Pubblicazioni di Tommaso Ruggeri


 Scientific Papers


1) Sulla Meccanica delle Microstrutture. Atti dell'Ist. Veneto di Sc. Lett. ed Arti; 129, pp. 253-274 (1971).

2) Soluzioni lineari per la propagazione del calore in fluidodinamica relativistica. In Coll. con G. Boillat. Rend.Acc.Naz. dei Lincei, 51, Ser.8, (6); pp.511-514 (1971).



3) Onde di tipo sismico in elelasticità antisimmetrica. Atti dell'Ist. Veneto di Sc. Lett. ed Arti; 130, pp. 253-274 (1972).

4) Choc caracteristique dans les materiaux ferromagnetiques. Comptes rendus de l'Acad. Sc. Paris, 275-A; pp.151-154 (1972).



5) Onde di discontinuità  e condizioni di eccezionalità  per materiali ferromagneti. In Coll. con A. Donato. Rend. Acc. Naz. dei Lincei 53, Ser.8, (3,4); pp.287-294 (1973).

6) Sulla propagazione di onde elettromagnetiche di discontinuità  in mezzi non lineari. Rend. Ist. Lombardo 107 -A; pp.283-297 (1973).

7) Sulla propagazione delle onde di discontinuità  per continui polari con deformazioni finite. Atti dell'Ist. Veneto di Sc. Lett. ed Arti. 131, pp.155-165 (1973).

8) Su una naturale estensione a tre variabili dell'equazione di Monge-Ampere Rend. Acc. Naz. dei Lincei 55, (5); pp.445-449 (1973).



9) The Klein-Gordon equation as a limiting case of a suitable hyperbolized Schroedinger equation. In Coll. con F. Borghese, P. Denti. Int. Journal of Theor. Phys., 9 n. 1; pp.55-58 (1974).

10) On some properties of electromagnetic shock waves in isotropic non linear materials. Boll. Unione Mat. Italiana 9, (4); pp.513-522 (1974).

11) Su alcune classi di potenziali termodinamici come conseguenza dell'esistenza di particolari onde di discontinuità  nella meccanica dei continui con deformazioni finite. In Coll. con G. Boillat. Rend. Sem. Padova 51; pp.293-304 (1974).



12) Astatic coordinates and inequalities in Cosserat's continuum. Rend. Acc. Naz. dei Lincei 58, (3); pp. 385-393 (1975).

13) Su un possibile moto intorno al baricentro di un satellite artificiale nel campo newtoniano. Estr. Atti e memorie dell'Acc. Patavina di Scienze Lettere ed Arti LXXXVII, (II); (1974-1975).



14) Onde di discontinuità  ed equazioni costitutive nei corpi elastici isotropi sottoposti a deformazioni finite. Annali di Mat. Pura e Applicata (IX) 112, pp.315-322 (1977).



15) Characteristic shocks: completely and strictly exceptional systems. In Coll. con G. Boillat. Boll. Unione Mat. Italiana. 15-A, (5); pp. I97-204 (1978).

16) Euler-Lagrange hyperbolic systems of the second order and relativistic strings. Lett. al Nuovo Cimento 22, (2) pp.69-75 (1978).

17) Exceptional waves and characteristics shocks on nonlinear relativistic strings. In Coll. con A. Strumia. Progress of Theoretical Physics 59 (6), pp.2121-2132 (1978).

18) Problems on gravitational collapse of interstellar gas clouds-caustic and critical times for a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model. In Coll. con F. Ferraioli, N. Virgopia. Astrophysics and Space Sciences 56, pp. 303-321 (1978).

19) Euler equations for nonlinear relativistic strings: Introduction of a new Lagrangian. In Coll. con G. Boillat. Progress of Theoretical Physics. 60 (6), pp.1928-1930 (1978).



20) Reflection and transmission of discontinuity waves through a shock wave. General theory including also the case of characteristic shocks. In Coll. con G. Boillat. Proceedings of the Royal Soc. of Edinburgh. 83 -A, pp.17-24 (1979).

21) On the evolution law of the weak discontinuities for hyperbolic quasi-linear systems. In Coll. con G. Boillat. Wave Motion, 1, (2), pp.149-152 (1979).

22) Sulla integrazione di un sistema iperbolico quasilineare di due equazioni in due variabili indipendenti completamente eccezionale. Rivista Mat. Univ. Parma. 5, (4) (Vol. dedicato al Prof. G. Sestini per il suo 70o compleanno) (1979).

23) Limite de la vitesse des chocs dans les champs a densitè d'energie convexe. In Coll. con G. Boillat. Comptes rendus de l'Acad. Sc. Paris, 289-A; pp. 257-258 (1979).



24) Interaction between a discontinuity wave and a shock wave: Critical time for the fastest transmitted wave, example of the polytropic fluid. Applicable Analysis 11; pp. 103-112 (1980).

25) Symmetric form of non linear mechanics equations and entropy growth across a shock. In Coll. con G. Boillat. Acta Mechanica 35; pp. 271-274 (1980).

26) Sulla forma conservativa di sistemi iperbolici quasi-lineari. Caso dei gas ionizzati e della termofluidodinamica relativistica. Rend. di Matematica, 13, (2); pp. 223-234 (1980).

27) Densità  covariante convessa e sistemi iperbolici quasi-lineari. In Coll. con A. Strumia. Atti del 5 Convegno AIMETA, 1 (Meccanica generale); pp. 225-231 (1980).

28) Wave Propagation. Lezioni tenute al Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo, 1mo ciclo giugno 1980. Casa della gioventຠuniversitaria, Bressanone.



29) Main field and convex covariant density for quasi-linear hyperbolic systems. Relativistic fluid dynamics. In Coll. con A. Strumia . Ann. Inst. H. Poincarè, 34; pp. 65-84 (1981).

30) Convex covariant entropy density, symmetric conservative form, and shock waves in relativistic magnetohydrodynamics. In Coll. con A. Strumia. J. Math. Phys. 22, (8); pp. 1824-1827 (1981).

31) Propagazione Ondosa. Lezione tenute alla 6a Scuola estiva di Fisica Matematica del C.N.R. Ravello - Settembre 1981. Reprint interno dell'Istituto di Matematica Applicata. Università  di Bologna (1981).



Entropy principle and main field for a nonlinear covariant system. Lecture notes I- CIME 1980, session on Wave propagation; pp. 257-273; Ed. G. Ferrarese. Liguori. Napoli (1982).

33) Sistema iperbolico in forma simmetrica conservativa per le equazioni di un fluido viscoso conduttore di calore. Atti del Convegno Onde e Stabilità  nei Mezzi Continui, Catania - Novembre 1981. Quaderno C.N.R. (G.N.F.M.); Tipografia dell'Università  di Catania; pp. 107-128 (1982).

34) Hyperbolicitè du système 3 + 1 des equations d'Einstein. In Coll. con Y. Choquet Bruhat. Comptes Rendus de l'Acad. Sc. Paris, 294-I, (12); pp. 425-429 (1982).

35) Generators of hyperbolic heat equation in nonlinear thermoelasticity. Rend. Sem. Mat. Padova. (Volume dedicato al Prof. G. Grioli nel suo 70o compleanno). 68; pp. 79-91 (1982).

36) Interazione tra un'onda di discontinuità ed una sequenza di urti di contatto in un fluido politropico. In Coll. con M. Cannarozzi. Nota tecnica n. 62, I.S.C.B. Giugno 1982.



37) Symmetric hyperbolic system of conservative equations for a viscous conducting fluid. Acta Mechanica 47; pp. 167-183 (1983).

38) Hyperbolicity of the 3+1 system of Einstein equations. In Coll. con Y. Choquet Bruhat. Comm. Math. Phys. 89; pp. 269-275 (1983).

39) Temporal gauge in general relativity. In Coll. con Y. Choquet Bruhat. Proceeding of the 3d Marcel Grossmann meeting. Hu Ning Ed., Shangai 1982; pp. 1079-1082. Science Press and North-Holland Publ. Comp. (1983).



40) Equazioni costitutive per continui fluidi e onde d'urto. Atti del Convegno Dinamica dei Continui Fluidi e dei Gas ionizzati. Trieste - giugno 1982; pp. 227-292 - Università  di Trieste - Istituto di Meccanica Razionale (1984).

