Recent publications
"On the Poincare' inequality for vector fields"
(with D. Morbidelli) Arkiv f\"or Matematik, 38 (2000), 327-342.
"Non-existence results for semilinear
Kohn-Laplace equations in unbounded domains"
(with F. Uguzzoni) Comm. Partial Differential Equations,
25(2000) pp. 1703-1739.
"X-elliptic operators and X-control distances''
(with A.E.Kogoj) Ricerche di Matematica, Napoli, II
special issue in memory of Ennio De Giorgi, Vol 20 (2000) pp 223-243.
"Liouville-type Theorems for Real Sub-Laplacians''
(with A. Bonfiglioli) Manuscripta Math., 105 (2001) pp 111-124.
"Smoothness of Lipschitz continuous
graphs with non vanishing Levi curvature''
(with G. Citti and A. Montanari) Acta Math., 188 (2002), pp.87-128.
"Maximum principle on unbounded domains for sub-Laplacian: a
Potential Theory approach''
(with A. Bonfiglioli) Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), pp. 2295-2304.
"Degree theory for VMO maps on metric spaces and
applications to Hormander operators''
(with F. Uguzzoni) Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa (5) v.1 (2002), pp.569-601.
"A note on one--dimensional symmetry in Carnot groups'',
(with I. Birindelli) Atti Acc. Naz. Lincei s. 9 v. 13 (2002) pp. 17-22.
"Uniform Estimates of the Fundamental Solutions for a Family of Heat
Operators on Carnot Groups"
( with A. Bonfiglioli and F. Uguzzoni),
Advances in Differential Equations, 7 (2002) 1153-1192.
"Subharmonic functions on Carnot groups''
(with A. Bonfiglioli) Math. Annalen, v. 325, (2003), pp. 97-122.
"A negative answer to a symmetry problem on the Heisenberg group'',
(with I. Birindelli), Calculus of Variations, 18 (2003), pp. 357-372
"Maximum principle, Harnack inequality and Liouville type theorems for
X-Elliptic operators'',
(with C. E. Gutierrez), Comm. Partial Differential Equations,
28, 11&12 (2003) 1883-1862.
"Levi's parametrix for some sub-elliptic non-divergence form operators"
( with A. Bonfiglioli and F. Uguzzoni), Electronic Reasearch Announcements of
the AMS, 9, January 31, (2003). pages 10-18.
" Linear and nonlinear ultraparabolic equations of Kolmogorov type
arising in diffusion theory and in finance"
( with A. Pascucci and S. Polidoro),
in the book "Nonlinear Problems in Mathematical Physics and
Related Topics, II ." in Honour of Professor O.A. Ladyzhenskaya,
International Mathematical Series, vol. 2, pages 243-265.
"Nonlinear equations on Carnot groups and curvatures problems for CR
manifolds", Atti Convegno Internazionale " Renato Caccioppoli and Modern
Analysis" Roma, Accad. Naz. Lincei, 3-4 Giugno 2002,
Rend.Mat. Acc. Lincei 14, 3 (2003)227-238
" Fundamental solutions for non-divergence form operators on stratified
(with A. Bonfiglioli and F. Uguzzoni), Transaction of the Amer. Math. Soc.
356, 7, (2004) 2709-2737
"Classical, viscosity and average solutions to PDE's with
nonnegative characteristic form" (with C. E. Gutierrez).
Rend. Mat. Acc. Lincei, 15 ,1 (2004) 17-28.
"Pseudoconvex Fully Nonlinear Partial Differential Operators. Strong
Comparison Theorems" (with A. Montanari) J. Differential Equations 202
(2004) 306-331
"An invariant Harnack inequality for a
class of hypoelliptic ultraparabolic
equations", ( with A.E. Kogoj), Mediterr. J. of Math,
1 (2004) 51-80
"One-side Liouville Theorems for a class of hypoelliptic ultraparabolic
equations", (with A.E. Kogoj).
Contemporary Math., 368 (2005).
"Strutture sub-riemanniane in alcuni problemi di Analisi",
testo della Conferenza
Generale al XVII Congresso Nazionale dell' UMI. Milano, 11 Settembre 2004. Bollettino
UMI, (8) 8-B (2005), 273-298.
"Dirichlet problem with L^p boundary data for real sub-Laplacians",
Le Matematiche, 60 (2005) 269-277.
"An Alexander type Theorem for Reinhardt domains of C^2", (with J.G. Hounie),
Contemporary Math, 400 (2006), 129-146
"On first order linear PDE systems all of whose solutions are harmonic
functions (with S. Dragomir), Tsukuba Math. J., 30, No 1 (2006) 149-170.
""A polynomial one-side Liouville Theorems for a Class of Real Second Order
Hypoelliptic Operators", Rendiconti Acc.Naz.Sci. dei XL, 29 (2005) 243-256.
"Link of homogeneous groups and applications to Hormander
operators" ( with A.E. Kogoj), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), 2019-2030.
"Dirichlet problem with $L^p$-boundary data in contractible domains of Carnot
groups", (with A.Bonfiglioli) Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa,5 (2006), 579-610
" A sphere theorem for a class of Reinhardt domains with
constant Levi curvature" (with J. Hounie)
Forum Mathematicum, 2008; 20(4),571-586, ISSN: 09337741
" Heat kernel for non-divergence operators of Hormander type"
(with M.Bramanti-L.Brandolini-F. Uguzzoni), C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Mathematique,
343(2006) 463-466.
" Covering theorems, inequalities on metric spaces and applications
to PDE's", (with G. Di Fazio - C. E. Gutierrez), Math. Annalen, 341 (2008),
n.2, pp. 255-291.
