249.

10) Su certe equazioni ultraparaboliche, Rend.Sem.Mat.Univ.Padova 51 (1974),221-256.

11) Su certe equazioni astratte a coefficienti operatoriali, Boll.U.M.I.(4)9(1974),463-485.

12) Sulle equazioni differenziali astratte degeneri, Rend.Sem.Mat.Univ.Padova 52 (1974), 243-263.

13) Su un problema ai limiti per certe equazioni astratte del secondo ordine, Rend.Sem.Mat. Univ.Padova 53(1975), 211-230.

14) Su certe equazioni astratte del secondo ordine di tipo iperbolico, Boll.U.M.I.(4)11(1975), 435-455.

15) Su una equazione astratta alle derivate parziali, Rend.Mat.(4)9, Ser.VI, (1976),665-700.

16) Su un'equazione astratta di tipo Tricomi, Rend.Sem.Mat.Univ.Padova 53 (1975), 257-267.

17) Su un'equazione astratta di tipo ellittico-iperbolico, Rend.Sem.Mat.Univ.Padova 55(1976), 227-242.

18) Sul problema di Dirichlet per un'equazione astratta sul semipiano, Rend.Mat.(2-3)10, Ser.VI(1977), 329-369.

19) Some results on interpolation of bilinear operators, Boll.U.M.I.15, 15-B (1978), 170-181.

20) Laplace transform method for a class of degenerate evolution problems, Rend.Mat.(3-4)12(1979),511-536.

21) Degenerate evolution equations and singular optimal control, in "Recent advances in differential equations" edited by R.Conti, 1978, Academic Press 1981.

22) Some results on a class of degenerate evolution problems, Atti Accad.Naz.Lincei Rend.66(1979), 6-11.

23) Controllability conditions of linear degenerate evolution systems, J.Appl.Math.Optim.6(1980), 153-167.

24) Abstract potential operators and spectral methods for a class of degenerate evolution problems, J.Diff.Eqs.39(1981), 212-225.

25) A.Favini-A.Venni: Un problema ai limiti per un'equazione differenziale astratta del secondo ordine con coefficienti operatoriali variabili, Rend.Mat.13 (1980), 283-298.

26) On stabilizability of some abstract degenerate diffusion processes, in "Optimization Techniques Part I", 385-393, Lecture Notes in Control & Information Sciences 22, ed. Springer, 1980.

27) A.Favini-A.Venni: On a two-point problem for a system of abstract differential equations, Numer.Funct.Anal.Optim.2(4), (1980), 301-322.

28) Su un problema di controllo ottimo con un funzionale costo singolare, in "Studi in onore di Paolo Fortunati", 193-201, ed.CLUEB, 1980.

29) Degenerate and singular evolution equations, Math.Ann.273(1985), 17-44.

30) Degenerate evolution equations and applications, in "Control theory for distributed parameter systems and applications", 100-108, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, ed. Springer, 1983.

31) Some results on degenerate and singular evolution equations, Atti Accad.Naz.Lincei(Rendiconti)72(1982), 128-132.

32) Abstract singular equations and applications, J.Math.Anal.Appl.116 (1986),289-308.

33) A.Favini-P.Plazzi: Existence of solutions for the abstract nonlinear equation BTu=f(u), Nonlin.Anal.10(1986), 567-585.

34) A.Favini-P.Plazzi: Some results concerning the abstract degenerate nonlinear equation DtMu(t)+Lu(t)=f(t,Ku(t)), Circuits,Systems & Signal Processing 5(1986), 261-274.

35) A.Favini-G.Dore:On the equivalence of certain interpolation methods, Boll.U.M.I.(7)1-B(1987), 1227-1238.

36) An operational method for abstract degenerate evolution equations of hyperbolic type, J.Funct.Anal.76(1988), 432-456.

37) A.Favini-E.Obrecht, eds.: Differential equations in Banach spaces,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1223, Springer 1986.