41) Entropy principle, symmetric hyperbolic systems and shock waves. Proceedings of Wave phenomena: Modern theory and applications; C. Rogers and T.B. Moodie Eds. pp. 211-219, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. North-Holland (1984).

42) Propagazione del calore ed equazioni costitutive. Lezioni 8a Scuola estiva di Fisica Matematica del C.N.R. Ravello - settembre 1983. In Coll. con A. Morro. Quaderno C.N.R. p.166; Pitagora-Tecnoprint, Bologna (1984).



43) Struttura dei sistemi alle derivate parziali compatibili con un principio di entropia e termodinamica estesa. Supplemento Boll. U.M.I. del G.N.F.M. Fisica - Matematica (Volume dedicato al Prof. L. Caprioli nel suo 70o compleanno); 4-5; pp. 261-279 (1985).

44) Conservation laws and symmetric hyperbolic systems for a thermoviscous fluid. Lecture notes II CIME 1982 session: Thermodynamics and Constitutive Equations. G. Grioli Ed. Lecture Notes in Physics 228; pp. 232-250 Springer-Verlag Berlin (1985).

45) Non linear extended thermodynamics of relativistic fluid and hyperbolic systems with a convex extension. Workshop on Mathematical aspects of Fluid and Plasma dynamics. Trieste - giugno 1984; pp. 497-504. Università  di Trieste - Istituto di Meccanica Razionale (1985).

46) Termodinamica estesa di un gas relativistico. Conferenze del Seminario di Matematica dell'Università  di Bari 204; pp.1-13 (1985).

47) A Reciprocal Bà¤cklund transformation: Application to a Non-linear Hyperbolic Model in heat conduction. In Coll. con C. Rogers. Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 44 (5), pp. 289-296 (1985).



48) Relativistic thermodynamics of Gases. In Coll. con I-S. Liu, I. Mueller. Annals of Physics 169, 1 pp.191-219 (1986).

49) Su un modello iperbolico per la termofluidodinamica del non equilibrio. In Coll. con A. Muracchini. Fisica Matematica Suppl. B.U.M.I. 5, pp. 117-131 (1986).

50) Extended Thermodynamics of Thermoelastic Solids. Convegno Finite Thermoelasticity. Acc. dei Lincei (Giugno 1985). Atti del Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare di Sc. Matematiche e loro applicazioni, pp. 189-217 (1986).



51) Second Sound and internal Energy in Solids. In Coll. con A. Morro. International J. of Non-linear Mechanics 22, (1), pp.27-36 (1987).

52) Termodinamica e Sistemi Simmetrici Iperbolici. Conferenza Convegno U.M.I. Ricerca ed Insegnamento della Matematica nelle Facoltà  di Ingegneria. Cagliari (Giugno 1987). Volume speciale U.M.I. (1987).

53) Mathematical Structure of the Extended Thermodynamics. ISIMM Symposium on Kinetic Theory and Extended Thermodynamics Bologna (Maggio 1987). Ed. I. Mueller e T. Ruggeri, pp.279-293 Pitagora Tecnoprint ed. (1987).

54) Spatially inhomogeneous evolution problems in Kinetic Theory. In Coll. con V. Boffi. ISIMM Symposium on Kinetic Theory and Extended Thermodynamics Bologna (Maggio 1987). Ed. I. Mueller e T. Ruggeri, pp.41-54 Pitagora Tecnoprint ed. (1987).

55) Stability and Non Linear Wave Propagation for Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems. Atti del Italian-Polish Meeting on Selected Problems of Modern Continuum Theory. Bologna 3-6 Giugno 1987. T. Manacorda, A. Morro, W.Kosinski and T.Ruggeri Eds. Pitagora Tecnoprint Bologna (1987).



56) Non equilibrium properties of Solids through second Sound measurements. In Coll. con A. Morro. J. of Physics C: Solid State Phys. 21, pp.1743-1752 (1988).

57) Thermodynamics and Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino. Meeting on Hyperbolic Equations Torino (Giugno 1987). Fascicolo Speciale (1988).



58) Galilean Invariance and Entropy Principle for Systems of Balance Laws. The Structure of the Extended Thermodynamics. Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 1 p. 3-20 (1989).

59) Wave and Shock Velocities in Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics compared with the Speed of Light. In Coll. con G. Boillat. Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 1 p. 47-52 (1989).

60) Acceleration Waves, Shock formation and Stability in a Gravitational Atmosphere. In Coll. con A. Muracchini. Astrophysics and Space Sciences 153 p. 127-142 (1989).

61) Problema di Cauchy e Forma Simmetrica per le Equazioni della Magneto Elasticità  Non-lineare. In Coll. con A. Muracchini. Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena. Vol. dedicato a R. Nardini, 37 p. 183-193 (1989).

62) Stability and Discontinuity Waves for Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems. In Non-linear Wave Motion. Ed. A. Jeffrey, p. 148-161 Longman Press pp.245 (1989).

63) Relativistic Extended Thermodynamics. General Assumptions and Mathematical Procedure. Corso CIME Noto (Giugno 1987). Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1385. p. 269-277 A. Anile and Y. Choquet-Bruhat Eds. Springer-Verlag (1989).

64) Stability, Thermodynamics and Waves for Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems. Atti del Convegno Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, Taormina (October 1987) pp. 314-329. A. Donato and S. GiambಠEds. Editel (Cosenza) (1989).

65) Hyperbolicity and Wave propagation in Extended Thermodynamics. In Coll. con L. Seccia. Meccanica 24 (3) pp. 127-138 (1989).

66) Stability, Thermodynamics and Discontinuity Waves for Hyperbolic Systems with a Convex Extension. Numerical and Applied Mathematics, pp. 75-80 W.F. Ames Ed. J.C. Baltzer AG, Scientific Pubbl. Co. Basel (1989).



67) Shock Waves and Second Sound in a Rigid Heat conductor. A critical temperature for NaF and Bi. In Coll. con A. Muracchini, L. Seccia. Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, n.22, pp. 2640-2643 (1990).

68) Convexity and Symmetrization in Relativistic Theories. Privileged time-like Congruence and Entropy. Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 2, pp. 163-177 (1990).

69) Shock Waves and Second Sound in Crystals of NaF and Bi at Low Temperature. Mod. Phys. Lett. B 4 n.15, pp. 945-947 (1990):



Cattaneo Equation and Relativistic Extended Thermodynamics Simposio Internazionale in Memoria di Carlo Cattaneo: Fisica Matematica classica e relativistica - Rapporti e compatibilità . Isola d'Elba 9-13 Giugno 1989. Bibliopolis (1991).

71) Continui Polari come caso particolare di una Termodinamica Estesa Relativistica. Atti Accad. Peloritana. Vol. dedicato a G. Carini (1991).

72) Una osservazione sulla risoluzione di equazioni lineari con il metodo di Cimmino. In Coll. con L. Caprioli. Atti Accad. Peloritana. Vol. dedicato a G. Carini (1991).

73) Macroscopic Approach to Strongly Degenerate Gases via Extended Thermodynamics. Convegno Linceo Macroscopic Theory of Superfluidity. Acc. Lincei Roma (Maggio 1986). Cambridge Press. (1991).

74) Heat Shocks in a Rigid Conductor, In coll. con A. Muracchini e L. Seccia. "Nonlinear waves and dissipative effects"  (Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium 270; Reggio Calabria, 25-28 September 1990), Eds. D. Fusco, A. Jeffrey (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematical Series, Vol. 227; Longman Press), pp. 240-248

Shock Waves in Hyperbolic Dissipative Systems: Non Equilibrium Gases. Euromech Colloquium 270 - Reggio Calabria 25-28 September 1990. Longman Press (1991).

76) Phonon Gas and Changes of Shape of Second Sound Wave. VI International Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media. Acireale 27 Maggio - 1 Giugno 1991. Eds. S. Rionero, G. Mulone e F. Salemi. Le Matematiche 46 (1) pp 379-391 (1991).

