A workshop exploring some of the connections between cluster algebras and algebraic geometry.
Morning of Wednesday the 11th of July 2018 to lunchtime Saturday the 14th of July 2018.
Location: Campus of University of Nottingham. Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday: Room C.05, Physics building.
Saturday morning: Room
A17, Maths building.
Organisers: Andrea Petracci (Nottingham) & Tom Ducat (Bristol)
There will be three series of lectures given by Gavin Brown (University of Warwick), Tom Ducat (University of Bristol), and Anna Felikson (University of Durham). There will be a lot of time for open discussion and informal talks given by the participants. Moreover, there will be a conference dinner on Thursday evening.
provided by a focused research grant from the Heilbronn
Institute. We have limited funds to cover participants' expenses.
Confirmed participants:
Hamid Ahmadinezhad (Loughborough)
Gavin Brown (Warwick)
Livia Campo (Warwick)
Daniel Cavey (Nottingham)
Tom Ducat (Bristol)
Anna Felikson (Durham)
Tim Grange (Loughborough)
Giulia Gugiatti (Imperial)
Liana Heuberger (Warwick)
Timo Hummel (Tübingen)
DongSeon Hwang (Ajou University)
Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros (Brunel)
Alexander Kasprzyk (Nottingham)
Tyler Kelly (Cambridge)
Edwin Kutas (Warwick)
Erik Paemurru (Loughborough)
Clelia Pech (Kent)
Andrea Petracci (Nottingham)
Artie Prendergast (Loughborough)
Thomas Prince (Oxford)
Imran Qureshi (Tübingen)
Miles Reid (Warwick)
Karin Schaller ((Tübingen)
Peter Spacek (Kent)
Rosemary Taylor (Warwick)
Bach Tran (Edinburgh)
Alexander Veselov (Loughborough)