38) A.Favini-P.Plazzi: On some abstract degenerate problems of parabolic type-1:The linear case, Nonlin.Anal.12(1988), 1017-1027.

39) A.Favini-P.Plazzi: On some abstract degenerate problems of parabolic type-2:The nonlinear case, Nonlin.Anal.13(1989), 23-31.

40) Implicit integrodifferential equations, in "Volterra integrodifferential equations in Banach spaces and applications", Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics 190 (1989), 141-156.

41) A.Favini-P.Plazzi: On some abstract degenerate problems of parabolic type-3:Applications to linear and nonlinear problems, Osaka J.Math.27 (1990), 323-359.

42) A.Favini-E.Obrecht: Conditions for parabolicity of second order abstract differential equations, Diff.&Int.Eqs.4(1991), 1005-1022.

43) Parabolicity of second order differential equations in Hilbert space, Semigroup Forum 42(1991), 303-312.

44) A.Favini-A.Venni: On the Cauchy problem for a second-order semilinnear parabolic equation with factored linear part, Semigroup Forum 45(1992), 135-147.

45) A.Favini-A.Yagi: Multivalued linear operators and degenerate evolution equations, Annali Mat.Pura Appl.163(1993), 353-384.

46) A.Favini-A.Yagi: Space and time regularity for degenerate evolution equations, J.Math.Soc.Japan 44(1992), 331-350.

47) Second order parabolic equations in Banach space, in "Differential equations with applications in biology, physics, and engineering";
Goldstein, Kappel, Schappacher eds., Dekker, (1991), 129-137.

48) V.Barbu-A.Favini: Existence for implicit differential equations in Banach spaces, Rend.Mat.Accad.Lincei 3(1992), 203-215.

49) A.Favini-H.Tanabe; Linear parabolic equations of higher order in time, in "Differential Equations in Banach spaces", Dore, Favini, Obrecht, Venni eds., Dekker, 1993, pp.85-92.

50) A.Favini-R.Triggiani: New classes of analytic and Gevrey semigroups, and applications, Rend.Mat.Accad.Lincei, Ser.IX,vol.4 (1993),29-34.

51) A.Favini-R.Triggiani: Analytic and Gevrey class semigroups generated by -A+iB, and applications, in "Differential Equations in Banach spaces",Dore, Favini, Obrecht, Venni eds., Dekker, 1993, 93-114.

52) A.Favini-I.Lasiecka-H.Tanabe: Abstract differential equations and
nonlinear dispersive systems, Diff.Int.Equations 6, 1993, 995-1008.

53) A.Favini-H.Tanabe: On regularity of solutions to n-order differential equations of parabolic type in Banach spaces, Osaka J.Math.31(1994), 225-246.

54) A.Favini-I.Lasiecka: Second order abstract equations with nonlinear
boundary conditions-applications to Von Karman system with boundary
damping, in "Differential Equations in Banach spaces", Dore, Favini, Obrecht, Venni eds., Dekker, 1993, 65-83.

55) A.Favini-A.Yagi: On second order implicit differential equations in
Banach spaces, on "Evolution equations, Control theory, and
Biomathematics, Clément-Lumer eds., Dekker, 1994, 205-215.

56) V.Barbu-A.Favini: Null controllability for a class of implicit differential equations in Banach spaces, in "Contro of Partial Differential Equations", Da Prato and Tubaro eds., Dekker 1994, 1-10.

57) V.Barbu-A.Favini: Convergence of solutions of implicit differential equations, Diff.Int.Eqs.7(1994), 665-688.

58) V.Barbu-A.Favini: Convergence results for implicit differential equations, in "Proceedings 2nd International Conference in Functional Analysis and Approximation Theory", Suppl.Rend.Circolo Mat.Palermo, Serie II,33(1993), 189-200.

59) W.Arendt-A.Favini: Integrated solutions to implicit differential equations, Rend.Sem.Mat.Univ.Pol.Torino 54(1993), 315-329.

60) P.Colli,A.Favini: On some degenerate second order equations of mixed type, Funkc.Ekv.38(1995), 473-489.

