Archivio 2021

20 dicembre
Elena Bandini
nell'ambito della serie: TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS 2021/2022
Seminario di probabilità
In the first part of the seminar we introduce Backward Stochastic Differential Equations (BSDEs) driven by a Brownian motion, and we show a classical well-posedness result for this class of equations. In the second part, we give an overview on jump measures and related stochastic calculus. Then, we consider BSDEs driven by a general random measure, and we show how additional conditions have to be imposed in order to recover existence and uniqueness for the corresponding solutions.
17 dicembre
Irina Markina, Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen, Norway
Seminario di analisi matematica, algebra e geometria
A special class of pseudo-Heisenberg type Lie algebras was introduced by A. Kaplan in 1980 to study hypoelliptic partial differential operators and their fundamental solutions. In the present talk, we will explain how the pseudo-Heisenberg type Lie algebras are related to the Clifford algebras and their representations. The name "pseudo-Heisenberg" is attached due to the presence of a natural non-positive definite scalar product. The classical Heisenberg algebra is the simplest example in this construction. The Heisenberg type Lie algebras admit rational structural constants, which leads to the existence of lattices on the corresponding Lie groups according to the Malcev theorem. The factor of H-type Lie groups by the lattices gives rise to a chain of examples of nilmanifolds that are isospectral but non-diffeomorphic. In the talk, we will explain the construction of the Heisenberg type Lie algebras and give examples. We also will discuss the classification of the constructed Lie algebras and their group of automorphisms.
16 dicembre
Gianmarco Giovannardi (Università di Trento)
Seminario di analisi matematica
We shall prove that in the first Heisenberg group with a sub-Finsler structure, a complete, stable, Euclidean Lipschitz surface without singular points is a vertical plane. This is joint work with Manuel Ritoré.
16 dicembre
14 dicembre
13 dicembre
Nikolaos Chalmoukis
Seminario di analisi matematica
We shall present a characterization of simply interpolating sequences in the Dirichlet space. The same characterization is conjectured to hold in all complete Nevanlinna Pick spaces but the problem remains open despite recent progress. Finally, we are going to discuss some variants of the classical interpolation problem, such as random interpolation. This is a field where numerous questions remain open. Extended abstract:
13 dicembre
In this seminar, I overview the research work carried out by IMATI-CNR on the extension of the Hough transform (HT) to recognize families of planar and spatial curves and surface primitives on 3D objects and point clouds. Recent developments are transforming the HT into a tool computationally affordable even outside the classical context of recognition of lines, circles and ellipses in the plane and planes and spheres in the space. In particular, I will focus on some applications such as the characterization of curves and complex patterns on artefacts and the creation of geometric models with curvilinear elements.
13 dicembre
In the first​ part of this seminar we will introduce Coxeter groups, fully commutative elements and the Temperley-Lieb algebra, by illustrating some classical examples. In the second part, we will recall a recent construction of a diagrammatic representation of the Temperly-Lieb algebra of affine type C due to Dana Ernst, and we will show that this representation is faithfull in a new combinatorial way.
09 dicembre
07 dicembre
07 dicembre
Mattia Talpo
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
Level structures are extra data that can be added to some moduli problems in order to rigidify the situation. For example, in the case of curves, they yield smooth Galois covers of the moduli space M_g, and the problem of extending this picture to the boundary was studied by several authors, using in particular admissible covers and twisted curves. I will report on some work in progress with M. Ulirsch and D. Zakharov, in which we consider a tropical notion of level structure on a tropical curve. The moduli space of these is expected to be closely related to the boundary complex of the stack of G-admissible covers. As usual, logarithmic geometry stands in the middle and provides a convenient language to bridge the two worlds.
06 dicembre
Alessandro Monguzzi, Università di Bergamo
nell'ambito della serie: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario di analisi matematica
Reprising from my last seminar I will present some results recently obtained with G. M. Dall'Ara on the L^p boundedness of the Bergman projection of domains that can be covered by the unit ball in C^n. These results were inspired by recent works by Chen, Krantz and Yuan and by Bender, Chakrabarti, Edholm and Mainkar and these latter works were in turn motivated by the L^p regularity of the Bergman projection on generalized Hartogs triangles.
02 dicembre
30 novembre
25 novembre
24 novembre
Luca Calatroni (CNRS, I3S, Sophia-Antipolis, France)
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARI MAT/08 TEAM
Seminario di analisi numerica
We consider convex optimisation problems defined in the variable exponent Lebesgue space L^p(·)(Ω), where the functional to minimise is the sum of a smooth and a non-smooth term. Compared to the standard Hilbert setting traditionally considered in the framework of continuous optimisation, the space L^p(·) (Ω) has only a Banach structure which does not allow for an identification with its dual space, as the Riesz representation theorem does not hold in this setting. This affects the applicability of well-known proximal (a.k.a. forward-backward) algorithms, since the gradient of the smooth component here lives in a different space than the one of the iterates. To circumvent this issue, the use of duality mappings is required; they link primal and dual spaces in a nonlinear fashion, thus allowing a sensible definition of the algorithmic iterates. However, such nonlinearity introduces further difficulties in the definition of the proximal (backward) step and, overall, in the convergence analysis of the algorithm. To overcome the non-separability of the natural induced norm on L^p(·)(Ω), we consider modular functions allowing for a an appropriate definition of proximal algorithms in this setting for which convergence properties in function values can be proved. Some numerical examples showing the flexibility of our approach in comparison with standard (Hilbert, L^p with constant p) algorithms on some exemplar inverse problems (deconvolution, denoising) are showed.
23 novembre
Luis Ferroni Rivetti
Seminario di algebra e geometria, interdisciplinare
23 novembre
23 novembre
Amos Turchet
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
Campana proposed a series of conjectures relating algebro-geometric and complex-analytic properties of algebraic varieties and their arithmetic. The main ingredient is the definition of the class of special varieties, which conjecturally identity the class of varieties with a potential dense set of rational points (when defined over a number field) and admitting a dense entire curve (when defined over the complex numbers). In the talk we will review the main conjectures and constructions, and we will discuss some recent results that give evidence for some of these conjectures. This is joint work with E. Rousseau and J. Wang
22 novembre
This seminar introduces the time-frequency analysis of Gabor frames and the sampling problem for the Bargmann-Fock space, which is still an open question in the multivariate situation. It is theoretically possible to reconstruct a signal (a square-integrable function) and its Fourier transform, as integral superpositions of time-frequency shifts operators. In practical applications, Gabor theory provides a discrete version of this reconstruction formula, up to a proper choice of a window function and a discrete subset of the phase-space. More precisely, these two objects have to define a frame of L 2 . For several reasons, Gaussian windows are the best suited for the analysis of signals. It turns out that Gaussian frames are characterized by discrete subsets of the phase-space that define sampling sequences for the Bargmann-Fock space, a problem which falls within the realm of complex analysis.
22 novembre
Kai Bergermann (TU Chemnitz)
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARI MAT/08 TEAM
Seminario di analisi numerica
We put established Krylov subspace methods and Gauss quadrature rules to new use by generalizing the class of matrix function-based centrality measures from single-layered to multiplex networks. Our approach relies on the supra-adjacency matrix as the network representation, which has already been used to generalize eigenvector centrality to temporal and multiplex networks. We discuss the cases of unweighted and weighted as well as undirected and directed multiplex networks and present numerical studies on the convergence of the respective methods, which typically requires only few Krylov subspace iterations. The focus of the numerical experiments is put on urban public transport networks.
18 novembre
16 novembre
16 novembre
A projective algebraic variety is called Fano (after the Italian mathematician Gino Fano) if it has positive curvature. Fano varieties play a prominent rôle in algebraic geometry for many reasons. Recently there has been fundamental work on constructing moduli spaces of (certain) Fano varieties. The aim of my talk is to show how polytopes and combinatorics can help in proving that moduli spaces of Fano varieties are, in general, quite singular. My talk is based on joint work with Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros. The first 45 minutes of my talk do not require any knowledge in algebraic geometry.
15 novembre
Alessandro Monguzzi
nell'ambito della serie: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario di analisi matematica
In 1906 F. Hartogs introduced the domain which is now known as the Hartogs triangle. Such domain is a peculiar non-smooth pseudoconvex domain which often happens to be a good test domain for several conjectures. L. Edholm and J. McNeal recently introduced (2016) some generalizations of the Hartogs triangle in order to study the mapping properties of their associated Bergman projection. Since then several mathematicians studied such generalized Hartogs triangles and this investigation led to new and deep results in more general settings as well. In this expository talk I will review and describe some of these results pointing out possible directions for future research.
Optimization problems subject to PDE constraints form a mathematical tool that can be applied to a wide range of scientific processes, including fluid flow control, medical imaging, biological and chemical processes, and many others. These problems involve minimizing some function arising from a physical objective, while obeying a system of PDEs which describe the process. It is necessary to obtain accurate solutions to such problems within a reasonable CPU time, in particular for time-dependent problems, for which the “all-at-once” solution can lead to extremely large linear systems. In this talk we consider Krylov subspace methods to solve such systems, accelerated by fast and robust preconditioning strategies. A key consideration is which time-stepping scheme to apply — much work to date has focused on the backward Euler scheme, as this method is stable and the resulting systems are amenable to existing preconditioners, however this leads to linear systems of even larger dimension than those obtained when using other (higher-order) methods. We will summarise some recent advances in addressing this challenge, including a new preconditioner for the more difficult linear systems obtained from a Crank-Nicolson discretization, and a Newton-Krylov method for nonlinear PDE-constrained optimization. At the end of the talk we plan to discuss some recent developments in the preconditioning of multiple saddle-point systems, specifically positive definite preconditioners which may be applied within MINRES, which may find considerable utility for solving optimization problems as well as other applications. This talk is based on work with Stefan Güttel (University of Manchester), Santolo Leveque (University of Edinburgh), and Andreas Potschka (TU Clausthal).
09 novembre
People think in a variety of ways – symbolically, interpersonally, kinesthetically, and more. Many classrooms do not provide access to a range of learning modalities and opportunities. Contrary to how subjects are sometimes taught, it’s natural to link modes of learning in order to gain a rich understanding of a certain problem or subject. In this accessible presentation, Professor Erik Stern will give an overview of three decades of interdisciplinary, collaborative scholarship on choreographic and mathematical thinking. Stern will also share assessment data on an innovative college course using these methods, and how artistic investigation anticipated scholarship from emerging fields. The audience might even experience simple movement approaches for a few minutes.
09 novembre
Le classi di Jordan sono state introdotte da Borho e Kraft nel loro studio delle sheet per algebre di Lie semisemplici. Sono le classi di equivalenza di elementi in un'algebra di Lie che hanno stessa decomposizione di Jordan, o, equivalentemente di elementi che hanno stabilizzatori (per l'azione aggiunta) coniugati tra loro. Sono localmente chiuse, irriducibili, lisce, e le loro chiusure danno luogo ad una stratificazione finita. La stessa costruzione può essere adattata per definire le classi di Jordan in gruppi algebrici riduttivi: la stratificazione che ne risulta compare nello studio di Lusztig dei fasci carattere. In collaborazione con Ambrosio ed Esposito abbiamo osservato che localmente le chiusure di classi di Jordan nel gruppo si comportano come chiusure di classi di Jordan in un'opportuna algebra di Lie. Un analogo di classe di Jordan per algebre di Lie Z_2-graduate è stato introdotto da Tauvel e Yu e le chiusure sono state studiate da Bulois ed Hivert: si perdono alcune delle caratteristiche dei casi precedenti ma il quadro complessivo è ancora chiaro. Motivato dallo studio della modalità per azioni di gruppi, Popov ha recentemente introdotto le classi di Jordan anche per algebre di Lie ciclicamente graduate. In collaborazione con Esposito e Santi abbiamo fornito una descrizione geometrica locale delle loro chiusure, mostrando in particolare che anche in questo caso la chiusura delle classi di Jordan è un'unione di classi. Con una serie di esempi mostreremo affinità e divergenze tra i vari contesti e le situazioni nelle quali la partizione in classi di Jordan ha un ruolo importante.