77) Thermodynamically consistent rate-type constitutive equations for the diffusive mass flux. In coll. con G. Camera-Roda, F. Doghieri, G. C. Sarti. "Nonlinear waves and dissipative effects" (Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium 270; Reggio Calabria, 25-28 September 1990), Eds. D. Fusco, A. Jeffrey (Pitman Research Notes in Mathematical Series, Vol. 227; Longman Press), pp. 282-295



78) Shocks and Changes of Shape of Second Sound Signals in a Rigid Heat Conductor. Italian-Polish Meeting on Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory. Madralin (Varsavia) 28 Agosto- 1 Settembre 1990. Word Scientific (1991).

79) Dispersion Relation in High Frequency Limit and non Linear Wave Stability for Hyperbolic Dissipative Systems. In Coll. con A. Muracchini, L. Seccia. Wave Motion 15, (2), pp.143-158 (1992).

80) Didattica con il Personal Computer nell'insegnamento della Meccanica Razionale. proceedings di Didattica Matematica con l'ausilio del Personal Computer, pp.25-40 (1992).

81) Balance Laws Systems and Non Equilibrium Thermodynamics. Workshop on Non linear Kinetic Theories and Mathematical Aspects of Hyperbolic Systems. Rapallo (Genova), 13-16 Aprile 1992. Series on Adv. in Math. for Appl. Sci. 9, pp. 223-241 World Scientific (1992).

82) Shocks and changes of shape of second sound wave. Proceedings of the Taormina Conference on Thermodynamics. Taormina, 18-22 February 1991 (1992).



83) Breakdown of Shock Wave Structure Solutions. Phys. Rev. 47-E, (6), pp. 4135-4140 (1993).

84) Universal principles for balance law systems. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, Taormina, 3-8 April 1992 (1993).



Convexity and Symmetrization in Classical and Relativistic Balance Laws Systems. Physics on Manifolds International Colloquium in honour of Yvonne Choquet Bruhat. Paris, June 3-5 1992. Ed. M. Flato, R. Kerner and A. Lichnerowicz, pp. 357-365 Mathematical Physics Studies Vol. 15 Kluwer Academic Publ. 1994.

86) A Continuum Approach to Phonon Gas and Shape Changes of Second Sound via Shock Waves Theory In Coll. con A. Muracchini, L. Seccia. Nuovo Cimento D, 16,1, pp.15-44 (1994).

87) Breakdown of Shock Structure Solutions for Hyperbolic Systems in 7th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, S. Rionero and T. Ruggeri Eds. Series in Advances in Mathematics fo Applied Sciences - Vol. 23, pp. 318-327, World Scientific, Singapore (1994).

88) Extended Thermodynamics with Eight Fields, Bulletin of the Technical University of Instabul. Special issue dedicated to Erdogan Suhubi, 47, n.3, pp. 161-170, (1994).



Recent Results on Wave Propagation in Continuum Models in Stability and Wave Propagation in Fluids and Solids, G.P. Galdi, Ed. CISM Course and Lecture n. 344, pp. 105-154, Springer-Verlag (1995).

90) Non Existence of Shock Structure Solutions for Hyperbolic Dissipative Systems Including Characteristic Shocks. Applicable Analysis 57, pp.23-33 (1995).



91) Second Sound and Characteristic Temperature in Solids. In Coll. con A. Muracchini, L. Seccia. Phys. Rev. B 54, (1), pp. 332-339 (1996).

92) On the Shock Structure Problem in Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Gases. Transport Theory and Stat. Phys. 25 (3-5), pp. 567-574 (1996).

93) Simple Heat Waves in Solids In Coll. con A. Muracchini, L. Seccia. Suppl. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, Serie II, n. 45 (1996). Proceedings of the VII International Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media (Palermo, 9-14 ottobre 1995), pp. 477-486 (1996).

94) Hyperbolic Principal Subsystems. Suppl. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, Serie II, n. 45 (1996). Proceedings of the VII International Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media (Palermo, 9-14 ottobre 1995), pp. 711-721 (1996).



95) Hyperbolic Principal Subsystems: Entropy Convexity and Subcharacteristic Conditions, In Coll. con G. Boillat. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 137, pp. 305-320 (1997).

96) Moment Equations in the Kinetic Theory of Gases and Wave Velocities, In Coll. con G. Boillat. Cont. Mech. Thermodyn. 9, pp. 205-212 (1997).

97) Leggi di bilancio ed equazioni costitutive nella termomeccanica dei continui. Nota tecnica DISTART, università¡ di Bologna. Lezioni tenute per il dottorato di Ricerca in Meccanica delle Strutture (1997).



98) On the Shock Structure Problem for Hyperbolic System of Balance Laws and Convex Entropy, In Coll. con G. Boillat. Cont. Mech. Thermodyn. 10, pp. 285-292 (1998).



99) Maximum Wave Velocity in the Moments System of a Relativistic Gas, In Coll. con G. Boillat. Cont. Mech. Thermodyn. 11, pp. 107-111 (1999).

100) Maximum Velocity for Wave propagation in a Relativistic Rarefied Gas, In Coll. con F. Brini. Cont. Mech. Thermodyn. 11, pp. 331-338 (1999).

101) Relativistic Gas: Moment Equations and Maximum Wave Velocity, In Coll. con G. Boillat. J. Math. Phys., 40, No. 12 pp. 6399-6404 (1999).



102) Temperature jumps at the boundary of a rarefied gas, In Coll. con J. Au, I. Mueller. Cont. Mech. Thermodyn. 12,1, pp.19-29 (2000).

103) Similarity Solutions and Strong Shocks in Extended Thermodynamics of Rarefied Gas In Coll. con A. Donato. J. Math. Anal. and Appl. 251, pp. 395-405 (2000).

Maximum of Entropy Density in Equilibrium and Minimax Principle for an Hyperbolic System of Balance Laws . Contributions to Continuum Theories, Anniversary Volume for Krzysztof Wilmanski. B. Albers editor WIAS-Report No. 18 (2000).



105) The Binary Mixtures of Euler Fluids: a Unified Theory of Second Sound Phenomena, in Continuum mechanics and applications in geophysics and the environment. Dedicated to Prof. Kolumban Hutter on the occasion of his 60th birthday; pp. 79-91. Straughan, Brian (ed.); Greve, Ralf (ed.); Ehrentraut, Harald (ed.); Wang, Yongqi (ed.). Springer - Verlag Berlin 2001.



106) Entropy Principle for the Moment Systems of degree a associated to the Boltzmann Equation. Critical Derivatives and Non Controllable Boundary Data. In Coll. con F. Brini. Cont. Mech. Thermodyn. 14, 2, 165 - 189 (2002).

107) Entropy Principle and Non Controllable Data for the Moment Systems. In Coll. con F. Brini. In Proceedings WASCOM 2001 (Porto Ercole, Grosseto, Italy, 3-9 June 2001). Eds. R. Monaco, M. Pandolfi Bianchi, S. Rionero. World Scientific, Singapore (pagg. 103-117).

108) Second Sound Propagation in Superfluid Helium via Extended Thermodynamics In Coll. con A. Muracchini, L. Seccia. In Proceedings WASCOM 2001 (Porto Ercole, Grosseto, Italy, 3-9 June 2001). Eds. R. Monaco, M. Pandolfi Bianchi, S. Rionero. World Scientific, Singapore (pagg. 347-359).



109) Hamiltonian principle in the binary mixtures of Euler fluids with applications to the second sound phenomena. In Coll. con H. Gouin. Rend. Mat. Acc. Lincei s.9 14, 69-83 (2003).

110) Entropy Production and Admissibility of Shocks. In Coll. con T.-P. Liu. Acta Math. Appl. Sin., Engl. Ser. 19, No.1, 1-12 (2003).

111) New results and open problems in extended relativistic thermodynamics. Advance in General Relativity and Cosmology, in memory of A. Lichnerowicz - Hotel Cala di Mola, Isola d'Elba, June 12-16 2002 (2003).



112) Non linear Wave Propagation in Binary Mixtures of Euler Fluids. In Coll. con S. Simic. Cont. Mech. Thermodyn. 16, 125-148 (2004).