61) A.Favini,A.Yagi: Abstract second order differential equations with applications, Funkc.Ekv.38(1995), 81-99.

62) A.Favini,S. Romanelli: Recent results on some degenerate equations and their related semigroups, Tübinger Berichte zur Funktionalanalysis 4(1995), 61-68.

63) A.Favini,I.Lasiecka: Wellposedness and regularity of second order abstract equations arising in hyperbolic-like problems with nonlinear boundary conditions, Osaka J.Math. 32 (1995), 721-752.

64) A.Favini,M.A.Horn,I.Lasiecka,D.Tataru; Global existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions to a von Karman system with nonlinear boundary dissipation, Diff.Int.Eqs. 9 (1996), 267-294.

65) P.Colli, A.Favini: Time discretization of nonlinear Cauchy problems applying to mixed hyperbolic-parabolic equations, Inter.J.Math.and Math.Sciences 19 (1996), 481-494.

66) Sum of operators' method in abstract equations, in "Partial Differential Equations and Functional Analysis, in memory of Pierre Grisvard", J.Cea, D.Chenais, G. Geymonat, J-L. Lions, eds., ed. Birkhäuser, 1996, pp. 132-146.

67) V.Barbu,A.Favini: On some degenerate parabolic problems, Ricerche di Matematica 46 (1997), 77-86.

68) V.Barbu,A.Favini,S.Romanelli: Degenerate evolution equations and regularity of their associated semigroups, Funkc.Ekv. 39 (1996), 421-448.

69) A.Favini,M.Fuhrman: Approximation results for semigroups generated by multivalued linear operators, Diff. Int. Eqs. 11(1998), 781-805.

70) A.Favini,A.Yagi: "Degenerate differential equations in Banach spaces", New York, M. Dekker (1999).

71) A.Favini,S.Romanelli: Analytic semigroups in C([0,1]) generated by some classes of second order differential operators, Semigroup Forum 56 (1998), Pure & Applied Math. 215, 362-372.

72) A.Favini, M.Cheggag, R.Labbas, S.Maingot, A.Medeghri: Sturm- Liouville problems for an abstract differential equation of elliptic type in UMD spaces, to appear.

73) V.Barbu,A.Favini: Existence for an implicit nonlinear differential equation, Nonlinear Analysis 32 (1998), 33-40.

74) V.Barbu,A.Favini: Periodic problems for degenerate differential equations, Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste, Suppl. Vol. 28 (1997), 29-57.

75) A.Favini, L. Pandolfi, H. Tanabe : Singular differential equations with delay, Diff. Int. Eqs. 12 (1999), 351-371.

76) A.Favini, A.Rutkas : Existence and uniqueness of solutions of some abstract degenerate nonlinear equations, Diff. Int. Eqs. 12 (1999), 373-394.

77) V.Barbu, A.Favini : Periodic solutions for degenerate second order differential equations, Comm. Applied Analysis 2 (1998), 19-29.

78) V.Barbu, A.Favini : The analytic semigroup generated by a second order degenerate differential operator in C[0,1], Rendiconti Circolo Mat. Palermo Ser. II, Suppl. 52 (1998), 23-42.

79) A.Favini, S.Romanelli : Degenerate second order operators as generators of analytic semigroups on C[0,+∞] or on (0,+∞) in "Approximation and Optimization" Volume II, D.D.Stancu, G.Coman, W.W.Breckner, P.Blaga, eds., Transilvania Press (1997), pp. 93-100.

80) A.Favini, G.R. Goldstein, J.Goldstein, S.Romanelli : On some classes of differential operators generating analytic semigroups, in "Evolution Equations and their Applications in Physical and Life Sciences", G. Lumer and L. Weis eds., M. Dekker (2000), 99-114.

81) V.Barbu, A.Favini : Control of degenerate differential systems, Control and Cybernetics 28 (1999), 397-420.

