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Datafile Name: European Jobs
Datafile Subjects: Economics , Europe
Story Names: European Jobs
Reference: Euromonitor (1979), European Marketing Data and Statistics, London: Euromonitor Publications, 76-77. Also found in: Manly, B.F.J. (1986) Multivariate Statistical Methods: A Primer, New York: Chapman & Hall, 11. Also found in: Hand, D.J., et al. (1994) A Handbook of Small Data Sets, London: Chapman & Hall, 303.
Authorization: Contact Authors
Description: The data are the percentage employed in different industries in Europe countries during 1979. Multivariate techniques, such as cluster analysis and principal components analysis, may be used to examine which countries have similar employment patterns.
Number of cases: 26
Variable Names:
  1. Country: Name of country
  2. Agr: Percentage employed in agriculture
  3. Min: Percentage employed in mining
  4. Man: Percentage employed in manufacturing
  5. PS: Percentage employed in power supply industries
  6. Con: Percentage employed in construction
  7. SI: Percentage employed in service industries
  8. Fin: Percentage employed in finance
  9. SPS: Percentage employed in social and personal services
  10. TC: Percentage employed in transport and communications
The Data:
Country	Agr	Min	Man	PS	Con	SI	Fin	SPS	TC
Belgium	3.3	0.9	27.6	0.9	8.2	19.1	6.2	26.6	7.2
Denmark	9.2	0.1	21.8	0.6	8.3	14.6	6.5	32.2	7.1
France	10.8	0.8	27.5	0.9	8.9	16.8	6.0	22.6	5.7
W. Germany	6.7	1.3	35.8	0.9	7.3	14.4	5.0	22.3	6.1
Ireland	23.2	1.0	20.7	1.3	7.5	16.8	2.8	20.8	6.1
Italy	15.9	0.6	27.6	0.5	10.0	18.1	1.6	20.1	5.7
Luxembourg	7.7	3.1	30.8	0.8	9.2	18.5	4.6	19.2	6.2
Netherlands	6.3	0.1	22.5	1.0	9.9	18.0	6.8	28.5	6.8
United Kingdom	2.7	1.4	30.2	1.4	6.9	16.9	5.7	28.3	6.4
Austria	12.7	1.1	30.2	1.4	9.0	16.8	4.9	16.8	7.0
Finland	13.0	0.4	25.9	1.3	7.4	14.7	5.5	24.3	7.6
Greece	41.4	0.6	17.6	0.6	8.1	11.5	2.4	11.0	6.7
Norway	9.0	0.5	22.4	0.8	8.6	16.9	4.7	27.6	9.4
Portugal	27.8	0.3	24.5	0.6	8.4	13.3	2.7	16.7	5.7
Spain	22.9	0.8	28.5	0.7	11.5	9.7	8.5	11.8	5.5
Sweden	6.1	0.4	25.9	0.8	7.2	14.4	6.0	32.4	6.8
Switzerland	7.7	0.2	37.8	0.8	9.5	17.5	5.3	15.4	5.7
Turkey	66.8	0.7	7.9	0.1	2.8	5.2	1.1	11.9	3.2
Bulgaria	23.6	1.9	32.3	0.6	7.9	8.0	0.7	18.2	6.7
Czechoslovakia	16.5	2.9	35.5	1.2	8.7	9.2	0.9	17.9	7.0
E. Germany	4.2	2.9	41.2	1.3	7.6	11.2	1.2	22.1	8.4
Hungary	21.7	3.1	29.6	1.9	8.2	9.4	0.9	17.2	8.0
Poland	31.1	2.5	25.7	0.9	8.4	7.5	0.9	16.1	6.9
Rumania	34.7	2.1	30.1	0.6	8.7	5.9	1.3	11.7	5.0
USSR	23.7	1.4	25.8	0.6	9.2	6.1	0.5	23.6	9.3
Yugoslavia	48.7	1.5	16.8	1.1	4.9	6.4	11.3	5.3	4.0