113) Stability of Constant Equilibrium State for Dissipative Balance Laws System with a Convex Entropy. In Coll. con D. Serre. Quart. of. Appl. Math. 62, (1), pp. 163-179 (2004).

114) Some Recent Mathematical Results in Mixtures Theory of Euler Fluids, pp. 441-454. In Proceedings WASCOM 2003. Eds. R. Monaco, S. Pennisi, S. Rionero & T. Ruggeri . World Scientific - Singapore (2004).

115) The Riemann Problem for a Binary Non-Reacting Mixture of Euler Fluids In Coll. con F. Brini, pp. 102-108. In Proceedings WASCOM 2003. Eds. R. Monaco, S. Pennisi, S. Rionero & T. Ruggeri . World Scientific - Singapore (2004).

116) On the Riemann Problem for a Reacting Mixture of Euler Fluids In Coll. con F. Conforto, A. Jannelli, R. Monaco, pp. 122-132. In Proceedings WASCOM 2003. Eds. R. Monaco, S. Pennisi, S. Rionero & T. Ruggeri . World Scientific - Singapore (2004).

117) Non Linear Wave Propagation in Binary Mixtures of Euler Fluids In Coll. con S. Simic, pp. 455-462. In Proceedings WASCOM 2003. Eds. R. Monaco, S. Pennisi, S. Rionero & T. Ruggeri . World Scientific - Singapore (2004).

118) Hyperbolicity Region for Fermi and Bose Gases In Coll. con M. Trovato, pp. 463-469. In Proceedings WASCOM 2003. Eds. R. Monaco, S. Pennisi, S. Rionero & T. Ruggeri . World Scientific - Singapore (2004).

119) Stationary Heat Conduction in Radially Symmetric Situations - An Application of Extended Thermodynamics In Coll. con I. Mueller. J. Non Newtonian Fluid Mech. 119, 139-143 (2004).

120) Hyperbolicity in Extended Thermodynamics of Fermi and Bose Gases, In Coll. con M. Trovato, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 16 (6), 551-576 (2004).

121) Energy momentum, wave velocities and characteristic shocks in Euler’s variational equations with application to the Born–Infeld theory. In Coll. con G. Boillat, J. Math. Phys. 45 (9), 3468-3478 (2004).

122) Global Existence, Stability and Non Linear Wave Propagation in Binary Mixtures, pp. 205-214. In proceedings of the International Meeting in honour of the Salvatore Rionero 70th Birthday, Napoli 2003. Eds. P.Fergola, F. Capone, M. Gentile & G. Guerriero. World Scientific - Singapore (2004).

123) Entropy principle and Relativistic Extended Thermodynamics: Global existence of smooth solutions and stability of equilibrium state Il Nuovo Cimento B, 119, 809-821 (2004).



124) Global existence of smooth solutions and stability of constant state for dissipative Hyperbolic Systems with applications to the Extended Thermodynamics. Conference given at the ISIMM Meeting Recent Trends in the Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics STAMM 2002, pp. 215-224. Springer-Verlag (2005).

125) The Entropy Principle: from Continuum Mechanics to Hyperbolic Systems of Balance Laws. Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, (8) 8-B, 1-20 (2005).

126) Hyperbolicity, convexity and shock waves in one-dimensional crystalline solids. In Coll. con M. Sugiyama, J. Phys. A.: Math Gen. 38, 4337-4347 (2005)

127) Mixtures of fluids involving entropy gradients and acceleration waves in interfacial layers. In Coll. con H. Gouin, Eur. J. Mech. B/Fluids, 24 (5), 596-613 (2005)



128) On the Riemann Problem with Structure in Extended Thermodynamics. In Coll. con F. Brini, Suppl. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, Special Issue in honour of Guy Boillat, II (78), 31-44 (2006).

129) Acceleration Waves and Weak Shizuta-Kawashima Condition. In Coll. con J. Lou. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, Special Issue in honour of Guy Boillat, II (78), 187-200 (2006).

130) Asymptotic Behavior of Riemann and Riemann with Structure Problems for a 2à—2 Hyperbolic Dissipative System. In Coll. con A. Mentrelli. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, Special Issue in honour of Guy Boillat, II (78), 201-226 (2006).

131) Modeling Cancer in HIV-1 infected individuals: equilibria, cycles and chaotic behavior. In Coll. con J. Lou, C. Tebaldi. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 3 (2), 313-324 (2006).

132) On the Shizuta-Kawashima Coupling Condition for Dissipative Hyperbolic Systems and Acceleration Waves. In Coll. con J. Lou. Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media (WASCOM 2005, Acireale, Italy; 19-25 June, 2005), Eds. R. Monaco, G. Mulone, S. Rionero, T. Ruggeri. World Scientific, 346-355 (2006).

133) Entropy Principle and Global Existence of Smooth Solutions in Extended Thermodynamics. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems (HYP2004 - Osaka, Japan; September 13-17, 2004), Yokohama Publishers Inc, II, 267-274 (2006).

134) On the Riemann Problem in Extended Thermodynamics. In Coll. con F. Brini. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems (HYP2004 - Osaka, Japan; September 13-17, 2004), Yokohama Publishers Inc, I, 319-326 (2006).

135) Mixtures of Euler's Fluids and Second Sound Propagation in Superfluid Helium. In Coll. con A. Muracchini, L. Seccia. Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), 57 (4), 567-585 (2006).

136) A new method to exploit the Entropy Principle and Galilean invariance in the macroscopic approach of Extended Thermodynamics. In Coll. con S. Pennisi. Ricerche di Matematica, 55 (2), 319-339 (2006).


137) On the Riemann Problem for a System of Balance Laws Modelling a Reactive Gas Mixture.  In coll. con F. Conforto, A. Jannelli, R. Monaco, Physica A, 373, pp. 67-87 (2007)

On the Hyperbolic System of a Mixture of Eulerian Fluids: A Comparison Between Single- and Multi-Temperature Models. In coll. con S. Simić, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 30, pp. 827-849 (2007)

On two-Pulse and Shock Evolution in a Class of Ideally Hard Elastic Materials.  In coll. con A. Mentrelli, C. Rogers, W. Schief (Proceedings del Convegno "Asymptotic Methods in Non Linear Wave Phenomena"  in onore   di Antonio Greco; Mondello (PA), 5-7 giugno 2006), pp. 132-143 (2007)

Mixture of Gases with  Multi-Temperature: Maxwellian Iteration. In coll. con S. Simic. (Proceedings del Convegno "Asymptotic Methods in Non Linear Wave Phenomena"  in onore di Antonio Greco; Mondello (PA), 5-7 giugno 2006), pp. 186-194 (2007)

Cycles and Chaotic Behavior in an AIDS-related Cancer Dynamic Model in Vivo. In coll. con J. Lou and Z.Ma  Journal of Biological Systems, vol. 15, pp. 149 – 168 (2007).

A time delay model about AIDS-related cancer: equilibria, cycles and chaotic behavior. In coll. con J.Lou,  Ricerche di Matematica, vol. 56, pp. 195 - 208. (2007).

Shock Structure in a Hyperbolic Model of Binary Mixture of Non-Reacting Gases. In coll. con S. Simic. Proceedings of  First Serbian (26th YU) Congress on Theoretical and Applied   Mechanics, Kopaonik, Serbia, April 10-13 2007,  pp.  237-246.  Published by Serbian Society of Mechanics, Belgrade, ISBN 978-86-909973 (2007).



144) Interaction between a shock and an acceleration wave in a perfect gas fro increasing shock strength. In coll. con A. Mentrelli, M. Sugiyama e N. Zhao,  Wave Motion, vol. 45, pp. 498 - 517. (2008).

Mixture of Gases with Multi-temperature: Identification of a macroscopic average temperature. In coll. con S. Simić. Memorie dell'Accademia delle Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di Napoli, Proceedings Mathematical Physics Models and Engineering Sciences, pp. 455-465 (2008).

146) Asymptotic Behavior of Riemann with Structure Problem for Hyperbolic Dissipative Systems. In coll. con A. Mentrelli. In  Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications (Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems - HYP2006; Lyon, France; July 17-21, 2006) . Benzoni-        Gavage, Sylvie; Serre, Denis (Eds.) . pp. 721- 729. ISBN: 978-3-540-75711-5 - Springer  (2008).