82) A.Favini, G.Goldstein, J.Goldstein, S.Romanelli : C0-semigroups generated by second order differential operators with general Wentzell boundary conditions, Proceedings Amer. Math. Soc. 128 (2000), 1981-1989.

82bis) A.Favini, G.Goldstein, J.Goldstein, S.Romanelli : C0-semigroups generated by second order differential operators with general Wentzell boundary conditions, in Tubinger Berichte Funktionalanalysis Heft 8, 98/99, 107-116.

83) A.Favini, S.Romanelli, K.Taira : Feller semigroups generated by degenerate elliptic operators, Semigroup Forum 60 (2000), 296-309.

84) A.Favini, S.Romanelli, K.Taira : Feller semigroups and degenerate elliptic operators with Wentzell boundary conditions, Studia Mathematica 145(1)(2001), 17-53.

85) V.Barbu, A.Favini : A degenerate two-point problem, in "Evolution Equations, Semigroups and Functional Analysis", in memory of Brunello Terreni, A.Lorenzi and B.Ruf eds., 27-37, Birkhauser, Basel, 2002.
86) A.Favini, H.Tanabe : Implicit Volterra equations in Banach spaces, Diff. Int. Eqs. 14(2001), 613-640.

87) A.Favini, A.Rutkas : Solvability of a nonlinear differential equation with singular linear part, Preprint.

88) A.Favini, A.Lorenzi, H.Tanabe : Singular evolution integrodifferential equations of parabolic type, Advances Diff.Eqs.7(2002), 769-798.

89) A.Favini, L.Vlasenko : On solvability of a degenerate non- stationary differential difference equation in Banach spaces, Diff. Int. Eqs.14(2001), 883-896.

90) A.Favini, G.Goldstein, J.Goldstein, S.Romanelli : Nonlinear boundary ncoditions for nonlinear second order differential operators on C[0,1], Archiv Math. 76(2001), 391-400.

91) A.Favini, G.R.Goldstein, J.Goldstein, S.Romanelli : Generalized Wentzell boundary conditions and analytic semigroups in C[0,1], Progress in Nonlinear Diff. Eqs. and their Applications, vol. 42 (2000), 125-130, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel.

92) V.Barbu, A.Favini : Analytic semigroups on H1(Ω) generated by degenerate elliptic operators, Semigroup Forum 62(2001), 317-328.

93) A.Favini, A.Lorenzi :Identification problems for singular integrodifferential equations of parabolic type I, Preprint Quaderni Dipartimento di Matematica "F. Enriques", Università degli Studi di Milano, 2000, to appear on "Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems", 2004.

94) A.Favini, A. Lorenzi, H.Tanabe : Degenerate integrodifferential equations of Volterra type in Banach space,in "Evolution Equations, Semigroups and Functional Analysis", in memory of Brunello Terreni, A.Lorenzi and B.Ruf eds., 115-135, Birkauser, Basel, 2002.

95) A.Favini, G.Goldstein, J.Goldstein, S.Romanelli : The heat equation with generalized Wentzell boundary conditions, J. Evolution Eqs.2 (2002), 1-19.

96) A.Favini, G.Goldstein, J.Goldstein, S.Romanelli : The one dimensional wave equation with Wentzell boundary conditions, in "Differential Equations and Control Theory", Aizicovici and Pavel eds., (2001), M.Dekker, New York, 139-145.

97) A. Favini, L. Vlasenko : Degenerate non-stationary differential equations with delay in Banach spaces, J.Diff.Eqs.192(2003), 93-110.

98) A. Favini, G.R. Goldstein, J.Goldstein, S. Romanelli : Degenerate second order differential operators generating analytic semigroups in Lp andW1,p, Mathematische Nachrichten 238(2002), 78-102.

99) A. Favini, A. Lorenzi, H. Tanabe : Singular evolution integrodifferential equations with kernels defined on bounded intervals, Applicable Analysis 84(2005), 463-497.

100) A. Favini, A. Lorenzi : Identification problems for singular integro-differential equations of parabolic type II, Nonlinear Analysis T.M.A.56,no.6(2004), 879-904.