04 novembre
Andrea Sportiello, CNRS, and LIPN, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Villetaneuse, France
Seminario di algebra e geometria, fisica matematica, probabilità
In the paper `Arctic curves of the six-vertex model on generic domains: the Tangent Method' [J. Stat. Phys. 164 (2016) 1488, arXiv:1605.01388], of Filippo Colomo and myself, we pose the basis for a method aimed at the determination of the `arctic curve' of large random combinatorial structures, i.e. the boundary between regions with zero and non-zero local entropy, in the scaling limit. This basic version of the Tangent Method (TM) is strikingly simple, but unfortunately it is not completely rigorous. Two other versions of the method exist, let us call them the `entropic' Tangent Method (E-TM) and the `double-refinement' Tangent Method (2R-TM). In this talk we shall first briefly review the basic TM, then we will introduce the two other methods and explain how the 2R-TM is completely rigorous, but it involves more complex quantities, while the E-TM has essentially the same technical difficulties of the TM, but it is even more heuristic. Finally, we close the circle, by showing how the Desnanot-Jacobi identity applied to the Izergin determinant implies the equivalence between the E-TM and the 2R-TM in the case of the six-vertex model with domain-wall boundary conditions.
02 novembre
Nick Vannieuwenhoven
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARI MAT/08 TEAM
Seminario di analisi numerica
The tensor rank decomposition or canonical polyadic decomposition (CPD) is a generalization of a low-rank matrix factorization from matrices to higher-order tensors. In many applications, multi-dimensional data can be meaningfully approximated by a low-rank CPD. In this talk, I will describe a Riemannian optimization method for approximating a tensor by a low-rank CPD. This is a type of optimization method in which the domain is a smooth manifold, i.e. a curved geometric object. The presented method achieved up to two orders of magnitude improvements in execution time for challenging small-scale dense tensors when compared to state-of-the-art nonlinear least squares solvers.
02 novembre
Roberto Pagaria
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
In the first part, we present classical results about hyperplane arrangements and matroids: starting from the definitions, we present the construction by De Concini and Procesi of wonderful models. We discuss the cohomology of the wonderful model and of the complement of the arrangement. We also sketch the proof by Huh, Adiprasito, Katz of log-concavity of coefficients of the characteristic polynomial. In the second part we introduce subspace arrangements and polymatroids. We provide a generalization of the Goresky, MacPherson formula and we discuss the Hodge package (i.e. Poincaré duality, Hard Lefschetz and Hodge Riemann bilinear relations) for the Chow ring of a polymatroid. This is a joint work with Gian Marco Pezzoli.
28 ottobre
Lorenzo Zanelli (Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita` di Padova)
Seminario di analisi matematica
We show a link between weighted Hilbert-Schmidt norms of Wick operators on Bargmann space and $L^2$-norm of Wick symbols with respect to a class of measures on the complex phase space. As an application, we derive the flow of discrete NLS equations by the mean field asymptotics of a many body quantum model for $N$ interacting particles as $N$ becomes large.
We give algorithms to compute decompositions of a given polynomial, or more generally mixed tensor, as sum of rank one tensors, and to establish whether such a decomposition is unique. In particular, we present new methods to compute the decomposition of a general plane quintic in seven powers, and of a general space cubic in five powers; the two decompositions of a general plane sextic of rank nine, and the five decompositions of a general plane septic.
26 ottobre
Florent Ygouf
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
There is a fruitful analogy between Lie group actions and the dynamics of SL(2,R) on the moduli space of abelian differentials. Along the lines of this dictionary, the horocycle flow corresponds to a unipotent flow on a homogeneous space, for which Ratner’s theory is available. I will report on recent progress regarding the dynamics of the horocycle flow in the moduli space of abelian differentials.
21 ottobre
21 ottobre
Jim Gatheral, Baruch College CUNY, New York
Seminario di finanza matematica, probabilità
In this second lecture, we will present the microstructural foundation for rough volatility models. This leads to the class of affine forward variance (AFV models) and more recently to so-called super Heston models, a special case of which is the quadratic rough Heston model. We give a brief overview of recent developments, including numerical solution techniques. Numerical experiments are performed to give intuition for the effect of changing model parameters. Both lectures will be in the form of Jupyter notebooks that will be made available afterwards, including code to reproduce most of the computations.
21 ottobre
In questo seminario presentero' alcune applicazioni di metodi di logica matematica allo studio della regolarita' per partizioni di equazioni diofantee, inclusi risultati recenti ottenuti in collaborazione con Moreira e Barrett
A classical construction in algebraic geometry associates with every nonsingular complex projective curve its Jacobian, a complex projective variety of dimension equal to the genus of the curve. A similar construction is available for singular curves, but the resulting Jacobian variety fails in general to be compact. In this talk we introduce a general abstract notion of fine compactified Jacobian for nodal curves of arbitrary genus. This notion can be naturally generalised to families of curves. For the case of a curve in isolation it is unclear whether this notion is strictly more general than the existing examples (constructed by many authors), but for the case of families we will show classification results that imply that this notion is strictly more general than the existing constructions. If time permits, we will discuss some results on the topology of fine compactified universal Jacobians, and wall-crossing results for some natural cycle classes (Brill-Noether classes). This abstract describes joint work with Alex Abreu, Jesse Kass and Orsola Tommasi (some of which is unpublished).
18 ottobre
Javier Gonzalez
nell'ambito della serie: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario di analisi matematica
Abstract: Compact and Normal Operators are two of the best understood classes of operators in terms of existence of invariant subspaces. Nevertheless, it is still open the Halmos Problem: Does every compact perturbation of a normal operator have a non-trivial invariant subspace? In this talk, we will motivate the interest of this particular problem and will focus on the 'baby' case: rank-one perturbations of diagonal operators. We will also introduce some basic aspects from Local Spectral Theory and will show the relation of this theory with invariant subspaces, that will play a prominent role on > the study of these particular operators.
La dott. Laila Mainò parlera' della propria esperienza professionale nell'ambito del Workshop "Scienze al femminile". Laureata in Matematica a Bologna, Ph.D. in Matematica ad Harvard , la dott. Mainò ha intrapreso una brillante carriera in ambito aziendale.
La dott. Laila Mainò parlera' della propria esperienza professionale nell'ambito del Workshop "Scienze al femminile". Laureata in Matematica a Bologna, Ph.D. in Matematica ad Harvard , la dott. Mainò ha intrapreso una brillante carriera in ambito aziendale.
La dott. Roberta Fulci, dottore di ricerca in matematica e redattrice e conduttrice di Radio3Scienza terrà una relazione nell'amvbito del Workshop PLS "Scienze al femminile" sulla presenza femminile nell'ambito della
14 ottobre
Jim Gatheral, Baruch College CUNY, New York
Seminario di finanza matematica, probabilità
Rough volatility connects the microstructure of financial markets with the large-scale behavior of volatility. This approach results in parsimonious models that are consistent across different time-scales and show remarkable agreement with econometric data. In this first lecture of two, we will focus on the econometric motivation of rough volatility and explore its consequences for pricing, focusing on the rough Bergomi model. As an application, we will show how to forecast realized variance and the forward variance curve.
13 ottobre
Jim Gatheral, Baruch College CUNY, New York
Seminario di finanza matematica, probabilità
The class of affine forward variance (AFV) models was defined in Gatheral and Keller-Ressel (2019); this class includes both the conventional Heston model and its celebrated extension, the rough Heston model of El Euch and Rosenbaum. The AFV characteristic function may be expressed in terms of the solution of a Volterra integral equation. I will present a rational approximation to the solution of this integral equation in the special case of the rough Heston model. Until now, simulation of AFV models using the Markovian approximation of Abi Jaber and El Euch has proved relatively complicated and time-consuming, I will present a new efficient and easy-to-implement method for simulating AFV models for general kernels. I will present numerical results using the rational approximation as a benchmark.
12 ottobre
Andrea Ricolfi
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
Very few techniques are available for performing calculations in enumerative geometry. One of these is localisation. We will present different examples, flavours and refinements of the localisation formula, including applications to Donaldson-Thomas invariants.
Daniela di Serafino
Sparse Approximations with Interior Point Methods
Seminario di analisi numerica
Large-scale optimization problems that seek sparse solutions have become ubiquitous. They are routinely solved with various specialized first-order methods. Although such methods are often fast, they usually struggle with not-so-well conditioned problems. In this talk, specialized variants of an interior point-proximal method of multipliers are proposed and analyzed for problems of this class. Computational experience on a variety of problems, namely, multi-period portfolio optimization, classification of data coming from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, restoration of images corrupted by Poisson noise, and classification via regularized logistic regression, provides substantial evidence that interior point methods, equipped with suitable linear algebra, can offer a noticeable advantage over first-order approaches. This is joint work with V. De Simone and M. Viola (University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli", Italy) and with J. Gondzio and S. Pougkakiotis (University of Edinburgh, UK).
Silvia Gazzola
Hybrid projection methods for large-scale linear inverse problems
Seminario di analisi matematica
Inverse problems are ubiquitous in many areas of Science and Engineering and, once discretized, they lead to ill-conditioned linear systems, often of huge dimensions: regularization consists in replacing the original system by a nearby problem with better numerical properties, in order to find a meaningful approximation of its solution. After briefly surveying some standard regularization methods, both iterative (such as many Krylov methods) and direct (such as Tikhonov method), this talk will introduce a recent class hybrid projection methods, which merge an iterative and a direct approach to regularization. In particular, strategies for choosing the regularization parameter and the regularization matrix will be emphasized, eventually leading to the computation of approximate solutions of Tikhonov problems involving a regularization term expressed in a p-norm.
08 ottobre
Javier Gonzalez
nell'ambito della serie: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario di analisi matematica
The Invariant Subspace Problem asks if every bounded, linear operator on a complex Hilbert space has a non-trivial invariant subspace. In spite of its simple statement, this is one of the most famous unsolved problems on Operator Theory. We will present and skecth some of the most important techniques that have been developed to try to answer this question. In particular, we will discuss methods to provide non-trivial invariant subspaces for some classes of operators (Compact and Normal Operators) and methods to reduce the problem to the study of lattices of non-trivial invariant subspaces for concrete operators defined on spaces of analytic functions.
07 ottobre
Davide Guidetti
nell'ambito della serie: TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS 2020/2021
Seminario di analisi matematica
We introduce some types of fractional derivatives in one real variable, and try to solve some analogs of ordinary differential equations, in the form \[ D^\alpha u(t) = Au(t) + f(t), \quad t \in [0, T], \] where $A$ is a square $N \times N-$matrix, $f : [0, T] \to \C^N$, and prescribed proper initial conditions are given. Finally, we try to explain how to extend these elementary results to the important case that $A$ is a linear, not necessarily continuous, operator in a Banach space $X$.
Dimostriamo formule di media, di superficie e di volume, per soluzioni classiche di equazioni paraboliche in forma di divergenza sotto ipotesi naturali sulla regolarità dei coefficienti. La dimostrazione si basa sulle proprietà usuali della soluzione fondamentale delle equazioni paraboliche, su un teorema di divergenza generalizzato e su un preciso risultato dovuto a Dubovickii sulla regolarità degli insiemi di livello delle funzioni C^1. Discuteremo infine la generalizzazione di queste formule di media al contesto degli operatori subellittici nei gruppi di Carnot. I risultati di questo seminario sono stati ottenuti in collaborazione con Diego Pallara ed Emanuele Malagoli.