From Extended Thermodynamics to Granular Materials. Lecture given at the meeting "Granular Matter: Mathematical Modeling and Physical Instances (GM3PI)" (Reggio Calabria, Italy; June 26-29, 2005). In  Mathematical Models of Granular Matter. Lecture Notes in Mathematics , Vol. 1937 . Capriz, Gianfranco; Giovine, Pasquale; Mariano, Paolo Maria (Eds.) 220 p., ISBN: 978-3-540-78276-6 (2008).

148Phase transition induced by a shock wave in hard-sphere and hard-disc systems. In Coll. con N. Zhao, M. Sugiyama.    J. of Chemical Physics 129, 054506  (2008).

149)  I
dentification of average temperature and of a new dynamical pressure in a multi-temperature mixture of fluids. In Coll. con H. Gouin.  Phys. Rev. E  78, 016303 (2008).

The Entropy Principle from continuum mechanics too hyperbolic system of balance laws: The modern thepry of Extended Thermodynamics.  Entropy, 10,  pp. 319-333; DOI: 10.3390/e10030319 (2008).




151)  Extended Relativistic Thermodynamics. Section  inserted in the book of Yvonne Choquet Bruhat  General Relativity and the Einstein equations, pp. 334-340 Oxford Univ. Press,   ISBN  978-0-19-923072-3, (2009).

152) The Hamilton Principle for Fluid Binary Mixtures with Two Temperatures. In Coll. con H. Gouin.  Bollettino U.M.I.  Serie IX, Vol. II, N.2 , pag. 403-422 Giugno 2009.

153)  Multi-temperature mixture of Fluids. Plenary Conference at the 2nd International Congress Of Serbian Society of Mechanics Palic. Lecture Notes pag. 31-50 (2009).

154)  Heat Conduction in multi-temperature mixture of fluids: the role of the average temperature. In Coll with J. Lou, Phys  Letters A 373 pag.  3052-3055 (2009).

pressure for fluid mixtures with several temperatures. In Coll. with H. Gouin, Mà¨canique & Industries 10, 239-243 (2009)

Temperature and Maxwellian Iteration in Multi-temperature Mixtures of Fluids. In Coll. with S. Simic, Phys Rev E 80, 026317 (2009).

Multi-temperature mixture of Fluids.  Theoret. Appl. Mech.,36, No.3,  207-238, (2009).

Second sound and multiple shocks in superfuid helium. In Coll. con A. Muracchini, L. Seccia.  (ZAMP), Vol. 60, pp. 1074-1094 (2009).

159The dynamics of spreading and immune strategies of STDs on scale-free network. J. Math. Anal. Appl. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2009.10.044, (2009).

Recent Results on Multitemperature Mixture. Volume dedicated to K: Wilmanski for his 70 birthday - Springer Verlag  (2009)

An impulsive differential model on post exposure prophylaxis to HIV-1 exposed individual. In Coll, with J. Lou, L. Chen  Journal of Biological Systems17, (4)  (2009).



162)  A classical approach of a multi-temperature mixture of fluids, in New Trends in Fluid and Solid Models. Proceedings of the International Conference  in honour of Brian Straughan,  pp. 123-130, World Scientific - ISBN -13 978-981-4293-21-1 (2010). 

163)  Applications of a Backlund trasformations in nonlinear elastodynamics. In Coll. con C. Rogers, W.K: Schief e A. MentrelliProceedings WASCOM 2009. Eds. A.M. Greco, S. Rionero & T. Ruggeri, pp. 260-269. World Scientific - Singapore - ISBN-13 978-981-4317-41-2 (2010).   

164)   Admissible shock waves and shock-induced phase transition in a van der Waals fluid (Part I - The model). In Coll. con  A. Mentrelli e M. Sugiyama.  Proceedings WASCOM 2009. Eds. A.M. Greco, S. Rionero & T. Ruggeri, pp. 270-278. World Scientific - Singapore - ISBN-13 978-981-4317-41-2 (2010).

165)  Admissible shock waves and shock-induced phase transition in a van der Waals fluid (Part II - Rankine-Hugoniot conditions and shock admissibility). In Coll. con  A. Mentrelli e M. Sugiyama.  Proceedings WASCOM 2009. Eds. A.M. Greco, S. Rionero & T. Ruggeri, pp. 279-288. World Scientific - Singapore - ISBN-13 978-981-4317-41-2 (2010).

166)  Admissible shock waves and shock-induced phase transition in a van der Waals fluid (Part III - Numerical Analysis). In Coll. con  A. Mentrelli e M. Sugiyama.  Proceedings WASCOM 2009. Eds. A.M. Greco, S. Rionero & T. Ruggeri, pp. 289-296. World Scientific - Singapore - ISBN-13 978-981-4317-41-2 (2010)

167)  Shock-Induced Phase Transition in Systems of   Hard Spheres with  Internal Degrees of Freedom, In Coll. with  S. Taniguchi, N. Zhao, A. Mentrelli, and M. Sugiyama. Phys. Rev. E 81, 066307-1,066307-13,  (2010)

168) Non-polytropic effect on shock-induced phase transitions in a hard-sphere system. In Coll. with Y. Zheng,  N. Zhao,  M. Sugiyama and S. Taniguchi.  Physics Letters A, 3315-3318 (2010).

169)  Predicition and simulation of compressive shocks with lower perturbed density for increasing shock strength in real gases. In Coll. with  S. Taniguchi,  A. Mentrelli,  M. Sugiyama    and N. Zhao. Phys. Rev. E 82, 036324-1, 036324-5,  (2010)


170) Admissible shock waves and shock-induced phase transitions in a van der Waals fluid. In Coll. with N. Zhao, A. Mentrelli and M. Sugiyama. Physics of Fluids 23, 086101-1, 086101-18 (2011)



171) Travelling waves near a critical point of binary fluid mixture. In Coll. with H. Gouin and A. Muracchini. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 47 77-84 (2012)

172) Extended Thermodynamics of dense gases. In Coll. with T. Arima, S. Taniguchi and M. Sugiyama. Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 24 271-292 (2012)

173)  A consistent thermodynamical model of incompressible media as limit case of quasi-thermal-incompressible materials. In Coll. with H. Gouin.  International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics (2011), 47 688-693 (2012)

174)  On the Mueller paradox for thermal incompressible media. In Coll. with H. Gouin and A. Muracchini. Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 24:505-513 (2012)

Can Constitutive Relations be represented by non-local equations?  Quart. Appl. Math. 70, 597-611 (2012)

176)  Shock and Rarefaction Waves in a Hyperbolic model of Incompressible Materials. In Coll. With A. Mentrelli. Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali ISSN 1825-1242 90, Suppl. No. 1, 1-16 (2012)

177) Extended thermodynamics of real gases with dynamic pressure: an extension of Meixners theory. In Coll. with T. Arima, S. Taniguchi and M. Sugiyama. Physics Letters A 376 2799-2803 (2012)
178) Local Constitutive Equations, Extended Thermodynamics and Maxwellian Iteration. Note Mat. 32, 193-204 (2012)




179) Dispersion relation for sound in rarefied polyatomic gases based on extended thermodynamics. In Coll. with T. Arima, S. Taniguchi and M. Sugiyama. Continuum Mech. Thermodyn 25:727–737.  (2013)

180) Maximum entropy principle for rarefied polyatomic gases. In Coll. with M. Pavic and S. Simic Physica A 392 1302-1317 (2013)

The Riemann problem for a hyperbolic model of incompressible fluids. In Coll. with A. Mentrelli. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 51 87-96 (2013)

182 Monatomic Rarefied Gas as a Singular Limit of Polyatomic Gas in Extended Thermodynamics. In Coll. with T. Arima, S. Taniguchi and M. Sugiyama. Physics Letters A, 377, 2136-2140 (2013).