101) V. Barbu, A. Favini, L.Pandolfi : Optimal regulation with quadratic cost functional of a degenerate differential system, Preprint.

102) A. Favini, H. Tanabe : Degenerate Volterra Equations in Banach space, J. Korean Math. Soc. 37 (2000), 915-927.

103) A.Favini, A. Lorenzi : Singular integro-differential equations of parabolic type and inverse problems, Math.Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 13(2003), 1-22.

104) A.Favini, A.G.Ramm, A.Smirnova : Continuous modified Newton's-type method for nonlinear operator equations, Ann.Mat.Pura Appl.182 (2003), 37-52.

105) A.Favini, J.Goldstein, G.Goldstein, E.Obrecht, S.Romanelli : The Laplacian with generalized boundary conditions, in "Evolution Equations:Applications to Physics,Industry, Life Sciences and Economics", M.Iannelli and G.Lumer eds.,Birkhauser, Basel, 169-180. (2003).

106) A.Favini, J.Goldstein, G.Goldstein, E.Obrecht, S.Romanelli : General Wentzell boundary conditions and analytic semigroups on W1,p (0,1), Applicable Analysis 82(2003), 927-935.

107) A.Favini, G.Goldstein, J.Goldstein, S.Romanelli : The heat equation with nonlinear generalized Wentzell boundary conditions, to appear.

108) A.Favini, S.Romanelli, K.Taira : Existence of Feller semigroups with discontinuous coefficients, to appear.

109) A.Favini, V.Maksimov, L.Pandolfi : A deconvolution problem related to a singular system, J.Math.Anal.Appl.292,n.1(2004), 60-72.

110) M.AL Horani, A.Favini: Degenerate second order identification problem in Banach spaces, J.Optimization Theory and Appl.120,no.2 (2004), 305-326.

111) A.Favini, A.Lorenzi, H.Tanabe, A.Yagi: An L^p-approach to singular linear parabolic equations in bounded domains, J.Osaka Math.42 (2005), 385-406.

112) A.Favini: The regulator problem for a singular control system, in "Evolution Equations" , Proceedings in honor of J.A.Goldstein's 60th birthday of G.R.Goldstein, R.Nagel and S.Romanelli eds., 2003,M.Dekker, New York, 191-201.

113) A.Favini, G.Goldstein, J.Goldstein,S.Romanelli: General Wentzell boundary conditions, differential operators and analytic semigroups in C[0,1], Bol.Soc.Paran.Mat.(3s)20,1/2(2002), 93-102.

114) A.Favini, L.Lorenzi: A singular parabolic boundary value problem in weighted L^p-spaces, Semigroup Forum 68(2004), 137-153.

115) A.Favini, R.Labbas, H.Tanabe, A.Yagi: On the solvability of complete abstract differential equations of elliptic type, Funkc.Ekv.47(2004), 205 224.

116) A.Favini, R.Labbas, S.Maingot, H.Tanabe, A.Yagi: On the solvability and the maximal regularity of complete abstract differential equations of elliptic type, Funkc.Ekv.47(2004), 423-452.

117) A.Favini, R.Labbas, K.Lemrabet, S.Maingot: Study of the limit of transmission problems in a thin layer by the sum theory of linear operators, Rev. Mat Complut.18(1)(2005), 143-176.

118) A.Favini, A.Lorenzi, Y.Takei, A.Yagi: Exponential attractors for semiconductor equations, submitted.

119) A.Favini, A.Yagi: Quasilinear degenerate evolution equations in Banach spaces, J.Evolution Equations 4(2004), 421-449.

120) A.Favini, G.Goldstein, J.Goldstein, S.Romanelli: The heat equation with nonlinear general Wentzell boundary conditions, Advances Diff.Eqs.11(5)(2006), 481-510.

121) A.Favini, G.Goldstein, J.Goldstein, S.Romanelli: Fourth order operators with general Wentzell boundary conditions, to appear on “Rocky Mountain J.Math”.

