Las Rosas Precision Agriculture Experiment

Data provided "as is," no warranties


Yield data and Nitrogen fertilizer treatment with field characteristics for the Las Rosas farm, Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina, 1999 (Rosas1999) and 2001 (Rosas2001).

Type = polygon shape file (two files: one for 1999, one for 2001, the locations do not match across years), unprojected, lat-lon, includes lat-lon of grid centroids

Observations = 1738 (1999) and 1705 (2001)

Variables = 32 (1999) and 26 (2001)


Rodolfo Bongiovanni, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (INTA), Manfredi, Cordoba, Argentina,

Reference: Bongiovanni, R. (2002). A spatial econometric approach to the economics of site-specific Nitrogen management in corn production. Ph.D. Dissertation, Purdue University.

Reference: Anselin, L., R. Bongiovanni, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer (2004). A spatial econometric approach to the economics of site-specific Nitrogen management in corn production. American Journal of Agricultural Economics (forthcoming).


year in parentheses indicates variable unique to that year

NOTE: variables not necessarily in this order. Check excel header

Variable Description
Id (01) identifier
Top2,3,4 topography dummy, Slope E, Hilltop,Slope W
Nxtop2 to Nxtop4 interaction Nitrogen - topography zone
N2xtop2 to N2xtop4 interaction Nitrogen - topography zone
Longitude longitude
Latitude latitude
Obs observation number (only for 1999)
Yield corn yield (quintals per hectare)
N Nitrogen fertilizer application (kg per hectare)
N2 Nitrogen squared
Topo zone: Low E (1), Slope E (2), Hilltop (3), Slope W (4)
Bv brightness value (proxy for low organic matter content)
Bv2 brightness squared
Nxbv interaction Nitrogen - brightness
Bvxt2 to Bvxt4 interaction brightness topographic zone
Bv2xt2 to Bv2xt4 interaction squared brightness topographic zone
Sat (99) Red to NIR ratio (proxy for low organic matter content)
Sat2 (99) Sat squared
Nxsat (99) interaction Nitrogen - Red to NIR ratio
Satxt2 to Satxt4 (99) interaction Sat - topographic zone
Sat2xt2 to Sat2xt4 (99) interaction Sat squared - topographic zone

Prepared by Luc Anselin

UIUC-ACE Spatial Analysis Laboratory

Last updated November 3, 2003