01 ottobre
Luis Caffarelli, University of Texas, Austin
Seminario di analisi matematica
01 ottobre
Donatella Danielli Garofalo, Arizona State University
Seminario di analisi matematica
In this talk we are concerned with a two-penalty boundary obstacle problem for the bi-Laplace operator in the upper unit ball. This problem arises in connection with unilateral phenomena for flat elastic plates. It can also be seen as an obstacle-type problem for the fractional Laplacian $(−\Delta)^{3/2}$. Our goals are to establish the well-posedness and the optimal regularity of the solution, and to study the structure of the free boundary. The proofs are based on monotonicity formulas of Almgren- and Monneau-type. This is joint work with Alaa Haj Ali.
01 ottobre
Nicola Arcozzi
nell'ambito della serie: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario di analisi matematica
The Hardy space and signal processing
01 ottobre
Sarah Scherotzke
Seminario di algebra e geometria
First, we give an introduction to the notion of moduli stack of a dg category. Then we explain what shifted symplectic structures are and how they are connected to Calabi-Yau structures on dg categories. More concretely, we will show that the cotangent complex to the moduli stack of a dg category A is isomorphic to the moduli stack of the *Calabi-Yau completion* of A, answering a conjecture of Keller-Yeung. This is joint work with Damien Calaque and Tristan Bozec
29 settembre
Jim Gatheral, Baruch College CUNY, New York
Seminario di finanza matematica, probabilità
I will present a “broken exponential martingale” G-expansion that generalizes and unifies our earlier exponentiation result (Alòs, Gatheral, and Radoičić) and the cumulant recursion formula of Lacoin, Rhodes, and Vargas. As one application, I show how to compute all terms in an expansion of the Lévy area. By reordering the trees in the G-expansion according to the number of leaves, our earlier exponentiation theorem can be recovered. As further applications, I will give model-free expressions for various quantities of interest under stochastic volatility. Finally, I will exhibit explicit computations of diamond trees under rough Heston.
23 settembre
The three-dimensional reconstruction of an object is an interesting topic with many applications in different fields and has attracted several researchers. The applications range goes from the biomedical 3D reconstruction of human tissues to the approximation of the surface of astronomical objects, from archeology for the digitization of artistic works to the recent development of 3D printing. The first being interested in this problem were some opticians in the Fifties-Sixties. Afterwards, B.K.P. Horn first formulated the Shape-from-Shading (SfS) problem for a single gray-level image of the object. The goal was to get the 3D surface represented in the input image solving a partial differential equation or a variational problem. This problem gave rise to an expansion in the field of mathematics and some researchers tried to prove the well-posedness in the framework of weak solutions. The first works of Lions, Rouy and Tourin in the early 90s inserted the SfS problem in the context of the viscosity solutions frameworks, hence in a much more theoretical area. In this seminar I will start dealing with the orthographic SfS problem with Lambertian reflectance model, the classical and simplest setup for this ill-posed problem that can be modeled by first order Hamilton-Jacobi equations. During the seminar I will briefly introduce some notions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations, viscosity solutions and other ingredients necessary to understand the problem in a general setting. I will continue exploring some non-Lambertian reflectance models and we will see how it is possible to derive a well-posed problem adding information in a natural way. Finally, I will talk about the more recent Shape-from-Polarization problem and the advantages of it with respect to the SfS.
Michiel Bertsch
Nonlinear diffusion and the dynamics of glasslike fluids
Seminario di analisi matematica
Solutions of degenerate nonlinear diffusion equations such as the porous media equation have the property of finite speed of propagation of disturbances. In this talk we review a class of more degenerate equations characterized by vanishing speed of propagation. We explain how an example of such an equation arises as the singular limit of a parabolic equation describing the dynamics of glasslike fluids. This naturally leads to the problem of finding asymptotic formulas for the velocities of diffuse free boundaries. This is work in progress with Roberto Benzi (Dept. Physics, Univ. of Roma Tor Vergata) and Francesco Deangelis (GSSI, L'Aquila).
Thierry Coulhon
Regularizing effects of non-linear semigroups
Seminario di analisi matematica
We shall present a summary of a forthcoming book with Daniel Hauer (University of Sydney). The aim of this monograph is to introduce natural and simple functional analytic methods to deduce $L^1-L^\infty$ regularization estimates on nonlinear semigroups from natural Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities satisfied by their infinitesimal generator. This enables one to treat in an optimal and unified way a wealth of examples, including the p-Laplace operator, the porous medium operator, as well as variations and combinations of them.
Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta
Invariant cones for linear elliptic systems with gradient couplings
Seminario di analisi matematica
I will discuss firs the validity of the weak Maximum Principle (wMP) for vector functions u = (u1, .., um) satisfying systems of the form Au + Cu ≥ 0 in a bounded open set Ω of Rn where A is a diagonal matrix of linear degenerate second order elliptic operators and C is a cooperative matrix. Next some counterexamples to the validity of (wMP) are discussed when non diagonal couplings in first order partial derivatives of the ui appear in the system. In this more general setting I will show, through a suitable reduction to a nonlinear scalar equation of Bellman type, that some algebraic condition on the structure of gradient couplings and a cooperativity condition on the matrix of zero order couplings guarantee the existence of invariant cones in the sense of Weinberger.
Luigi Ambrosio
On the Gamma-convergence of action functionals induced by gradients of convex functions
Seminario di analisi matematica
We investigate the asymptotic behaviour, with respect to Gamma-convergence, of action functionals made up of a kinetic term and a term induced by the the gradient of a convex function. The initial motivation has been the derivation of continuous models from particle systems, but the result has an independent interest. Joint works with A.Baradat, Y.Brenier and C.Brena.
Zoltan Balogh
Seminario di analisi matematica
By using optimal mass transport theory we prove a sharp isoperimetric inequal- ity in CD(0, N ) metric measure spaces assuming an asymptotic volume growth at infinity. Our result extends recently proven isoperimetric inequalities for normed spaces and Riemannian manifolds to a nonsmooth framework. As applications of the isoperimetric inequality, we establish Sobolev and Rayleigh-Faber-Krahn inequalities with explicit sharp constants in Riemannian manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature; here we use appropriate symmetrization techniques and optimal volume non-collapsing properties. The equality cases in the latter inequalities are also characterized by stating that sufficiently smooth, nonzero extremal functions exist if and only if the Riemannian manifold is isometric to the Euclidean space.
Xavier Cabre
Stable solutions to semilinear elliptic equations are smooth up to dimension 9
Seminario di analisi matematica
The regularity of stable solutions to semilinear elliptic PDEs has been studied since the 1970's. In dimensions 10 and higher, there exist singular stable energy solutions. In this talk I will describe a recent work in collaboration with Figalli, Ros-Oton, and Serra, where we prove that stable solutions are smooth up to the optimal dimension 9. This answers to an open problem posed by Brezis in the mid-nineties concerning the regularity of extremal solutions to Gelfand-type problems.
Benoit Perthame
Structured equations in biology
Seminario di analisi matematica
Models arising in biology are often written in terms of Ordinary Differential Equations. The celebrated paper of Kermack-McKendrick (1927), founding mathematical epidemiology, showed the necessity to include parameters in order to describe the state of the individuals as time elapsed after infection. During the 70s, many mathematical studies where developed when equations are structured by age, size or a physiological trait. The talk will present some structured equations, show that a universal relative entropy structure is available in the linear case. In the nonlinear cases it might be that periodic solutions occur, which can be interpreted, e.g., as network activity in the neuroscience. When the equations are conservation laws, a variant of the Monge-Kantorovich distance also gives a general control of solutions.
Pierre Pansu
L1 analysis and related geometry
Seminario di analisi matematica
Although the Laplacian cannot be inverted on L1, the exterior differential can sometimes be inverted on L1. This discovery, due to Bourgain, Brezis et al. in the early 2000's, can be explained in geometric terms. Such results have generalizations in a Heisenberg group setting. This is joint work with A. Baldi, B. Franchi and F. Tripaldi.
Francesco Serra Cassano
Variational convergences for integral functionals and PDE depending on vector fields
Seminario di analisi matematica
Juan Manfredi
Seminario di analisi matematica
We prove uniform convergence in Lipschitz domains in $\mathbb{R}^n$ (and in $C^{1,1}$ domains in the Heisenberg group) of approximations to $p$-harmonic functions obtained using the natural $p$-means introduced by Ishiwata, Magnanini, and Wadade in 2017. This talk is based in joint work with Andr\'as Domokos and Diego Ricciotti (Sacramento) and Bianca Stroffolini (Naples)
Cristian Gutierrez
L∞-estimates in optimal transport for non quadratic costs
Seminario di analisi matematica
This research originates from recent results by M. Goldman and F. Otto concerning regularity of optimal transport maps for the quadratic cost. We consider cost functions having the form c(x, y) = h(x − y), where h is positively homogeneous of degree p ≥ 2 and h ∈ C2(Rn). A mapping T : Rn → Rn is c-monotone if c(Tx,x) + c(Ty,y) ≤ c(Tx,y) + c(Ty,x). Using Green’s representation formulas, if T is c-monotone, we prove local L∞- estimates of Tx−x in terms of Lp-averages of Tx−x. From this we deduce estimates for the interpolating maps between T and Id, and when T is optimal, L∞-estimates of T −1x − x. As a consequence of the technique, we also obtain a.e. differentiability of monotone maps. This is joint work with Annamaria Montanari.
Irina Markina
On exceptional families of measures
Seminario di analisi matematica
It is an ongoing project to study collections of measures that are negligible in a sense of ``modules". The idea is originated in complex analysis as ``a conformal module of a family of curves" in looking for an invariant object under conformal transformations on the complex plane. The notion is closely related to the potential theory, certain capacity, and Hausdorff measure. Later the definition of the module was successfully applied to the nonlinear potential theory and quasiconformal analysis in a wider sense in Euclidean spaces. B. Fuglede, by studying the completion of functional spaces, generalized the notion of the module of a family of curves to the module of a family of measures. The arc length of a curve was thought of as a measure. A collection of measures is exceptional if the corresponding module vanishes. In the talk, I will remind examples of exceptional measures in Euclidean space. We aim to find exceptional families of measures on Carnot groups, related to geometric objects such as "intrinsic graphs". It leads to the notion of a Grassmannian on specific Carnot groups.
Ermanno Lanconelli
Polarity measures and their rigidity properties.
Seminario di analisi matematica
Let $\mu$ be a measure concentrated on a domain $ D \subset \mathbb {R}^N$ , and let $ x_0 \in D$. Denote by $ \Gamma$ the fundamental solution of the Laplacian, and by $\Gamma_{\mu}$ the Newtonian potential of $\mu$. We say that $\mu$ is a polarity measure for $D$ at $x_0$ if $\Gamma_{\mu} = \Gamma (x_0 - x)$ for every $x$ in the complementary of $D$. If we also have $\Gamma_{\mu} < \Gamma (x_0 - x)$ for every $x \in D$ then we say that $\mu$ is a strong polarity measure for $D$ at $x_0$. In the present talk we first recall the following results: A. Every sufficiently smooth domain supports a polarity measure at an arbitrarily given point. B. Every strong polarity measure characterizes its supporting domain. Then we show how to extend A and B to the general context of the hypoellipitic semi-elliptic linear second order PDEs. All the results we present have been obtained in collaboration with Giovanni Cupini.