183) Thermodynamic theory of the shock wave structure in a rarefied polyatomic gas: Beyond the Bethe-Teller theory In Coll. with T. Arima, S. Taniguchi and M. Sugiyama. Physical Review E 89, 013025 (2014)

184) Effect of the dynamic pressure on the shock wave structure in a rarefied polyatomic gas. In Coll. with T. Arima, S. Taniguchi and M. Sugiyama. Physics of Fluids 26, 016103 (2014)

185) On the six-field model of fluids based on extended thermodynamics. In Coll. with T. Arima, S. Taniguchi and M. Sugiyama. Meccanica,  DOI 10.1007/s11012-014-9886-0(2014)

186) Entropy principle and recent results in non-equilibrium theories. In Cool. with V.A. Cimmelli , D. Jou,  and  P. V´an. Entropy 2014, 16, 1756-1807; doi:10.3390/e16031756

187) Molecular extended thermodynamics of rarefied polyatomic gases and wave velocities for increasing number of moments. In Coll. with T.Arima  and A. Mentrelli. Annals of Physics (2014),

188) Dispersion relation in the limit of high frequency for a hyperbolic system with multiple eigenvalues. In Coll with Zbigniew Banach, and Wieslaw Larecki. Wave Motion (2014)

189) Recent Developments in Extended Thermodynamics of Dense and Rarefied Polyatomic Gases. In Coll. with  M. Sugiyama. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, DOI 10.1007/s10440-014-9923-y  (2014)

190) Shock wave structure in a rarefied polyatomic gas based on extended thermodynamics. In Coll. with T. Arima, S. Taniguchi and M. Sugiyama. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, DOI 10.1007/s10440-014-9931-y (2014)

191) A study of linear waves based on extended thermodynamics for rarefied polyatomic gases. In Coll. with T. Arima, S. Taniguchi and M. Sugiyama. Acta Appl Math DOI 10.1007/s10440-014-9888-x  (2014)

192) The Propagation of Shock Waves in Incompressible Fluids: The Case of Freshwater. In Coll. with A. Mentrelli.   Acta Appl Math DOI 10.1007/s10440-014-9915-y(2014)

193) The Lagrangian view-point compared with the Eulerian one, in the framework of Extended Thermodynamics. In Coll. with M.C. Carrisi and S. Pennisi. Acta Appl Math DOI 10.1007/s10440-014-9921-0 (2014)

194)  Q-Gaussian Integrable Hamiltonian Reductions in Anisentropic Gasdynamics. In Coll. with C. Rogers. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems  B, 19,  2297-2312 (2014).

195) The Bà©nard problem for quasi-thermal-incompressible materials: a linear analysis. In Coll. con A. Passerini. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 67  178-185 (2014).

196) Shock structure and temperature overshoot in macroscopic multi-temperature model of mixtures. In Coll. with D. Madjarevic and S. Simic. Physics of Fluids 26, 106102 (2014).

197) Extended Thermodynamics of rarefied polyatomic gases and characteristic velocities. In Coll. with A. Mentrelli and T. Arima. Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 25 275–291 (2014).



198)  Nonlinear extended thermodynamics of real gases with 6 fields.  In Coll. with T. Arima, S. Taniguchi and M. Sugiyama. IJNM (2015).

Extended thermodynamics of dense gases in the presence of dynamic pressure. In Coll. with M. C. Carrisi,  S. Pennisi and M. Sugiyama. Ricerche Mat.  64, 403–419 (2015).

200 Principio
di Entropia, Sistemi Simmetrici Iperbolici e Termodinamica Estesa,  in Topic in Mathematics, Bologna. Qauderni dell'Unione Matematica Italiana 55,  137--150. A. Bonfiglioli, R. Fioresi e A. Parmeggiani Editors. ISBN  978-88-96336-18-2. Mograf (Bologna) (2015).




Overshoot of the nonequilibrium temperature in the shock wave structure of a rarefied polyatomic gas subject to the dynamic pressure.  In Coll. with T. Arima, S. Taniguchi and M. Sugiyama. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 79, 66–75(2016).

Non-Linear Maximum Entropy Principle for a Polyatomic Gas subject to the Dynamic Pressure. Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics,  Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica (New Series) Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-22 (2016).

Monatomic gas as a singular limit of polyatomic gas in molecular extended thermodynamics with many moments.  In Coll. with T. Arima, S. Taniguchi and  M. Sugiyama. Annals of Physics 372 83–109, (2016).

Recent results on nonlinear extended thermodynamics of real gases with six fields Part I: General Theory. In Coll. with T. Arima,  M. Sugiyama and S. Taniguchi.  Ricerche mat. 65, 263–277, (2016).

Recent results on nonlinear extended thermodynamics of real gases with six fields Part II: Shock wave structure. In Coll. with S. Taniguchi, T. Arima and M. Sugiyama.  Ricerche mat. 65, 279–288, (2016)


Molecular extended thermodynamics: Comparison between rarefied polyatomic and monatomic gas closures. In Coll. with T. Arima,  M. Sugiyama and S. Taniguchi.  Ricerche di Mat. 66, 221–231, (2017).

Sub-Shock formation in Eulerian mixture of fluids with multi-temperature. In Coll. with A. Mentrelli and F. Conforto. Ricerche di Matem. 66, 221–231, (2017).

-Equilibrium Diffusion Temperatures in Mixture of Gases via Maxwellian Iteration. In Coll. with S. Simic. Ricerche di Matem. 66, 1–13, (2017)

A thermodynamic  consistent model for emergent behavior in Flocks and comparison with multitemperature mixture of fluids, In coll. with S-Y. Ha.  Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 223, 1397–1425 (2017).

Relativistic Extended Thermodynamics of Rarefied Polyatomic Gases. In Coll. with S. Pennisi.   Annals of Physics, 373, 414--445 (2017).

Duality Principle from rarefied to dense gas and Exteded Thermodynamics with 6 fields. In Coll. with T. Arima,  M. Sugiyama.  Physical Review Fluids,  2, 013401  (2017).

Symmetric form for the hyperbolic-parabolic system of fourth-gradient model for fluids. In Coll. with H. Gouin.  Ricerche mat. DOI 10.1007/s11587-016-0315-7(2017).

Galilean Invariance and Entropy Principle for a System of Balance Laws of Mixture Type. In Coll. with T. Arima,  M. Sugiyama and S. Taniguchi. 28  495–513 (2017).

Rational Extended Thermodynamics of a Rarefied Polyatomic Gas with Molecular Relaxation Processes. In Coll. with T. Arima,  M. Sugiyama. Phys Rev E 96, 042143-1, 042143-20 (2017).

215New Frontiers in Non-Equilibrium ThermodynamicsLecture Notes Frontiere. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (29-30 Gennaio 2015). Atti dei Convegni Lincei 314 - 49-71 - Bardi Edizione (2017).


Dynamical pressure in a polyatomic gas: interplay between kinetic theory and extended thermodynamics. In Coll. with M. Bisi and G. Spiga. Kinetic and related Models  11, (1), 71–95 (2018).

On the sub-shock formation in extended thermodynamics. In Coll. with S. Taniguchi. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 99  69–78 (2018).

) A Global Existence of classical solutions to the Hydrodynamics Cucker-Smale model in presence of a Temperature Field.  In Coll. with S-Y. Ha, J. Kim, C. Ho Min,  and X. Zhangh,  Analysis and Applications, 16, (6), 757-805 (2018).

Emergent  Behaviors of Thermodynamic Cucker-Smale Particles. In Coll. with S-Y. Ha  and J. Kim,  SIAM J. Math Anal. (2018)

Thermodynamics of Rarefied Polyatomic Gases: 15-Field Theory Incorporating Relaxation Processes of Molecular Rotation and VibrationIn Coll. with T. Arima,  M. SugiyamaEntropy  20, 301; doi:10.3390/e20040301 (2018).

221) Shock wave structure in rarefied polyatomic gases with large relaxation time for the dynamic pressure. In Coll. with T. Arima,  M. Sugiyama and S. Taniguchi.  J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1035 012009 (2018).

A New BGK Model for Relativistic Kinetic Theory of Monatomic and Polyatomic Gases. In Coll. with S. Pennisi, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1035 012005 (2018).

Ultrarelativistic limit of a Rarefied Gas with Internal Structure. In Coll. with S. Pennisi. Journal of Mathematical Physics  59, 043102 (2019).
Fluid Mixtures in Nanotubes. In Coll. with H. Gouin and  A. Muracchini.  PHYSICAL REVIEW E 97, 062152 (2018).

