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Datafile Name: OECD Economic Development
Datafile Subjects: Government , Economics , Europe , Finance
Story Names:
  • OECD Economic Development
  • U.S. Economic Development
    Reference: J. Singleman, From Agriculture to Services, Sage, 1978, p 11..

    Authorization: free use
    Description: Data are presented on the per capita income of 20 European OECD countries for 1960. Also presented are the percentages of the labor force employed in agriculture, industry, and services for each country
    Number of cases: 20
    Variable Names:
    1. PCINC = Per capita income , 1960 ($)
    2. AGR = Percent of labor force in agriculture, 1960
    3. IND = Percent of labor force in industry, 1960
    4. SER = Percent of labor force in service occupations, 1960
    The Data:
    CANADA                     1536          13               43        45   
    SWEEDEN	      1644		14	53	33
    SWITZERLAND      1361	11	56	33
    LUXEMBOURG      1242		15	51	34
    U. KINGDOM	      1105	 	 4            56	40
    DENMARK	      1049		18	45	37
    W. GERMANY	      1035		15	60	25
    FRANCE	      1013		20	44	36
    BELGUIM	      1005	  	6 	52	42
    NORWAY	        977		20	49	32
    ICELAND	        839		25	47	29
    NETHERLANDS       810	11	49	40
    AUSTRIA	        681		23	47	30
    IRELAND	        529		36	30	34
    ITALY                         504		27	46	28
    JAPAN                      344		33	35	32
    GREECE	        324		56	24	20
    SPAIN	                        290          	42	37	21
    PORTUGAL	        238		44	33	23
    TURKEY	        177		79	12	  9