Fulvio Ricci
Recent developments on maximal restriction operators
Seminario di analisi matematica
Suppose that, for a surface $S\subset\bR^n$ with (weighted) surface measure $\sigma$ and for some $p,q$ with $p\in(1,2)$, the Fourier restriction operator $\cR:f\longmapsto \widehat f_S$ satisfies the inequality $$ \|\mathcal R f\|_{L^q(S,\sigma)}\le C\|f\|_{L^p(\mathbb R^n)}\ ,\qquad \forall f\in\cS(\mathbb R^n)\ . $$ Then extendability of $\mathcal R$ to all of $L^p(\mathbb R^n)$ indicates, heuristically, that, for general $f\in L^p(\mathbb R^n)$, $\widehat f$ can be assigned values on $S$, despite the fact that it is only defined a.e. The notion of ``maximal restriction operator'' has been introduced in a paper of 2019 by D.~M\"uller, J.~Wright and myself, for the purpose of giving measure-theoretic ground to this statement. In this talk I give a precise presentation of the problem, the improvements of our original result by various authors and some of the open problems.
Raul Serapioni
Regular and irregular solutions of degenerate elliptic equations: a glance at vintage mathematics.
Seminario di analisi matematica
The problem of Holder regularity of a variational solutions u = u(x) of a degenerate uniformly elliptic second order equations as (1) \sum_{i=1}^n Di(w(x)Diu(x)) = 0; x\in\Omega\subset R^n has been addressed since the beginning of the seventies. Now it is well known that if w belongs to the Muckenhaupt class A_2 then variational solutions of (1) are Holder continuous. On the other side the necessity of the assumption w\in A_2, or of similar structural assumptions on the weights, is far from being well understood. The simpler question of the necessity/sufficiency of quantitative assumptions on w and 1/w, even if better understood, is not yet completely settled.
Abstract: Representation theory studies groups using linear algebra: a representation turns group elements into linear transformations. Quantization turns physics into linear algebra: quantum observables are linear operators. In this short course, we describe how these topics intersect in the representation theory of simple Lie groups. In the first half, we introduce representation theory through examples, and show every finite-dimensional representation decomposes into eigenspaces called "weight spaces". In the second half, we introduce geometric quantization as a tool to construct representations starting from a chosen "highest weight".
15 settembre
Jhon Huerta
Seminario di algebra e geometria
Abstract: Representation theory studies groups using linear algebra: a representation turns group elements into linear transformations. Quantization turns physics into linear algebra: quantum observables are linear operators. In this short course, we describe how these topics intersect in the representation theory of simple Lie groups. In the first half, we introduce representation theory through examples, and show every finite-dimensional representation decomposes into eigenspaces called "weight spaces". In the second half, we introduce geometric quantization as a tool to construct representations starting from a chosen "highest weight".
14 settembre
Let G be a permutation group acting on a finite set Omega. A subset B of Omega is called a base for G if the pointwise stabilizer of B in G is trivial. In the 19th century, bounding the order of a finite primitive permutation group G was a problem that attracted a lot of attention. Early investigations of bases then arose because such a problem reduces to that of bounding the minimal size of a base of G. Some other far- reaching applications across Pure Mathematics led the study of the base size to be a crucial area of current research in permutation groups. In the first part of the talk, we will investigate some of these applications and review some results about base size. We will present a recent improvement of a famous estimation due to Liebeck that estimates the base size of a primitive permutation group in terms of its degree. In the second part of the talk, we will define the concept of irredundant bases of G and the concept of IBIS groups. Whereas bases of minimal size have been well studied, irredundant bases and IBIS groups have not yet received a similar degree of attention. Indeed, Cameron and Fon-Der-Flaas, already in 1995, defined such groups and proposed to classify some meaningful families. But only this year, a systematic investigation of primitive permutation IBIS groups has been started. We will discuss how we reduced the classification of primitive IBIS groups to the almost simple groups and affine groups. Eventually, we will conclude by mentioning recent advances towards a complete classification.
Abstract: Representation theory studies groups using linear algebra: a representation turns group elements into linear transformations. Quantization turns physics into linear algebra: quantum observables are linear operators. In this short course, we describe how these topics intersect in the representation theory of simple Lie groups. In the first half, we introduce representation theory through examples, and show every finite-dimensional representation decomposes into eigenspaces called "weight spaces". In the second half, we introduce geometric quantization as a tool to construct representations starting from a chosen "highest weight".
Abstract: Representation theory studies groups using linear algebra: a representation turns group elements into linear transformations. Quantization turns physics into linear algebra: quantum observables are linear operators. In this short course, we describe how these topics intersect in the representation theory of simple Lie groups. In the first half, we introduce representation theory through examples, and show every finite-dimensional representation decomposes into eigenspaces called "weight spaces". In the second half, we introduce geometric quantization as a tool to construct representations starting from a chosen "highest weight".
Abstract: Representation theory studies groups using linear algebra: a representation turns group elements into linear transformations. Quantization turns physics into linear algebra: quantum observables are linear operators. In this short course, we describe how these topics intersect in the representation theory of simple Lie groups. In the first half, we introduce representation theory through examples, and show every finite-dimensional representation decomposes into eigenspaces called "weight spaces". In the second half, we introduce geometric quantization as a tool to construct representations starting from a chosen "highest weight".
15 luglio
Mirko Mauri (Max Planck Insitut Bonn)
Seminario di algebra e geometria
The key idea behind Hodge theory is that rich geometric structures on a complex manifold (e.g. holonomy U(n)) induce a decomposition of its cohomology, whose building blocks have a clear geometric meaning (e.g. sheaf cohomology of holomorphic differential forms, or spaces of algebraic cycles). In the same spirit, the decomposition theorem for proper morphisms grants that the cohomology of the domain splits in elementary summands. However, in general, it is a subtle task to determine explicitly these summands. We prove that this is in fact possible in the case of Hitchin fibrations for Higgs bundles of arbitrary degree. Surprisingly we relate the summands of the decomposition theorem to the singularity theory of the moduli spaces of Higgs bundles in (fixed!) degree zero. We also provide a combinatorial version of the decomposition theorem via counts of lattice points in zonotopes. This is based on a collaboration with Luca Migliorini and Roberto Pagaria.
09 luglio
Silvia De Toffoli (Princeton University)
Seminario interdisciplinare
I criteri di accettabilità per le dimostrazioni matematiche non sono assoluti, ma dipendono dal contesto. Per esempio, in topologia è a volte accettabile fare uso di diagrammi e ricorrere all'intuizione spazio-temporale. Questo però non accade nella maggior parte degli altri domini. In questo seminario, indicherò un modo di caratterizzare il rigore in matematica e suggerirò come un uso regolato di intuizione spazio-temporale non lo escluda. Argomenterò con vari esempi a favore di due tesi: (1) Gli standard di accettabilità delle dimostrazioni dipendono dal background condiviso del pubblico a cui la prova è indirizzata. Come vedremo, ciò non porta ad abbandonare l’idea che la matematica sia oggettiva ma a spiegare come questa oggettività possa essere ottenuta in pratica da agenti limitati e fallibili. (2) C'è un modo plausibile per individuare le dimostrazioni matematiche tale che in certe dimostrazioni diagrammatiche rimpiazzare i diagrammi con rappresentazioni linguistiche non porta a una presentazione diversa della stessa dimostrazione, ma proprio a una dimostrazione diversa. Vedremo che, seppure sia sempre possibile convertire una dimostrazione informale in una dimostrazione formale, non è sempre possibile operare una traduzione fedele, soprattutto in casi in cui la dimostrazione informale includeva diagrammi. “La poesia è ciò che si perde nelle traduzioni” ha scritto Robert Frost. Qualcosa di simile può essere detto dei diagrammi.
30 giugno
Alberto Dayan, Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim
nell'ambito della serie: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario di analisi matematica
We study the size of the Dobinski set, a subset of the unit interval defined in terms of dyadic approximation. This can be done by using two distinct approaches: first, we give an analogous of Jarnik’s Theorem in Diophantine approximation that fits our dyadic setting, and we use such a result ( together with some reference to quasi-independence) to prove that the Dobinski set has logarithmic Hausdorff dimension equal to 1, with associated logarithmic Hausdorff measure equal to infinity. We will also see how the same result can be proven by using technical estimates on the Hausdorff dimension for willow Cantor sets constructed inside the Dobinski set. This is a joint work with José Luís Fernández and Maria Jose González.
28 giugno
We consider the generic divergence form second order parabolic equation with coefficients that are regular in the spatial variables and just measurable in time. We show that the spatial derivatives of its fundamental solution admit upper bounds that agree with the Aronson type estimate and only depend on the ellipticity constants of the equation and the L∞ norm of the spatial derivatives of its coefficients. We also study the corresponding stochastic partial differential equations and prove that under natural assumptions on the noise the equation admits a mild solution, given by anticipating stochastic integration.
24 giugno
Kasun Fernando (University of Toronto, Canada)
Seminario di sistemi dinamici
In this talk, we introduce higher-order expansions in the mixing local limit theorems for Birkhoff sums. We will discuss the general results under technical assumptions, and illustrate them by different examples (e.g. subshifts of finite type, Young towers, Sinai billiards, and random matrix products), including situations of unbounded observables with integrability order arbitrarily close to the optimal moment condition required in the i.i.d. setting. This is joint work with Françoise Pène.
24 giugno
In this talk, we shall exhibit a mini-max characterization of the second eigenvalue of the p-Laplacian operator on p-quasi-open sets, using a construction based on minimizing movements on non-linear gradient flows. The following outline shall be presented: the notion of non-linear eigenvalues and their properties, the statement of the characterization, the notion of Quasi-open sets, and a sketch of the proof of the theorem. This is based on a joint work with Nicola Fusco and Yi Zhang.
In this mini-course we will give an introduction to Cartan geometries, which pro- vide a uniform approach to a large variety of differential geometric structures. We will focus on parabolic geometries which are Cartan geometries infinitesimally modelled on flag varieties. Among the most prominent examples of geometric structures admit- ting descriptions as parabolic geometries are conformal manifolds (dim>2), projective structures, non-degenerate CR-structures of hypersurface type and various types of bracket-generating distributions. After having introduced the basic concepts and hav- ing studied some examples, we will discuss some applications of Cartan connections to classical problems in differential geometry. On the one hand, we will see how Cartan connections can be applied to questions of geometric rigidity such as, which Lie groups can act on manifolds preserving a given geometric structure or to which extent does the group of automorphisms determine the geometric structure. On the other hand, we will study applications of Cartan connections to compactifications of geometric structures.
22 giugno
Mauro Mantegazza
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
This talk will present some of the results obtained in the paper "The c-map as a functor on certain variations of hodge structure" by Mantegazza and Saha. In particular we will see how projective special Kähler manifolds can be interpreted in terms of variations of polarised Hodge structure, and how the latter can be used to give a description of the c-map that is manifestly functorial.
21 giugno
We propose a novel small time approximation for the solution to the Zakai equation from nonlinear filtering theory. We prove that the unnormalized filtering density is well described over short time intervals by the solution of a deterministic partial differential equation of Kolmogorov type; the observation process appears in a pathwise manner through the degenerate component of the Kolmogorov's type operator. The rate of convergence of the approximation is of order one in the lenght of the interval. Our approach combines ideas from Wong-Zakai-type results and Wiener chaos approximations for the solution to the Zakai equation. The proof of our main theorem relies on the well-known Feynman-Kac representation for the unnormalized filtering density and careful estimates which lead to completely explicit bounds (joint work with Ramiro Scorolli)
In this mini-course we will give an introduction to Cartan geometries, which pro- vide a uniform approach to a large variety of differential geometric structures. We will focus on parabolic geometries which are Cartan geometries infinitesimally modelled on flag varieties. Among the most prominent examples of geometric structures admit- ting descriptions as parabolic geometries are conformal manifolds (dim>2), projective structures, non-degenerate CR-structures of hypersurface type and various types of bracket-generating distributions. After having introduced the basic concepts and hav- ing studied some examples, we will discuss some applications of Cartan connections to classical problems in differential geometry. On the one hand, we will see how Cartan connections can be applied to questions of geometric rigidity such as, which Lie groups can act on manifolds preserving a given geometric structure or to which extent does the group of automorphisms determine the geometric structure. On the other hand, we will study applications of Cartan connections to compactifications of geometric structures.