122) A.Favini, C.Gal, G.Goldstein, J.Goldstein, S.Romanelli:The nonautonomous wave equation with general boundary conditions, Proceedings of the Royal Soc. Edinburgh Section A, 135 (2005), 317-329.

123) A.Favini, G.Goldstein, J.Goldstein, S.Romanelli:Classification of general Wentzel boundary condtions for fourth order operators in one space dimension, J.Math.Anal.Appl. 333(1)(2007), 219-235.

124) A.Favini, R.Labbas, S.Maingot, H.Tanabe, A.Yagi: On the solvability of complete abstract differential equations of elliptic type in UMD spaces, Funkc.Ekv. 49(2006), 193-214.

125) A.Favini, L.Pandolfi: A quadratic regulator problem related to identification problems and singular systems, to appear on “SICON”.

126) A.Favini: Solvability of complete abstract differential equations of elliptic type, Intern.Workshop “Interplay between (C_o)- semigroups and PDEs, Theory and Applications”, S.Romanelli, R.M.Mininni,S.Lucente, eds., Aracne ed. 2004, Roma, pp.81-90.

127) A.Favini, A.Lorenzi, H.Tanabe: Degenerate integro-differential equations of parabolic type with Dirichlet boundary conditions, to appear.

128) A.Favini, A.Lorenzi, H.Tanabe: Degenerate integro-differential equations of parabolic type with Dirichlet boundary conditions II, to appear.

129) M.AL Horani, A.Favini: An identification problem for a first-order differential equation, J.Optim.Th.Appl. 130(2006), 41-60.

130) G.Dore, A.Favini, R.Labbas, K.Lemrabet: A transmission problem in a thin layer, to appear.

131) A.Aibeche, A.Favini: Coercive estimate for Ventcel boundary value problem for a differential equation, Semigroup Forum 70(2005), 269-277.

132) A.Favini, G.Goldstein,J.Goldstein,S.Romanelli: Degenerate elliptic operators, hypergeometric equations and analytic semigroups, to appear.

133) A.Favini, G.Goldstein,J.Goldstein,S.Romanelli: Legendre operators and analytic semigroups, to appear.

134) A.Favini, Y.Yakubov: Degenerate boundary-value and initial boundary-value problems including general Wentzell boundary conditions, Scientiae Math.Japon. 64(2006), 147-162.

135) M.AL Horani, A.Favini: Degenerate first order identification problems in Banach spaces, in “Differential Equations:Inverse and Direct Problems”, A.Favini and A.Lorenzi eds., (2006), pp. 1-15, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA.

136) A.Favini, A.Lorenzi, A.Yagi: Exponential attractors for semiconductor equations, in “Differential Equations:Inverse and Direct Problems”, A.Favini and A.Lorenzi eds., (2006), pp. 111-130, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA.

137) A.Favini, R. Labbas, S. Maingot, H. Tanabe, A. Yagi: Study of elliptic differential equations in UMD spaces, in “Differential Equations:Inverse and Direct Problems”, A.Favini and A.Lorenzi eds., (2006), pp. 73-89, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA.

138) A.Favini, A.Lorenzi, H.Tanabe: Degenerate integrodifferential equations of parabolic type, in “Differential Equations:Inverse and Direct Problems”, A.Favini and A.Lorenzi eds., (2006), pp. 91-109, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, USA.

139) F.Colombo,A.Favini,E.Obrecht: Generation of analytic semigroup with generalized Venttsel boundary condition, to appear.

140) A.Favini, G.Goldstein, J.Goldstein, E.Obrecht, S.Romanelli: Uniformly elliptic operators in divergence form and general Wentzell boundary conditions, to appear.

141) A.Aibeche, A.Favini, C.Mezoued: Deficient coerciveness for an abstract differential equation with a parameter dependent boundary conditions, Boll.U.M.I. 8(10)-B(2007), 535-547.

142) G.M.Coclite, A.Favini, G.R.Goldstein, J.A.Goldstein, S.Romanelli: Continuous dependence on the boundary conditions for the Wentzell Laplacian, to appear on “Semigroup Forum”.

