Iterative Methods for large linear systems of equations


The solution of linear systems of equations by iterative methods is essential whenever the dimensions of the problems are  that direct  methods cannot be applied, or when only a low accuracy  solution  is needed.       
The design of efficient iterative methods  for  problems with specific characteristics,  e.g., with a special sparsity structure,  large condition numbers, or sequences of linear systems which changed very  little  from one another is still receiving a lot of interest.

Iterative methods for the solution of linear systems of equations produce a sequence of approximate solutions.    In many applications it is desirable to be able to compute estimates of the norm of the error in the approximate  solutions generated and terminate the iterations when the estimates are sufficiently small.         
The research has focused on new iterative methods based on the Lanczos process for the solution of linear systems of equations as well as on the computation of bounds and estimates of the norm of  the error in the approximate solutions.   These estimates are determined by evaluating certain Gauss, anti-Gauss,  or Gauss-Radau quadrature rules.

These problems are very important in several applications, in particular to  image processing and circuit design.



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