In this mini-course we will give an introduction to Cartan geometries, which pro- vide a uniform approach to a large variety of differential geometric structures. We will focus on parabolic geometries which are Cartan geometries infinitesimally modelled on flag varieties. Among the most prominent examples of geometric structures admit- ting descriptions as parabolic geometries are conformal manifolds (dim>2), projective structures, non-degenerate CR-structures of hypersurface type and various types of bracket-generating distributions. After having introduced the basic concepts and hav- ing studied some examples, we will discuss some applications of Cartan connections to classical problems in differential geometry. On the one hand, we will see how Cartan connections can be applied to questions of geometric rigidity such as, which Lie groups can act on manifolds preserving a given geometric structure or to which extent does the group of automorphisms determine the geometric structure. On the other hand, we will study applications of Cartan connections to compactifications of geometric structures.
17 giugno
Giuseppe Savarè, Università Bocconi, Milano
Seminario di analisi matematica
The talk will introduce the main concepts and tools of Optimal Transport between probability measures and its recent extensions to the unbalanced case, involving entropic regularizations. A few applications will also be discussed.
17 giugno
Mauro Artigiani (Universidad del Rosario, Colombia)
Seminario di sistemi dinamici
Double rotations are the simplest subclass of interval translation mappings. A double rotation is of finite type if its attractor is an interval and of infinite type if it is a Cantor set. It is easy to see that the restriction of a double rotation of finite type to its attractor is simply a rotation. It is known due to Suzuki – Ito – Aihara and Bruin – Clark that double rotations of infinite type are defined by a subset of zero measure in the parameter set. We introduce a new renormalization procedure on double rotations, which is reminiscent of the classical Rauzy induction. Using this renormalization, we prove that the set of parameters which induce infinite type double rotations has Hausdorff dimension strictly smaller than 3. Moreover, we construct a natural invariant measure supported on these parameters and show that, with respect to this measure, almost all double rotations are uniquely ergodic. In my talk I plan to outline this proof that is based on the recent result by Fougeron for simplicial systems. I also hope to discuss briefly some challenging open questions and further research plans related to double rotations. The talk is based on joint work with Charles Fougeron, Pascal Hubert and Sasha Skripchenko.
In this mini-course we will give an introduction to Cartan geometries, which pro- vide a uniform approach to a large variety of differential geometric structures. We will focus on parabolic geometries which are Cartan geometries infinitesimally modelled on flag varieties. Among the most prominent examples of geometric structures admit- ting descriptions as parabolic geometries are conformal manifolds (dim>2), projective structures, non-degenerate CR-structures of hypersurface type and various types of bracket-generating distributions. After having introduced the basic concepts and hav- ing studied some examples, we will discuss some applications of Cartan connections to classical problems in differential geometry. On the one hand, we will see how Cartan connections can be applied to questions of geometric rigidity such as, which Lie groups can act on manifolds preserving a given geometric structure or to which extent does the group of automorphisms determine the geometric structure. On the other hand, we will study applications of Cartan connections to compactifications of geometric structures.
15 giugno
Marco Rampazzo
Seminario di algebra e geometria
It is conjectured that many birational transformations, called $K$-inequalities, have a categorical counterpart in terms of an embedding of derived categories. In the special case of simple $K$-equivalence (or more generally $K$-equivalence), a derived equivalence is expected: we propose a method to prove the conjecture for a wide class of simple $K$-equivalences. This method relies on the construction of roofs of projective bundles introduced by Kanemitsu. Roofs are special Fano varieties of Picard number two admitting two projective bundle structures, and they are related to the construction of pairs of Calabi—Yau varieties: we prove that a $K$-equivalent pair is derived equivalent if the associated pair of Calabi—Yau varieties is derived equivalent, and we apply this technique on several cases. The proofs are based on the manipulation of semiorthogonal decompositions by mutations of exceptional objects.
09 giugno
07 giugno
Ovidiu Savin, Columbia University, New York
nel ciclo di seminari: CORSO DI DOTTORATO PER L'A.A.19/20
Seminario di analisi matematica
04 giugno
Matteo Tanzi (New York University, USA)
Seminario di sistemi dinamici
We prove that skew systems with a sufficiently expanding base have “approximate” statistical properties similar to random ergodic Markov chains. For example, they exhibit approximate exponential decay of correlations, meaning that the exponential rate is observed modulo a controlled error. The fiber maps are only assumed to be Lipschitz regular and to depend on the base in a way that guarantees diffusive behaviour on the vertical component. The assumptions do not imply an hyperbolic picture and one cannot rely on the spectral properties of the transfer operators involved. The approximate nature of the result is the inevitable price one pays for having so mild assumptions on the dynamics on the vertical component. The error in the approximation is shown to go to zero when the expansion of the base tends to infinity.
04 giugno
Ovidiu Savin and Daniela De Silva, Columbia University, New York
nel ciclo di seminari: CORSO DI DOTTORATO PER L'A.A.19/20
Seminario di analisi matematica
03 giugno
Ovidiu Savin, Columbia University, New York
nel ciclo di seminari: CORSO DI DOTTORATO PER L'A.A.19/20
Seminario di analisi matematica
03 giugno
F. Santambrogio (Université Claude Bernard - Lyon 1)
Seminario di analisi matematica
I will start the talk by recalling the notion of gradient flow in its easiest occurrence: the evolution equation x'(t)=-grad F(x(t)) in the Euclidean space. In particular, the focus will be on the implicit Euler scheme as a sequence of iterated minimization problems. I will then move to a more involved setting, where the point x is replaced by a probability density ρ evolving in the space of probabilities endowed with the so-called Wasserstein distance, induced by optimal transport. For suitable choices of the functional F one can recover linear diffusion PDEs (heat and Fokker-Planck equations) as well as non-linear ones (porous medium, fast diffusion, models for crowd motion). The iterated minimization scheme is called in this case JKO scheme (from Jordan-Kinderlehrer-Otto). After explaining why this scheme heuristically provide the desired equation at the limit, I will show how its optimality conditions can be exploited to prove estimates on its solutions, in particular BV, Sobolev and Lipschitz bounds. Lipschitz estimates can also be interpreted as bounds on the maximal displacement of each particle in the optimal transport map, and have a numerical interest, which I will discuss in two examples, where a potential drift is coupled either with linear diffusion or with a pressure effect due to density constrained in crowd motion.
La prima parte del seminario sarà dedicata ad un'ampia introduzione ai cubic fourfolds - cioé le ipersuperfici cubiche di grado 3 nello spazio proiettivo di dimensione 5. Ne descrivero' la geometria, la teoria d'intersezione, e come si deformano in famiglie (o come si dice comunemente: lo spazio di moduli). Continuero' approfondendo la teoria dell'intersezione dei divisori (i.e. sottovarietà di codimensione 1) di cubiche speciali nello spazio di moduli. Questi divisori parametrizzano le cubiche che contengono più superfici che le generiche cubiche. Daremo delle condizioni necessarie affinché (fino a) 20 di questi divisori si intersechino, e descriveremo le superfici K3 associate a queste cubiche - nel senso della teoria di Hodge. Applicheremo questa costruzione per costruire nuove famiglie di cubiche con Chow motive di dimensione finita e di tipo abeliano. Infine, considereremo alcune varietà di HyperKähler associate alle cubiche (la varietà di Fano delle rette contenute nel 4fold, il LLSvS 8fold, ecc.) e mostreremo che in alcuni casi i nostri precedenti risultati implicano che anche queste varietà di HK hanno un Chow motive finito dimensionale.
01 giugno
Ovidiu Savin and Daniela De Silva, Columbia University, New York
nel ciclo di seminari: CORSO DI DOTTORATO PER L'A.A.19/20
Seminario di analisi matematica
31 maggio
Ovidiu Savin and Daniela De Silva, Columbia University, New York
nel ciclo di seminari: CORSO DI DOTTORATO PER L'A.A.19/20
Seminario di analisi matematica
31 maggio
Luca Marchese
nell'ambito della serie: TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS 2020/2021
Seminario di algebra e geometria, sistemi dinamici
I numeri reali si differenziano per le loro caratteristiche diofantee, che riflettono diverse proprietà geometrico-dinamiche delle orbite sotto l'azione di PSL(2,Z). La teoria analitica dei numeri studia le proprietà metriche, come misura o dimensione di Hausdorff, dell'insieme dei numeri reali di un certo tipo diofanteo. In particolare, l'insieme dei numeri male approssimabili ha misura zero e dimensione 1 nella retta. Inoltre esiste un' esaustione naturale in sottoinsiemi Bad(c), la cui dimensione converge ad 1 quando c va a zero. D. Hensley ha ottenuto l'asintotico al primo ordine in c della dimensione di Bad(c), attraverso un'analoga stima per l'insieme dei numeri reali la cui frazione continua ammette coefficienti parziali uniformemente limitati. La dimostrazione di questo risultato illustra come la frazione continua permette di introdurre strumenti dinamici, quali l'operatore di trasferimento ed il formalismo termodinamico, che forniscono informazioni metriche molto più precise che un'analisi puramente analitico-geometrica. Tale approccio si estende a diversi contesti geometrico-dinamici. In particolare vedremo una versione generalizzata dell'asintotico di Hensely, in cui la nozione di numeri male approssimabili è riferita non più all'azione di PSL(2,Z) ma a quella di un lattice non-uniforme in PSL(2,R).
28 maggio
Ovidiu Savin and Daniela De Silva, Columbia University, New York
nel ciclo di seminari: CORSO DI DOTTORATO PER L'A.A.19/20
27 maggio
Ovidiu Savin and Daniela De Silva, Columbia University, New York
nel ciclo di seminari: CORSO DI DOTTORATO PER L'A.A.19/20
Seminario di analisi matematica
26 maggio
Ovidiu Savin and Daniela De Silva, Columbia University, New York
nel ciclo di seminari: CORSO DI DOTTORATO PER L'A.A.19/20
Seminario di analisi matematica
25 maggio
Ovidiu Savin and Daniela De Silva, Columbia University, New York
nel ciclo di seminari: CORSO DI DOTTORATO PER L'A.A.19/20
Seminario di analisi matematica
25 maggio
In this talk I will present an extension of polar duality, called framed duality, beyond the class of Fano toric varieties. The key idea is thinking of polar duality as a duality between toric varieties ``framed'' by their anti-canonical divisor and then allowing a more general ``framing'', in principle just given by an effective divisor. When restricted to a general section of the framing linear system, this construction gives back a Batyrev-type mirror symmetry between toric hypersurfaces (and complete intersections). This process, when restricted to Calabi-Yau complete intersections reduces precisely to Batyrev-Borisov duality, when considered for negative Kodaira dimension, produces Landau-Ginzburg mirror models closely related to those proposed by Givental, and, when considered for positive Kodaira dimension, suggests interesting improvements of Hori-Vafa mirror models, so getting a unified approach to Mirror Symmetry of toric complete intersections.