"Liouville Theorems in halfspaces for parabolic hypoelliptic equations
(with A.E. Kogoj) Ricerche di Matematica, 55 (2006) 267-282.
"Gauge functions, Eikonal equations and Bocher theorem on stratified
groups" ( with A.Bonfiglioli), Calculus of Variations and PDEs, 30 (2007), 277-201.
"Stratified Lie Groups and Potential Theory for their Sub-Laplacians",
Springer Monograph in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg 2007.
(with A. Bonfiglioli and F. Uguzzoni)
"Potential Analysis for a Class of Diffusion Equations: A Gaussian
Bounds Approach", Le Matematiche LXII (II),
2007, 289-301 - Special Issue: III Simposio Internazionale - Problemi Attuali
dell'Analisi e della Fisica Matematica, Dedicato a Gaetano Fichera.
"Liouville Theorems for a class of
linear second order operators with nonnegative characteristic form,"
(with A.E.Kogoj) Bound. Value Probl., 2007, Art. ID 48232, 16 pp.
"Riesz and Poisson-Jensen representation formulas
for a class of ultraparabolic operators on Lie Groups"
(with C.Cinti), Potential Analysis (2009) 30, 179-200.
"Subelliptic Harmonic Morphisms",
(with S. Dragomir) Osaka Math. J., 46 (2009), 411-440.
"Liouville Theorem for X-elliptic operators"
(with A.E. Kogoj), Nonlinear Analysis,
Theory, Methods and Applications, 70 (2009),2974-2985.
"Schauder estimates for subelliptic equations"
(with C. E. Gutierrez), Journal of Evolution Equations, 9 (2009), 707-726.
"Heat Kernels in Subriemannian settings",
Proceeding of the CIME Summer Course 2007 on "Geometric Analysis and PDEs",
Springer Lectures Notes in Math., 1977 (2009), pp 35-61.
"Maximum principles and symmetry results in sub-Riemannian settings."
Contemporary Math 528 (2010)17-33. Proceedings of the Indam
School on symmetry for elliptic PDE's: 30 years after a
conjecture of De Giorgi and related problems.
Roma, Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, May 25-29, 2009.
" Non-divergence equations structured on
H\"{o}rmander vector fields: heat kernels and Harnack
inequalities" (with M. Bramanti-L. Brandolini-F. Uguzzoni),
Memoirs of the AMS, 961 (2010).
"Global L^p estimates for degenerate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators"
(with M. Bramanti,
G. Cupini and E. Priola) Mathematische Zeitschrift, 266 (2010) 789-816.
"Potential Analysis for a class of diffusion equations: a Gaussian bounds approach"
(with F. Uguzzoni), Journal of Differential Equations, 248 (2010), 2329 - 2367.
"On left invariant H\"ormander operators in R^N. Applications to Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck
equations" (with Andrea Bonfiglioli), JOURNAL
OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES 171 (2010), 22 - 33.
"Global $L^p$ estimates for degenerate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
operators: a general approach",
Revista de la Union Mathematica Argentina, 52 (2011) 57-72.
"Commemorazione di Bruno Pini
(con Angelo Cavallucci), La Matematica nella Societa' e nella
Cultura, Rivista della Unione Matematica Italiana, IV, Agosto 2011, 261-274
"Lie Groups related to Hormander Operators and
Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck Equations"
(with A. Bonfiglioli), Comm. on Pure and Appl. Anal. v.11, n.5 (2012), 1587-1614.
"A new characterisation of convexity in free Carnot groups",
(with A. Bonfiglioli), Proceedings of the AMS, 140, 9, (2012), 3263–3273.
"Matrix exponential groups and Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck equations", (with A.
Bonfiglioli), J. of Evolution Equations, 12 (2012), 59 - 82.
"Bruno Pini and the parabolic Harnack inequality. The dawning of Parabolic Potential Theory",
" Mathematicians in Bologna 1861-1960", S. Coen Editor, Birkhauser (2012),
"On semilinear $\Delta_{\lambda}$- Laplace equations" (with A.E. Kogoj),
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory Methods and Applications, 75 (2012) n.12, 4637-4649.
"Subharmonic functions in sub-Riemannian settings",
(with A. Bonfiglioli), Journal of European Math. Soc. 15 (2013) 387-441
"Nonsmooth Hypersurfaces with Smooth Levi Curvature"
(with C. Gutierrez and A. Montanari) Nonlinear Analysis, Theory Methods and
Applications, 76 (2013), 115-121.
" ``Potato Kugel'' for sub-Laplacians", Israel J. of Math., 194 (2013) 277-283.
"H-convex distributions in stratified groups" (with A. Bonfiglioli, M.
Scienza and V. Magnani), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 141 (2013), no 10, 3633-3638.
"Global L^p estimates for degenerate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators with
variable coefficients" (with M. Bramanti, G. Cupini and E. Priola),
Mathematische Nachrichten,Volume 286, Issue 11-12, pages 1087–1101, August 2013.
"On a class of fully nonlinear PDEs from complex geometry" (with Annamaria
Montanari) Contemporary Math. 594 (2013), pages 231-242.
- Proceedings of the Conference
dedicated to the 60th birthday of Patrizia Pucci.
"Convexity of average operators for subsolutions to
subelliptic equations," (with A. Bonfiglioli and A. Tommasoli),
Analysis & PDE, Vol. 7 (2014), No. 2, 345–373.
"An inverse mean value property for evolution equations" (with A.E. Kogoj and G. Tralli),
Advances in Differential Equations, Volume 19, Number 7/8 (2014), 613-804.
"L^p-Liouville theorems for invariant Partial Differential Operators in R^n"
(with A.E. Kogoj), Nonlinear Analysis, TMA (2014), to appear