226)  Uniform Stability and Mean-Field  limit  of  Thermodynamics  Cucker-Smale Model. In Coll. with S-Y. Ha, J. Kim, C. HO Min,  and X. Zhang,  QUARTERLY OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS (2018).



Integrability properties for relativistic extended thermodynamics of polyatomic gas. In Coll. with Maria Cristina and S. Pennisi. Ricerche mat.  68:57–73, (2019).

228) A 2 × 2 simple model in which the sub-shock exists when the shock velocity is slower than the maximum characteristic velocity. In Coll. with S. Taniguchi. Ricerche mat. 68:119–129 (2019).

229)  Production Terms in Relativistic Extended Thermodynamics of Gas with Internal Structure via a New BGK Model. In Coll. with  M.C. Carrisi and S. Pennisi. Annals of Physics 405, 298–307 (2019).

230)   Similarity Solution of Strong Spherical Shock Waves in a Rarefied Polyatomic Gas based on Extended Thermodynamics.  In Coll. R. Nagaoka  and S. Taniguchi. AIP Conference Proceedings 2153, 020014,, (2019).

231) Ultra-relativistic  Limit of Extended  Thermodynamics of  Rarefied Polyatomic gas. In Coll. S. Pennisi. Le Matematiche 74, (2) 369-395   (2019).


232) Monatomic Limit of  Relativistic Extended Thermodynamics of  Polyatomic Gas. In Coll. with Maria Cristina and S. Pennisi. Continuum Mech. Thermodyn.



233)   From the Relativistic Mixture of Gases to the Relativistic Thermomechanical Cucker-Smale Flocking. In Coll. with S-Y. HA, J. KIM, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. , 235pages16611706(2020)

234) Second Order Approximation of Extended Thermodynamics of a Monatomic Gas and Hyperbolicity Region. In Coll. with F. Brini, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn32pages2339(2020)

On Invariance in 1+1-Dimensional Isentropic Relativistic Gasdynamics, In Coll. with C. Rogers, Wave Motion 94, 102527 (2020). 


236)    Rational extended thermodynamics: a link between kinetic theory and continuum theoryIn Coll. with M. Sugiyama. Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 31pages3338(2020).


237)  Classical limit of relativistic moments associated with Boltz mann Chernikov equation: optimal choice of moments in classical theory. In Coll. S. Pennisi.  Journal of Statistical Physics. 237  179pages231246(2020)


238)  Rational Extended Thermodynamics of Dense Polyatomic  Gases Incorporating Molecular Rotation and Vibration.  In Coll. with T. Arima,  M. Sugiyama.  Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 378: 20190176. (2020).


239) Classical and ultrarelativistic limits of the Riemann problem for the relativistic Euler fluid with Synge energy. In Coll. with Q. Xiao,  Ricerche di Matematica (2020).


240)  Maximum Entropy Principle Closure for 14-Moment System for a Non-Polytropic Gas.  Ricerche di Matematica (2020).


Hyperbolicity of first and second order extended thermodynamics theory of polyatomic rarefied gases. In Coll. with F. Brini. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 124  103517 (2020).

Rational Extended Themrodynamics of Dense Polyatomic Gases Incorporating Molecular Rotation and Vibration. In Coll. with T. Arima,  M. Sugiyama.  Philosophical Transactiona A. (2020).

243) Emergent Behaviors of Thermodynamic Kuramoto Ensemble on a Regular Ring Lattice. In Coll.withS-Y Ha, H.Park and W. Shim. Journal of Statistical Physics volume 181pages917943(2020)

244) The explicit closure for the ultrarelativistic limit or Extended Thermodynamcs of Rarefied Polyatomic Gas.  In Coll. S. Pennisi Technium Vol. 2, Issue 5 pp.11-42 (2020) ISSN: 2668-778X


245) On relativstic gasdynamics. Invariance under a class or reciprocal-type transformations and integranle Heisemberg spin conetionsIn Coll. with C. Rogers and W.K. Schief.   Proceedings of the  Royal Society A, (2020).


249.   Nonlinear  Hyperbolic Waves in Relativistic Gases of Massive Particles with Synge Energy. In Coll. with QINGHUA XIAO, AND HUIJIANG ZHAO, ARMA, 239, 1061-1109 (2021) 

250.   Shock Structure in Extended Thermodynamics with Second Ord er Maximum Entropy Principle Closure. In Coll. with A. Mentrelli. Continuum Mech. Thermodyn.  33, 125-150 (2021).


252. Molecular Extended Thermodynamics of Rarefied Polyatomic Gases with a new Hierarchy of Moments.   In Coll. with T. Arima. Fluids, 6, 62 (2021).

253. Maxwellian Iteration of a Causal Relativistic Model of Polyatomic Gases and evaluation of Bulk, Shear viscosity and Heat conductivity. In Coll. with M.C. Carrisi e S. Pennisi.  Ann. of Phys. 428, 168477 (2021).

254. Emergent behaviors of the continuum thermodynamic Kuramoto model in a large coupling regime.  In Coll. with  SEUNG-YEAL HA, MYEONGJU KANG, HANSOL PARK AND WOOJOO SHIM. Journal of Differential Equations  300, 519-564 (2021).


256. Shock Structure and Sub-shock Formation in a Binary Mixture of Polyatomic Eulerian Gas. In Coll.  S. Taniguchi.  Rend.  Lincei Mat.  Appl. 32, 167-179 (2021).

257.  Which moments are appropriate to describe gases with internal structure in Rational Extended Thermodynamics? In Coll. with T. Arima, M. C. Carrisi and S. Pennisi.  International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 137, 103820  (2021).


258.   Relativistic Rational Extended Thermodynamics of Polyatomic Gases with a New Hierarchy of Moments In Coll. with T. Arima, M. C. Carrisi and S. Pennisi.  Entropy, 24, 43  (2022).  

259.   On a Relativistic BGK model for polyatomic Gases near equilibrium. In Coll. with B-H. HWANG, S-B. YUN, Siam J Math.  Anal.  54, (3) 2906-2947 (2022).

260 A Complete Classification of Sub-Shocks in a Shock Structure of a Binary Mixture of Eulerian Gases with Different Degrees of Freedom of a Molecule. In Coll. with  S. Taniguchi.  Phys. Fluids 066116, (2022).

261. Relativistic Kinetic Theory of Polyatomic Gases: Classical Limit of a New Hierarchy of Moments and Qualitative Analysis.  In Coll. with T. Arima, M. C. Carrisi and S. Pennisi.   Partial  DifferEqu.  Appl. 3, 39 (2022). 





 262. Navier-Stokes-Fourier equations as a parabolic limit of a general hyperbolic system of rational extended thermodynamics.   In Coll. with T. Arima, A. Mentrelli. Int. Journ. of non-linear Mech. 151, 104379 (2023). 

263. Shock Structure and sub-schocks formation in a mixture of polyatomic gases with large Bulk Viscosity. In Coll. with  S. Taniguchi. Ricerche di Matematica. (2023).

264. Eckart equations, Maxwellian iteration and Relativistic Causal Theories of Divergence type. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 381: 20220371. (2023).

Effect of the dynamic pressure on the shock structure and sub-shocks formation in a mixture of polyatomic gases. In Coll. with S. Taniguchi. Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation (2023).





266. A Nonlinear approach to Viscoelasticity via Rational Extended Thermodynamics, International Journal of Non–Linear Mechanics 160 (2024) 104658

267 Energy of a non-linear viscoelastic model compatible with fractional relaxation. In coll. with  A. Giusti  and A. Mentrelli,  International Journal of Non–Linear Mechanics 161 (2024) 104685








1) Extended Thermodynamics In Coll. con I.  Mueller . Springer Tracts in Natural Philosophy, Vol. 37, pp.231, Springer Verlag (1993).

2) Rational Extended Thermodynamics In Coll. con I. Mueller . Springer Tracts in Natural Philosophy, Vol. 37, 2nd edition, pp.383, Springer Verlag (1998).

3) Rational Extended Thermodynamics beyond the Monatomic Gas In Coll. con M. Sugiyama.  pp. 376 Springer Verlag (2015).