24 maggio
Ovidiu Savin and Daniela De Silva, Columbia University, New York
nel ciclo di seminari: CORSO DI DOTTORATO PER L'A.A.19/20
Seminario di analisi matematica
L'abstract è reperibile al seguente indirizzo:
20 maggio
Umberto Zannier (Scuola Normale Superiore)
Seminario di sistemi dinamici
After a very brief review of basics on elliptic curves and their families, we shall consider "sections" of such  families, and especially their "torsion values".  For instance, what can be said of the complex numbers b for which (2, \sqrt{2(2-b)}) is torsion on the Legendre curve y^2=x(x-1)(x-b)? In particular, we shall recall results of "Manin-Mumford type" and focus to illustrate some applications to elliptical billiards. Finally, if time allows we shall frame these issues as special cases of a general question in arithmetic dynamics, which can be treated with different methods, depending on the context. (Most results refer to work with Pietro Corvaja and David Masser.)
20 maggio
Il seminario, rivolto agli studenti della magistrale, è diviso in due parti: nella prima verrà fatta un’introduzione generale sul Curriculum Vitae (CV), spiegando a cosa serve e come deve essere strutturato. Particolare attenzione verrà data al CV per l’ambito accademico. Nella seconda parte sarà trattato il CV per il mondo del lavoro e l’utilizzo del social network LinkedIn per entrare nel mercato del lavoro.
20 maggio
Veronique FISCHER
Seminario di analisi matematica
In this talk, I will discuss the development of semi-classical analysis for sub-elliptic operators such as sub-Laplacians. For an elliptic operator, this is well understood as the tools and methods to study e.g. quantum ergodicity or Schrödinger equations have become well established over the past fifty years. They rely on the pseudo-differential theory, and in the elliptic case the space of principal symbols is commutative. The aim of this talk is to present my approach to define similar tools for sub-Laplacians, leading to more non-commutative concepts.
This paper analyses the interaction between centralised carbon-emissive technologies and distributed non-emissive technologies. In our model, a representative consumer satisfies her electricity demand by investing in distributed generation (solar panels) and by buying power from a centralised firm. The firm provides non-random electricity generation subject to a carbon tax and to transmission costs. We also consider the point of view of a social planner. We formulate the investment decisions as McKean-Vlasov control problems with stochastic coefficients, providing explicit solutions to the control problems faced by each player. Joint work with René Aid and Huyên Pham.
18 maggio
Le varietà di Debarre-Voisin formano una famiglia localmente completa di varietà hyperkahleriane che sono deformazione dello schema di Hilbert di due punti su una superficie K3. Queste varietà sono strettamente connesse a differenti famiglie di varietà di Fano sia dal punto di vista geometrico che coomologico. In questo seminario metterò in luce alcune di queste analogie attraverso lo studio di alcuni divisori dello spazio dei moduli delle varietà di Debarre-Voisin. In particolare questo studio permette di dimostrare la congettura di Hodge per le varietà di Fano associate e di produrre un divisore dello spazio dei moduli su cui le varietà di Debarre-Voisin sono isomorfe allo spazio di moduli di fasci twistati su superfici K3 di grado 6. Si tratta di un lavoro in collaborazione con Jieao Song.
17 maggio
Il seminario, rivolto agli studenti della magistrale, è diviso in due parti: nella prima verrà fatta un’introduzione generale sul Curriculum Vitae (CV), spiegando a cosa serve e come deve essere strutturato. Particolare attenzione verrà data al CV per l’ambito accademico. Nella seconda parte sarà trattato il CV per il mondo del lavoro e l’utilizzo del social network LinkedIn per entrare nel mercato del lavoro.
13 maggio
Berardo Ruffini
Seminario di analisi matematica
Some new ideas in Calculus of Variation and Geometric Measure Theory allowed, in the last decade, to revisit from a precise mathematical point of view some physical models. Instances of such models are the Lord Rayleigh model of charged liquid drops in electrowetting, the liquid drop model by Gamow to describe nuclear fissions, the Hartree equations in atomic physics. In the seminar I will give a brief overview on such results. Later I will focus on recent results about some of those topics. The topic of the talk is partially based upon works in collaboration with M. Goldman, D. Mazzoleni, C.B. Muratov and M. Novaga.
12 maggio
11 maggio
In his celebrated article from 1989 Woronowicz introduced a covariant differential calculus on Hopf algebras, generalizing the Cartan calculus on Lie groups. The aim of this talk is to recall his construction and to explain how other notions of differential geometry, mainly connections, curvature and torsion, generalize to this setting. In the second half of the presentation we specialize to noncommutative spaces with triangular Hopf algebra symmetry and provide existence and uniqueness of a Levi-Civita connection for any non-degenerate metric. The latter observation is due to the speaker. As our main example we mention Drinfel'd twist deformation quantization of Riemannian geometry on Poisson manifolds.
10 maggio
Lorenzo Brasco (Università di Ferrara)
Seminario di analisi matematica
We review two models for optimal transport with congestion effects in a continuous setting: an Eulerian one proposed by Beckmann and a Lagrangian one introduced by Wardrop. We also introduce the concept of Wardrop equilibrium for the traffic assignment problem. We show how to obtain existence of such equilibria, by means of a convex minimization problem. Moreover, by exploiting the equivalence of the two models and the regularity theory for degenerate elliptic equations, we show how these equilibria can be characterized by means of flows of suitable vector fields.
06 maggio
Matteo Novaga (Università di Pisa)
Seminario di analisi matematica
I will introduce the nonlocal curvature flows, discussing existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions. In the particular case of the fractional mean curvature flow, I will also describe the long time behaviour of graphical solutions and some issues related to the formation of singularities.
06 maggio
Selim Ghazouani (Université d’Orsay, Francia)
Seminario di sistemi dinamici
In this talk I will consider the following question: if one picks a piecewise affine map of the circle “at random”, what dynamical behaviour are we likely to observe? The case of standard circle diffeomorphisms has been studied by Herman in the 80s; in this emblematic case the problem can be reduced to theorems close to KAM theory. For the piecewise affine case, we put forward a geometric approach, inspired by methods from both Teichmüller theory and hyperbolic geometry.
06 maggio
Stochastic processes can be parametrised by time (such as occurs in Markov chains), in which case conditioning is one-sided (on the past) or by one-dimensional space (which is the case, for example, for one-dimensional Markov fields), where conditioning is two-sided (on the right and on the left). I will discuss some examples, in particular generalising this distinction to g-measures versus Gibbs measures, where, instead of a Markovian dependence, the weaker property of continuity (in the product topology) is considered. In particular I will discuss when the two descriptions (one-sided or two-sided) produce the same objects and when they are different. We show moreover the role one-dimensional entropic repulsion plays in this setting. Based on joint work with R. Bissacot, E. Endo and A. Le Ny, and S. Shlosman
30 aprile
We consider a variety of semi-parametric models for a risky asset S = Log X and show how to robustly price and replicate a variety of path-dependent claims. The semi-parametric models we consider may exhibit both jumps and (possibly non-Markovian) stochastic volatility. Claims may depend on the terminal value of the log price X, its realized quadratic variation [X] and barrier-style events. This is joint work with Peter Carr and Roger Lee.
There is currently a great deal of interest in the scientific community in investigating the effects of the synergistic interplay of Amyloid beta and tau on the dynamics of Alzheimer’s disease. I will present a mathematical model for the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease based on transport and diffusion equations for the two proteins. In the model neurons are treated as a continuous medium and structured by their degree of mal- functioning. Three different mechanisms are assumed to be relevant for the temporal evolution of the disease: i) diffusion and agglomeration of soluble Amyloid beta, ii) effects of misfolded tau protein and iii) neuron-to- neuron prion-like transmission of the disease. These processes are modelled by a system of Smoluchowski equations for the Amyloid beta concentration, an evolution equation for the dynamics of tau protein and a kinetic-type transport equation for the distribution function of the degree of malfunctioning of neurons. The latter equation contains an integral term describing the random onset of the disease as a jump process localized in particularly sensitive areas of the brain. I will explain in detail the structure of the model and give a hint of the main results obtained and the techniques used for the purpose. Eventually I will also show the output of some numerical simulations, of some significance even if performed in an over-simplified 2D geometry.
29 aprile
Luca Migliorini
nell'ambito della serie: TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS 2020/2021
Seminario di algebra e geometria
I will discuss a theme which, at various levels of complexity, is pervasive in algebra and geometry: The attempt to parameterize algebraic or geometric objects naturally leads to the problem of constructing quotients, almost always by the action of a group. I will start by discussing elementary problems such as parameterizing finite subsets of points in the plane or conjugacy classes of matrices, showing how they lead to the so called geometric invariant theory, which also has a more differential geometric counterpart, called symplectic reduction. In the second half of the talk I will discuss the parameterization of representations of the fundamental group of a surface, and the closely related notion of moduli spaces of vector or Higgs bundles on a Riemann surface, still from the point of view of quotient constructions.
29 aprile
26 aprile
This talk is on stochastic control problems regularized by the relative entropy, where the action space is the space of measures. This setting includes relaxed control problems, problems of finding Markovian controls with the control function replaced by an idealized infinitely wide neural network and can be extended to the search for causal optimal transport maps. By exploiting the Pontryagin optimality principle, we identify suitable metric space on which we construct gradient flow for the measure-valued control process along which the cost functional is guaranteed to decrease. It is shown that under appropriate conditions, this gradient flow has an invariant measure which is the optimal control for the regularized stochastic control problem. If the problem we work with is sufficiently convex, the gradient flow converges exponentially fast. Furthermore, the optimal measured valued control admits Bayesian interpretation which means that one can incorporate prior knowledge when solving stochastic control problem. This work is motivated by a desire to extend the theoretical underpinning for the convergence of stochastic gradient type algorithms widely used in the reinforcement learning community to solve control problems. Joint work with David Siska (Edinburgh)
22 aprile
Tanja Schindler (Scuola Normale Superiore)
Seminario di sistemi dinamici
We are interested in the limit behaviour of Birkhoff sums over an infinite sigma-finite measure space. If the observable is integrable then — by a classical theorem by Aaronson — there exists no sequence of real numbers such that the Birkhoff sum normed by this sequence converges almost surely to 1. Under strong mixing conditions on the underlying system we prove a generalized strong law of large numbers for integrable observables using a truncated sum adding a suitable number of terms depending on the point of evaluation. For f not integrable we give conditions on f such that the Birkhoff sum normed by a sequence of real numbers converges almost surely to 1. Joint work with Claudio Bonanno.
14 aprile
Alexander Bufetov
Seminario di storia della matematica
Un petit exposé court de vulgarisation dédié au calcul des séquents. Nous examinerons la contribution fondamentale et le parcours tragique du génie gripsvaldois.
14 aprile
We will discuss the maximal subspace of strong continuity of a semigroup of composition operators acting on the space of analytic functions of bounded mean oscillation in the unit disc. The minimality of this space is related to a well known theorem of Sarason about the space of analytic functions of vanishing mean oscillation. In the case of elliptic semigroups we give a complete characterization in terms of the Koenigs function of the semigroups that can replace rotations in Sarason's Theorem. This improves previous results of Blasco et al. Similar results are also obtained for the Bloch space. This is a joint work with V. Daskalogiannis.
