About the workshopIn Pragmatic 2013 research school, held in Catania (Italy) in September 2013, thanks to the lectures by Dr. Paolo Cascini and Prof. Alessio Corti, young researchers from many different countries were introduced to several stimulating research projects in higher dimensional algebraic geometry. The collaborations started in that school have continued in the past year and provided already some interesting insights. In this workshop all the participants of Pragmatic will have the opportunity to present their results. The themes being explored are very rich, with a large number of open problems, and have close ties with many areas of current interest, most notably the minimal model program and mirror symmetry. This workshop will no doubt generate many new research problems, and present new opportunities for international collaboration. The workshop hopes to attract more young researchers to this circle of ideas. Organisers
SpeakersSenior lecturersJunior speakers
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