Since March 2023 I am a Senior Assistant Professor (tenure-track, Type B fixed-term researcher — in the Italian system) at the University of Bologna.

Previously, I have been a Junior Assistant Professor (Type A fixed-term researcher — in the Italian system) at the University of Bologna from January 2022 to March 2023.

Even before, I have been a postdoc researcher at the University of Regensburg in the group of Prof. Dr. Clara Löh for three years, sponsored by the SFB Higher Invariants 1085.

I completed my PhD in 2018 under the supervision of Prof. Roberto Frigerio at the University of Pisa.

Here you can find both my Italian CV and my English CV.

Current Mailing Address:
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università di Bologna
Piazza di Porta San Donato, 5
40126 Bologna
Ufficio C4
Personal webpage at the University of Bologna

E-Mail Addresses:
marco[dot]moraschini2[at]unibo[dot]it (new)
marco[dot]moraschini[at]ur[dot]de (old)

Updated 09 Mar 2023
by Marco Moraschini.