La teoria delle superfici K3 con involuzioni simplettiche e dei loro quozienti è ora un argomento classico ben compreso grazie ai lavori fondamentali di Nikulin, Morrison, van Geemen e Sarti. In questo seminario cercheremo di sviluppare risultati analoghi per superfici K3 con automorfismi simplettici di ordine tre: descriveremo esplicitamente l'azione indotta sul reticolo K3, isometrico al secondo gruppo di coomologia di una superficie K3, da questi particolari automorfismi; deduciamo la relazione fra le famiglie che ammettono questi automorfismi e quelle date dai loro quozienti. Se il tempo lo permetterà, daremo alcune applicazioni: una relativa alle strutture di Shioda-Inose, e un'altra nella costruzione di torri infinite di superfici K3 isogenee. Questo è un lavoro in collaborazione con Alice Garbagnati
13 aprile
A Calabi-Yau (CY) pair is a pair (X, D) of a normal variety X and a reduced Z-Weil divisor D⊂X such that KX+D∼0 is a Cartier divisor linearly equivalent to zero. A Mori fibered (Mf ) CY pair is a Q-factorial (t, lc) CY pair (X, D) together with a Mori fibration f:X→S. Let (X, DX) and (Y, DY) be CY pairs. A birational map f:X to Y is volume preserving if there exists a common log resolution p:W→X, q:W→Y such that p∗(KX+DX) =q∗(KY+DY). Let (X, DX)→SXbe (Mf) CY pair. We define the special birational group of (X, DX) as the group SBir(X, DX) of volume preserving birational maps f:X to X. Our aim is to produce interesting subgroups of the Cremona group of birational self-maps of projective spaces as groups of the type SBir(Pn, DPn), where DPn is a hypersurface of degree n+ 1. Even in seemingly simple cases these groups could be quite hard to compute. We give an explicit presentation of SBir(X, DX) when X=P3 and DX is a quartic surface with divisor class group generated by the hyperplane section and whose singular locus is either empty or an A1-point. In general it seems that the worse are the singularities of the pair (X, DX) the more complicated is the group SBir(X, DX).
12 aprile
Alexander Bufetov
nell'ambito della serie: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario interdisciplinare
The Kotelnikov theorem recovers a Paley-Wiener function from its restriction onto an arithmetic progression. A Paley-Wiener function can also be recovered from its restriction onto a realization of the sine-process with one particle removed. If no particles are removed, then the possibility of such interpolation for the sine-process is due to Ghosh, for general determinantal point processes governed by orthogonal projections, to Qiu, Shamov and the speaker. If two particles are removed, then there exists a nonzero Paley-Wiener function vanishing at all the remaining particles. How explicitly to interpolate a function belonging to Hilbert space that admits a reproducing kernel, given the restriction of our function onto a realization of the determinantal pont process governed by the kernel? For the sine-process, the Ginibre process, the determinantal point process with the Bessel kernel and the determinantal point process with the Airy kernel, A.A. Borichev, A.V. Klimenko and the speaker proved that if the function decays as a sufficiently high negative power of the distance to the origin, then the answer is given by the Lagrange interpolation formula.
08 aprile
Eva Miranda (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) & Daniel Peralta-Salas (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Spain)
Seminario di fisica matematica
The dynamics of an inviscid and incompressible fluid flow on a Riemannian manifold is governed by the Euler equations. Recently, Tao launched a programme to address the global existence problem for the Euler and Navier Stokes equations based on the concept of universality. Inspired by this proposal, we show that the stationary Euler equations exhibit several universality features, In the sense that, any non-autonomous flow on a compact manifold can be extended to a smooth stationary solution of the Euler equations on some Riemannian manifold of possibly higher dimension. These results can be viewed as lending support to the intuition that solutions to the Euler equations can be extremely complicated in nature. A key point in the proof is looking at the h-principle in contact geometry through a contact mirror, unveiled by Sullivan, Etnyre and Ghrist more than two decades ago. We end up this talk addressing an apparently different question: What kind of physics might be non-computational? Using the former universality result, we can establish the Turing completeness of the steady Euler flows, i.e., there exist solutions that encode a universal Turing machine and, in particular, these solutions have undecidable trajectories. But, in view of the increase of dimension yielded by our proof, the question is: can this be done in dimension 3? We will prove the existence of Turing complete fluid flows on a 3-dimensional geometric domain. Our novel strategy uses the computational power of symbolic dynamics and the contact mirror again. This talk is based on joint work with Robert Cardona and Fran Presas (arXiv:1911.01963 and arXiv:2012.12828).
31 marzo
Nicola Arcozzi
nell'ambito della serie: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario di analisi matematica
30 marzo
Paul-Konstantin Oehlmann (Uppsala University)
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
We consider compact elliptic four-folds whose fiber ceases to be flat over Riemann surfaces of genus g in the base. We show that those contributions generically lead to non-trivial threeform cohomology proportional to g and the number of non-flat fiber components. These non-flat components can be viewed as compactifications of non-flat three-folds where they correspond to superconformal matter theories. Moreover we show, that one can perform conifold transitions that remove those non-flat fibers, corresponding to non-flat fibers in codimension three and second to birational base changes. The former phase is interpreted as a non-perturbative gauge invariant fourpoint coupling and the second one is closer to a classical 4D Coulomb branch.
29 marzo
Giovanni Zanco
nel ciclo di seminari: SEMINARI DI PROBABILITÀ
Seminario di probabilità
We will discuss how the so-called product space framework, introduced in the '70s to represent delayed systems, can be effectively implemented to study well posedness of Kolmogorov-type PDEs with path-dependent coefficients. We will present results on linear and semilinear PDEs and as well as some related tools of stochastic calculus in Banach spaces.
25 marzo
Álvaro del Pino Gómez (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Seminario di sistemi dinamici
When one considers manifolds with boundary, billiard dynamics are the natural analogue of standard geodesic dynamics. Namely, instead of having geodesics escape at the boundary, we force them back into the manifold using the reflection law. In other dynamical settings, similar constructions are possible: In 2006, B. Khesin and S. Tabachnikov initiated the study of billiards in the semiriemannian setting, studying the integrability of various tables. In recent years we have also seen the appearance of several billiard setups of symplectic nature. In this talk I will discuss recent work with L. Dahinden in which we look at billiards in subriemannian geometry. I will sketch how the reflection law arises naturally both from the control-theoretical and symplectic perspectives, how the reflection is problematic at tangency points between the distribution and the boundary of the table, and I will introduce some concrete examples. My ultimate goal will be to pose several intriguing open questions.
24 marzo
Nicola Arcozzi
nell'ambito della serie: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario di analisi matematica
The Siegel domain plays in several complex variables the role of the upper half plane in the one-dimensional theory. One of its advantages over the unit ball is that the boundary behavior of the Bergman metric is rather transparent in Siegel coordinates; another one is that its boundary has a (noncommutative) group structure and (noncommutative) Fourier analysis can be used; another one is that the derivative with respect to the "vertical" direction encodes much information concerning classical holomorphic spaces. In these seminars we will give an overview of the rich toolbox available when studying function theory over such domain. The first one will be devoted to the Bergman metric and the automorphism group.
24 marzo
Roberto Pagaria
nell'ambito della serie: TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS 2020/2021
Seminario di algebra e geometria
Lo scopo del seminario è quello di esporre ad un vasto pubblico la recente dimostrazione della log-concavità di certi polinomi. Il polinomio cromatico di un grafo conta il numero di colorazioni possibili di un grafo. Negli anni '70 è stato congetturato che i suoi coefficienti $\omega_i$ formino una sequenza log-concava, cioè \[ \omega_i^2\geq \omega_{i-1}\omega_{i+1}.\] L'enunciato della congettura si può dare più in generale per i coefficienti del polinomio caratteristico di un matroide. Queste congetture sono state dimostrate rispettivamente nel 2012 e nel 2018. Le tecniche usate sono sorprendenti e proverò a darne un'idea: costruirò, tramite blow up, una varietà proiettiva e ne studierò l'anello di Chow (che coincide con la coomologia). Infine dal teorema di Hodge-Riemann segue banalmente la disuguaglianza cercata. Nel caso di matroidi la corrispettiva varietà non esiste, ma si può comunque definire un anello con le proprietà desiderate e dimostrare la log-concavità.
17 marzo
Gromov hyperbolic spaces are a generalization of negative curved spaces in the general context of metric spaces. We present different (but equivalent) definitions and main results (Shadowing lemma, Gromov compactification and homeomorphic extension of quasi-isometries). Finally, we apply the general theory to complex domains endowed with the Kobayashi distance.
16 marzo
Santiago Estupinan Salamanca (Universidad de los Andes)
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
Aguiar and Ardila defined a Hopf monoidal structure on the collection of generalized permutahedra of all dimensions; and from it, constructed a Hopf algebra on the same polytopes, which is isomorphic to the Hopf algebra of symmetric functions, Sym. This endows each element of Sym with a formal sum of permutahedra, so that we can think of symmetric functions as members of McMullen’s polytope algebra. In this talk, we give geometric models for the Schur and power sum symmetric functions, when regarded as elements of the aforesaid polytope algebra. This is accomplished through a combinatorial rule for the former ones and in the way of an explicit description for the latter ones. We also characterize when the resulting geometric objects correspond to polytopes with missing faces. (Joint work with Carolina Benedetti and Mario Sanchez)
16 marzo
Luis Ferroni Rivetti (Università di Bologna)
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
Matroids are combinatorial structures that admit several "cryptomorphic" definitions. It is possible to define matroids as a certain kind of polytopes with vertices with 0/1-coordinates. Also, for every lattice polytope, the function counting the number of integer points inside of every integral dilation is known to be a polynomial, named after Eugene Ehrhart. In this seminar we will talk about the Ehrhart polynomials of matroid polytopes. We will discuss some open problems and recent results on the area, using just minimal prerequisites.
15 marzo
In this talk we give a brief introduction to the theory of rough paths, that was developed by T. Lyons and studied by many others in the past decades. Then we discuss applications to McKean-Vlasov equations with common noise. Rough path theory builds on the theory of Young integration and aims to make sense of differential equations driven by a continuous path (but cadlag generalizations are possible) that need not be differentiable or of bounded variation. The driving signal can be Hölder continuous for any strictly positive Hölder exponent, in the talk we will only focus on path or regularity between 1/3 and 1/2. Many classical results of stochastic analysis can be recovered using rough path theory. We consider a McKean-Vlasov diffusion with "common" noise perturbed by a deterministic rough paths. These types of law-dependent equations arise as a mean-field limit of systems of interacting particles subject to a common noise that acts on each particle. Finally we give an outlook into applications to filtering theory.
11 marzo
Alessandro Della Corte (Università di Camerino)
Seminario di sistemi dinamici
The symbolic action of a substitution on the binary expansion generates naturally an interval map. In case of erasing substitutions, the map is typically Baire-1 and not Darboux. As a model case, we consider what is arguably the simplest erasing substitution, mapping 0s to the empty word and 1s to 0 or 1 depending on the parity. The corresponding interval map is shown to have fractal properties (bounds are given on the Hausdorff dimension of the fibers) and to display rich dynamical behavior, including Devaney chaos, uniform distributional chaos of type 1, infinite topological entropy as well as the presence of cycles attracting in a finite time every rational.
10 marzo
Marina Marchisio (Universita' di Torino)
Seminario di didattica della matematica
La didattica digitale è destinata a trasformare le modalità di insegnamento e di apprendimento e promuove il ruolo attivo degli studenti nello sviluppo di competenze. Si basa sull'utilizzo di ambienti digitali di apprendimento integrati con sistemi evoluti per il calcolo simbolico e per la valutazione. Nel seminario verranno illustrate teorie, buone pratiche, risultati ed esempi di ambienti digitali di apprendimento delle STEM utili a docenti e studenti.
10 marzo
Nicola Arcozzi
nel ciclo di seminari: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario di analisi matematica
We close the characterization of the Carleson measures for the Dirichlet space by giving one (perhaps two) solution(s) to the corresponding dyadic problem.
10 marzo
Matteo Fiacchi
nell'ambito della serie: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario interdisciplinare
We give a introduction, assuming no prerequisite, to the notion of pseudoconvexity in several complex variables.