4) Classical and Relativistic Rational Extended Thermodynamics  of GasesIn Coll. con M. Sugiyama.  pp. 659 Springer Verlag.  (2021).



Chapters in Book


1)  Recent Results on Wave Propagation in Continuum Models , in Stability and Wave Propagation in Fluids and Solids, G.P. Galdi, Ed. CISM Course and Lecture , Springer- Verlag., 344 , pp.: 104 , ISBN/ISSN: 0-211-82687-4 , (1995) .

2) Extended Relativistic Thermodynamics in the book of Yvonne Choquet Bruhat General Relativity and the Einstein equations, pp. 334-340 Oxford Univ. Press, ISBN 978-0-19-923072-3, (2009).

3) Some recent results on multi-temperature mixture of fluids, in Continuous Media with Microstructure, B. Albers (Ed.), Springer Verlag ISBN: 978-3-642-11444-1(2010).
4) Principio di Entropia, Sistemi Simmetrici Iperbolici e Termodinamica Estesa,  in Topic in Mathematics, Bologna. Quaderni dell'Unione Matematica Italiana 55,  137--150. A. Bonfiglioli, R. Fioresi e A. Parmeggiani Editors.  ISBN  978-88-96336-18-2. Mograf (Bologna) (2015).

5)  New Frontiers in Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Lecture Notes Frontiere. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. (2017).

6) Molecular Extended Thermodynamics of a Rarefied Polyatomic Gasin Trends un Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics, Editors E. Rocca, U. Stefanelli, L. Truskinocski and A. Visintin. Springer INDAM Series 27, 265-287 (2018).

7)  Shock Waves in Hyperbolic Systems of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics. In Coll. with  S. Taniguchi.   In: Berezovski A., Soomere T. (eds) Applied WaveMathematics II. Mathematics of Planet Earth, vol 6. Springer, Cham ISBN: 978-3-030-29950-7, (2019).

8) Godunov Symmetric Systems and Rational Extended Thermodynamics. In Continuum Mechanics, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing: Godunov’s Legacy. Demidenko, G.V., Romenski, E., Toro, E., Dumbser, M. (Eds.). ISBN 978-3-030-38869-0 (2020).

9) Multiscale Phenomena in Continuum Machanics: Mesoscopic justification on Rational Extended Thermodynamics of Gases with Internal Structure. P. Giovine, P.M. Mariano, G. Mortara (eds.) in Views on Multiscale Modelling of Granular Materials,  Series Lecture Notes in Geosystems Mathematics and Computing, Birkhäuser. 44, doi: 10.1007/978- 3- 030- 49267, (2020).




Editor of Proceedings and Monograph


1) Atti del Italian-Polish Meeting on Selected Problems of Modern Continuum Theory. Bologna 3-6 Giugno 1987. T. Manacorda, A. Morro, W.Kosinski and T.Ruggeri Eds. Pitagora Tecnoprint Bologna (1987).

2) ISIMM Symposium on Kinetic Theory and Extended Thermodynamics Bologna (Maggio 1987). Ed. I. Mueller e T. Ruggeri, Pitagora Tecnoprint ed. (1987).

Didattica Matematica con l'Ausilio del Personal Computer. A cura di R. Guidorzi e T. Ruggeri. Centro di Calcolo della Fac. di Ingegneria e Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca e per le Applicazioni della Matematica. Università  di Bologna - Tecnoprint (1992).

4) 7th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media, S. Rionero and T. Ruggeri Eds. Series in Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences - Vol. 23, pp. 429, World Scientific, Singapore (1994).

5) Recent Mathematical Methods in Nonlinear wave Propagation, T. Ruggeri Ed., Lectures given at the 1st Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo C.I.M.E.,held in Montecatini Terme, May 23-31, 1994. Lecture Notes in Mathematics - Vol. 1640, Springer (1996).

6) 12th Conference on Waves and Stability in Continuous Media. Proceedings WASCOM 2003. Eds. R. Monaco, S. Pennisi, S. Rionero & T. Ruggeri. pp. 564 - World Scientific - Singapore (2004).

7) Proceedings of the International Conference in honour of Y. Choquet-Bruhat: Analysis, Manifolds and Geometric Structures in Physics, Elba, Italy, June 24-26, 2004. Eds. G. Ferrarese, T. Ruggeri (2005).
8) Proceedings of the
13th Conference of Waves and Stability in Continuous Media (WASCOM 2005),  Eds. R. Monaco, G. Mulone, S. Rionero, T. Ruggeri. World Scientific, Singapore (2006).

9) Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, serie II, Numero 78 "Non Linear Hyperbolic Fields and Waves - A tribute to Guy Boillat" (2006).

10) Proceedings of the Workshop Asymptotic Methods in Non-linear Wave Phenomena - In Honor of the 65th birthday of Antonio Greco. Eds. T. Ruggeri and M. Sammartino. - World Scientific - Singapore (2007).

11) Proceedings of the
15th Conference of Waves and Stability in Continuous Media (WASCOM 2009),  Eds. A.M: Greco, S. Rionero, T. Ruggeri. World Scientific, Singapore (2010).

12) Mathematical Models and Methods for Planet Earth, Eds. A. Celletti, U. Locatelli,  T. Ruggeri, E. Stricland, Springer Indam Series 6, (2014)




Educational Books


1) Appunti di Meccanica Razionale. Richiami di Calcolo Vettoriale e Matriciale. Pitagora ed. Bologna (1989).

2) Laboratorio di Matematica - Primo Corso: Temi di Analisi Matematica e Software Matematico. In Coll. con S. Matarasso. Progetto Leonardo - Esculapio Ed. Bologna (1991).

3) Laboratorio di Meccanica Razionale: Esercizi, Temi di esame e Software Matematico. In Coll. con A. Muracchini, L. Seccia. Progetto Leonardo - Esculapio Ed. Bologna (1991).

4) Labmat2 - Dispense di Analisi Matematica II con l'utilizzo di Software Matematico. Vol. 1: Funzioni reali di pi๠variabili; Applicazioni nel campo complesso; Programma Tredimw.exe. In Coll. con S. Matarasso. Progetto Leonardo - Esculapio Ed. Bologna (1993).

5) Labmat2 - Dispense di Analisi Matematica II con l'utilizzo di Software Matematico. Vol. 5: Elementi di Equazioni differenziali con esempi di dinamica del punto; Temi di esame di Analisi II; Programma Diff2w.exe; Worksheets con Maple V. In Coll. con S. Matarasso. Progetto Leonardo - Esculapio Ed. Bologna (1994).

6) Analisi Matematica 2: Calcolo Differenziale. In Coll. con S. Matarasso. Progetto Leonardo - Esculapio Ed. Bologna (1995).

7) Esercizi e temi d'esame di Meccanica Razionale. In Coll. con A. Muracchini, L. Seccia. Progetto Leonardo - Esculapio Ed. Bologna (1997).

8) Esercitazioni di Meccanica Razionale con Matlab e Simulink. In Coll. con A. Muracchini, L. Seccia. Progetto Leonardo - Esculapio

Ed. Bologna (1997).

9) Esercizi e temi d'esame di Meccanica Razionale per i Corsi di Laurea Triennale in Ingegneria. In Coll. con A. Muracchini, L. Seccia. Progetto Leonardo - Ed. Esculapio, Bologna (2005).

10) Meccanica Razionale per l'Ingegneria. In Coll. con P. Biscari, G. Saccomandi, M. Vianello. Ed. Monduzzi, Bologna (2005).

11) Introduzione alla Termomeccanica dei Continui. Ed. Monduzzi (2007).

Meccanica Razionale. In Coll. con P. Biscari, G. Saccomandi, M. Vianello. Ed. Springer, Milano (2013, 2015, 2022).

Introduzione alla Termomeccanica dei Continui.  II Edizione Riveduta e Corretta Ed. Monduzzi , Milano (2013, 2016).

Esercizi e temi d'esame di meccanica razionale. Con espansione online (Italiano) Copertina flessibile – In Coll. con F. Brini, A. Muracchini. L. Seccia.
Ed. Esculapio, Bologna (2019).



Modified 18 February 2021