143) A.Favini, G.R.Goldstein, J.A.Goldstein, E.Obrecht, S.Romanelli: Analytic semigroups and angles concavity, to appear.

144) A.Favini, G.Marinoschi: Existence for a degenerate diffusion problem with a nonlinear operator, to appear on “J.Evol.Eqs.”.

145) A.Favini, R.Labbas, S.Maingot, H.Tanabe, A.Yagi: A simplified approach in the study of elliptic differential equations in UMD spaces and new applications, to appear.

146) A.Favini, L.Pandolfi: On-line reconstruction of inputs to distributed parameter systems, to appear.

147) M.AL Horani, A.Favini, A.Lorenzi: Second-order degenerate identification differential problems, to appear.

148) M.AL Horani, A.Favini, A.Lorenzi: Identification problems for first order degenerate differential systems, to appear.

149) A.Favini, R.Labbas, S.Maingot, H.Tanabe, A.Yagi: Etude unifiée de problèmes elliptiques dans le cadre hoelderienne, Comptes Rendus Mathem. 341(2005), 485-490.

150) A.Favini,Y.Yakubov: A system of differential-operator equations of different orders in Hilbert spaces, Mediterr.J.Math. 4(2007), 163-177.

151) A.Favini, L.Pandolfi: Multiscale Lavrentiev method for systems of Volterra equations of the first kind, to appear on “J.Inv.Ill-Posed Problems".

152) A.Favini, R.Kumar: Existence of solutions of analytic resolvent operator for integrodifferential equations, to appear.

153) A.Favini, R.Kumar: Regularity of solutions of evolution integrodifferential equations with deviating argument, to appear.

154) A.Favini,Y.Yakubov: Boundary value problems for complete second order elliptic differential-operator equations in UMD Banach spaces, to appear.

155) A.Favini, R.Labbas, K.Lemrabet, B-K.Sadallah: Study of a complete abstract differential equation of elliptic type with variable operator coefficiebts, to appear on “Rev.Mat.Complut.”.

156) A.Favini, G.R.Goldstein, J.A.Goldstein, S.Romanelli: Higher order degenerate operators on Sobolev spaces, submitted.

157) A.Favini, A.Lorenzi, H.Tanabe, A.Yagi: An L^p-approach to singular linear parabolic equations with lower order terms, to appear on DCDS.

158) A. Favini, R.Labbas, S.Maingot, H.Tanabe, A.Yagi: Necessary and sufficient conditions for maximal regularity in the study of elliptic differential equations in Hoelder spaces, submitted.

159) A.Favini, L.Vlasenko: Implicit semilinear functional differential equations with unbounded non-stationary operator coefficients, submitted.

160) A.Favini, Y.Yakubov: Higher order elliptic differential-operator equations on the whole axis in UMD Banach spaces, Preprint.

161) A.Favini, A.Lorenzi, H.Tanabe: Degenerate integrodifferential equations of parabolic type with Robin boundary conditions:L^2- theory, to appear.

162) A.Favini, A.Lorenzi, eds.: Differential Equations:Inverse and Direct Problems, Proceedings of the meeting in Cortona, June 21-25, 2004, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Taylor and Francis Group, 2006, Boca Raton, USA.

163) A.Favini, G.R.Goldstein, J.A.Goldstein, S.Romanelli: Fourth order ordinary differential operators with general Wentzell boundary conditions, in “Differential Equations:Inverse and Direct Problems”, A.Favini and A.Lorenzi eds., (2006), pp.59-72, Chapman & Hall, Boca Raton, USA.

164) A.Favini, G.Kurina: Optimal feedback control for linear-quadratic control problems with unbounded operator and intermediate data, in preparation.

165) A.Favini, G.R.Goldstein, J.A.Goldstein, S.Romanelli: Wentzell boundary conditions in the nonsymmetric case, to appear on Math.Model.Natur.Phenom.

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