09 marzo
Alessandro Iacopetti, Università di Milano, La Statale
Seminario di analisi matematica
In this talk we present some recent results concerning the regularity of the unique weak solution vanishing at infinity of the prescribed mean curvature equation in the Lorentz-Minkowski space for spacelike hypersurfaces, when the mean curvature belongs to $L^p(R^N)$, with $p>N$. This equation is also known as the ``Born-Infeld'' equation, as it comes from the nonlinear model of electromagnetism introduced by M. Born and L. Infeld, but it also plays a crucial role in Relativity. In the first part of the talk we will show a new gradient estimate for smooth solutions of the prescribed mean curvature equation and prove that, under our assumptions, the unique minimizer of the Born-Infeld energy, which is a priori only Lipschitz continuous, is actually a strictly spacelike weak solution of class $W^{2,p}$. In the second part the we will discuss some other related results concerning the existence of spacelike radial graphs of prescribed mean curvature and some open problems. These results are collected in a series of joint works with Prof. D. Bonheure (Université Libre de Bruxelles).
09 marzo
Aline Zanardini (University of Pennsylvania)
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
In this talk I will present some results about the GIT stability of Halphen pencils of index two under the action of SL(3). These are pencils of plane curves of degree six having nine (possibly infinitely near) base points of multiplicity two. Inspired by the work of Miranda on pencils of plane cubics, I will explain how we can explore the geometry of the associated rational elliptic surfaces.
04 marzo
Nicola Abatangelo, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Seminario di analisi matematica
We will present a series of results regarding the behaviour of solutions to boundary value problems driven by non-integer powers of the Laplacian operator. Special attention will be paid to the failure of maximum principles and its consequences.
03 marzo
Nicola Arcozzi
nell'ambito della serie: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario di analisi matematica
A characterization of the Carleson measures for the Dirichlet space is given.
02 marzo
Mariel Supina (University of California, Berkeley)
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
Matroids are combinatorial objects that generalize the notion of independence, and their subdivisions have rich connections to geometry. Thus we are often interested in functions on matroids that behave nicely with respect to subdivisions, which are called valuations. Matroids are naturally linked to the symmetric group; generalizing to other finite reflection groups gives rise to Coxeter matroids. I will give an overview of these ideas and then present some recent work with Chris Eur and Mario Sanchez on constructing the universal valuative invariant of Coxeter matroids. Since matroids and their Coxeter analogues can be understood as families of polytopes with special combinatorial properties, I will present these results from a polytopal perspective.
02 marzo
José Bastidas (Cornell University)
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
McMullen used the fundamental operation of Minkowski sum to construct the polytope algebra of real vector space. In this talk, I will consider the subalgebra generated by deformations of a fixed zonotope and endow it with the structure of a module over the Tits algebra of the corresponding hyperplane arrangement. In the particular case of Coxeter arrangements of type A and B, we find striking relations between the corresponding module structure and certain statistics on permutations and signed permutations, respectively. I will explain how these statistics give information on families of polytopes that generate all (type B) generalized permutahedra as signed Minkowski sums.
01 marzo
Giuseppe Cannizzaro
nel ciclo di seminari: SEMINARI DI PROBABILITÀ
Seminario di probabilità
In the context of randomly fluctuating interfaces in (1+1)-dimensions two Universality Classes have generally been considered, the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang and the Edwards-Wilkinson. Models within these classes exhibit universal fluctuations under 1:2:3 and 1:2:4 scaling respectively. We introduce a (1+1)-dimensional temperature-dependent model such that the classical ballistic deposition model is recovered as its zero-temperature limit. Surprisingly enough, its infinite-temperature version, the 0-Ballistic Deposition (0-BD) model, does not belong to either the universality classes mentioned above. We show that 0-BD has a scaling limit, a new stochastic process that we call Brownian Castle (BC) which, like any other renormalisation fixed point, is scale-invariant, in this case under the 1:1:2 scaling. The aim of the present talk is to provide a "global" construction of BC, determine some of its path-wise and distributional properties and prove its universality by showing that 0-BD converges to it. This is joint work with Martin Hairer (Fermat prize in 2013 and Fields medal in 2014)
25 febbraio
Paolo Giulietti (Università di Pisa)
Seminario di sistemi dinamici
I will present some decay of correlations results on skew products which are locally accessible. The results rely on the study of a twisted transfer operator and could be generalized to many other situations. I will also present numerical counterparts to such results.
24 febbraio
Nicola Arcozzi
nell'ambito della serie: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario di analisi matematica
The Carleson measures for the Dirichlet space: their use and their characterizations. Codice Zoom: 837 9129 8028
19 febbraio
Nicola Arcozzi, Cristiana De Filippis, Pavel Mozolyako, Nikolaos Chalmoukis
nell'ambito della serie: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario di analisi matematica
The goal of this very informal, online workshop is bringing together some researchers who use, or who are interested in, Wolff's inequality and potentials in different sub-areas of mathematics, to exchange their viewpoints on the topic. id Zoom: 842 2115 6698 Nicola Arcozzi (UniBo): Wolff's inequality and dyadicization 2.00pm Cristiana De Filippis (U. Torino): Calderón-Zygmund estimates and non-uniformly elliptic operators 2.45PM Pavel Mozolyako (St. Petersburg State University): A probabilistic proof of Wolff's inequality 3.30pm Nikolaos Chalmoukis (UniBo): TBA 4.15pm
18 febbraio
Numerical first-order methods are the most suitable choice for solving large-scale nonlinear optimization problems which model many real life applications. Among these approaches, gradient methods have widely proved their effectiveness in solving challenging unconstrained and constrained problems arising in machine learning, compressive sensing, image processing and other areas. These methods became extremely popular since the work by Barzilai and Borwein  (BB) (1988), which showed how a suitable choice of the steplength can significantly accelerate the classical Steepest Descent method. It is well-known that the performance of gradient methods based on the BB steplength does not depend on the decrease of the objective function at each iteration but relies on the relationship between the steplengths used and the eigenvalues of the average Hessian matrix; hence BB based methods are also denoted as Spectral Gradient methods. The first part of this seminar will be devoted to a review of spectral gradient methods for unconstrained optimization while the second part will focus on recent advances on the extension of these methods to the solution of large nonlinear systems of equations, the so-called Spectral Residual methods. These methods are derivative-free, low-cost per iteration and are particularly suitable when the Jacobian matrix of the residual function is not available analytically or its computation is not relatively easy. In this framework, numerical experience will be presented on sequences of nonlinear systems arising from rolling contact models which play a central role in many important applications, such as rolling bearings and wheel-rail interaction.
17 febbraio
Nicola Arcozzi
nell'ambito della serie: COMPLEX ANALYSIS LAB
Seminario di analisi matematica
The Dirichlet space is the only conformally invariant, holomorphic Hilbert space on the unit disc. In this elementary introduction (no prerequisites) we see it from the viewpoint of hyperbolic geometry, Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces, fractional derivatives, and dyadic analysis. (In presenza: Seminario VIII piano)
16 febbraio
Thomas Lam (University of Michigan)
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
Positroid varieties are intersections of cyclically rotated Schubert varieties in the Grassmannian, introduced in my work with Knutson and Speyer. I will discuss some aspects of these very nice spaces, including a recent computation of the cohomology of open positroid varieties in joint work with Galashin.
16 febbraio
Allen Knutson (Cornell University)
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
Kogan gave a combinatorial rule (rediscovered by Lenart and by Assaf) for computing the product of a Schur polynomial S_lambda(x_1..x_k) by a Schubert polynomial S_pi, subject to the condition that pi's last descent is at or before k. Yong and I gave a streamlined proof, using Lascoux' transition formula for Schubert polynomials. As the Lee-Lam-Shimozono bumpless pipe dream formula for Schuberts is tightly compatible with transition (an observation of Weigand's), using them we can give an even tighter formula for Kogan's coefficients.
11 febbraio
Misha Bialy (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Seminario di sistemi dinamici
In this talk I shall discuss Birkhoff-Poritsky conjecture for centrally-symmetric C^2-smooth convex planar billiards. We assume that the domain A between the invariant curve of 4-periodic orbits and the boundary of the phase cylinder is foliated by C^0-invariant curves. Under this assumption we prove that the billiard curve is an ellipse. Other versions of Birkhoff-Poritsky conjecture follow from this result. For the original Birkhoff-Poritsky formulation we show that if a neighborhood of the boundary of billiard domain has a C^1-smooth foliation by convex caustics of rotation numbers in the interval (0; 1/4] then the boundary curve is an ellipse. The main ingredients of the proof are: (1) the non-standard generating function for convex billiards; (2) the remarkable structure of the invariant curve consisting of 4-periodic orbits; and (3) the integral-geometry approach initiated by the author for rigidity results of circular billiards. Surprisingly, we establish a Hopf-type rigidity for billiards in the ellipse. Based on joint work with Andrey E. Mironov (Novosibirsk).
11 febbraio
Giorgio Tortone
Seminario di analisi matematica
The talk deals with recent results obtained in collaboration with D. De Silva on the regularity of free boundaries in vectorial Bernoulli type problems. The new main point is the analysis of the regular part of the free boundary based on a linearization argument that takes care of the norm of the vector of solutions and that distinguishes appropriately its components. We apply this methodology on the vectorial analogue of the thin free boundary problem introduced by Caffarelli-Roquejoffre-Sire as a realization of a nonlocal version of the classical Bernoulli problem. Time permitting, we discuss the link between this problem and shape optimization problems involving a combination of fractional eigenvalues.
04 febbraio
Gary Froyland (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Seminario di fisica matematica
The circulation of our oceans strongly influences climate, weather and biology. Our ocean currents are dynamic, and fluctuate to varying extents. I will introduce data-driven numerical tools that can tease apart dynamic components of the ocean, with information sourced from ocean drifters, satellite imagery, and ocean models. These components, their lifecycles, and their response to external forcing, help us to build a dynamic picture of our ocean.
28 gennaio
Michele Gianfelice (Università della Calabria)
Seminario di sistemi dinamici
Inspired by the problem of modeling the so called anthropogenic forcing in climatology, e.g. the effects of the emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, we introduce a novel type of random perturbation for the classical Lorenz flow and prove its stochastic stability. The perturbation acts on the system in an impulsive way, hence is not of diffusive type. Namely, given a cross-section M for the unperturbed flow, each time the trajectory of the system crosses M the phase velocity field is changed with a new one sampled at random from a suitable neighborhood of the unperturbed one. The resulting random evolution is therefore described by a piecewise deterministic Markov process. The proof of the stochastic stability for the unperturbed flow is then carried on working either in the framework of the Random Dynamical Systems or in that of semi-Markov processes. Joint work with Sandro Vaienti.
26 gennaio
For a complex connected semisimple linear algebraic group G of adjoint type and of rank n, De Concini and Procesi constructed its wonderful compactification X, which is a smooth Fano G x G-variety of Picard number n enjoying many interesting properties. In this talk, it is shown that the wonderful compactification X is rigid under Fano deformations. Namely, for any family of smooth Fano varieties over a connected base, if one fiber is isomorphic to X, then so are all other fibers. This is a joint work with Qifeng Li.
14 gennaio
We prove for the N-body problem the existence of hyperbolic motions for any prescribed limit shape and any given initial configuration of the bodies. The energy level h>0 of the motion can also be chosen arbitrarily. Our approach is based on the construction of a global viscosity solutions for the Hamilton-Jacobi equation H(x,du(x))=h. Our hyperbolic motion is in fact a calibrating curve of the viscosity solution. The presented results can also be viewed as a new application of Marchal’s theorem, whose main use in recent literature has been to prove the existence of periodic orbits. Joint work with Ezequiel Maderna.