Prof. Tommaso Ruggeri

Emeritus Professor of Mathematical Physics  - University of Bologna

Department of Mathematics and  Alma Mater Research Center on Applied Mathematics - AM^2

National Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

MAE - Member of the Academia Europaea

Member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts

Member of European Academy of Sciences (EurASc)

Accademico Benedettino of the Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna

National Member of the Accademia di Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche di Napoli

bb Member of the Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti
dd G. I. Taylor Medal, Society of Engineering Science, 2025

Curriculum Vitae

tel: +39 051 209 3973 -  e-mail :

Teaching Activity;

Scientific Activity

Matlab and Mathematical Physics

Maple and Calculus


Attività Didattica

Orario di Ricevimento: Giovedì 11.30-13.00 presso il Centro AM^2 (ex CIRAM).

Programma dei corsi:

Software per la didattica:

Pubblicazioni didattiche:


analis2    eserciziMR1  simulinlk  esMr2 

 MR1                 FM1EserciziEMT     Mecc_ultimoFM


                                 NEW BOOKS

          Mechanics 2022         new_esercizi     






A. Muracchini, T. Ruggeri and L. Seccia

Scientific Activity




















Le Matematiche




    Recent Papers: (click here for the full Bibliography):

  • A thermodynamic  consistent model for emergent behavior in Flocks and comparison with multitemperature mixture of fluids, In coll. with S-Y. Ha.  Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 223, 1397–1425 (2017)
  • Relativistic Extended Thermodynamics of Rarefied Polyatomic Gases. In Coll. with S. Pennisi.   Annals of Physics, 373, 414--445 (2017).
  • Duality Principle from rarefied to dense gas and Exteded Thermodynamics with 6 fields. In Coll. with T. Arima,  M. Sugiyama.  Physical review Fluids,  2, 013401 (2017)  (2017).
  • Symmetric form for the hyperbolic-parabolic system of fourth-gradient model for fluids. In Coll. with H. Gouin.  Ricerche mat. DOI 10.1007/s11587-016-0315-7(2017).
  •  Galilean Invariance and Entropy Principle for a System of Balance Laws of Mixture Type. In Coll. with T. Arima,  M. Sugiyama and S. Taniguchi. Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 28 (2017) 495–513 (2017).
  • Rational Extended Thermodynamics of a Rarefied Polyatomic Gas with Molecular Relaxation Processes. In Coll. with T. Arima,  M. Sugiyama. Phys Rev E 96, 042143-1, 042143-20 (2017).
  • New Frontiers in Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics.  Lecture Notes Frontiere. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (29-30 Gennaio 2015). Atti dei Convegni Lincei 314 - 49-71 - Bardi Edizione (2017).


  •  Dynamical pressure in a polyatomic gas: interplay between kinetic theory and extended thermodynamics. In Coll. with M. Bisi and G. Spiga. Kinetic and related Models  11, (1), 71–95 (2018).
  • On the sub-shock formation in extended thermodynamics. In Coll. with S. Taniguchi. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 99  69–78 (2018).
  • A Global Existence of classical solutions to the Hydrodynamics Cucker-Smale model in presence of a Temperature Field.  In Coll. with S-Y. HA, J. KIM, C. HO MIN,  AND X. ZHANG,  Analysis and Applications (2018).
  • Emergent  Behaviors of Thermodynamic Cucker-Smale Particles. In Coll. with S-Y. Ha  and J. Kim. SIAM J. Math Anal. (2018).
  • Extended Thermodynamics of Rarefied Polyatomic Gases: 15-Field Theory Incorporating Relaxation Processes of Molecular Rotation and Vibration. In Coll. with T. Arima,  M. Sugiyama.  Entropy  20, 301; doi:10.3390/e20040301 (2018).
  • Shock wave structure in rarefied polyatomic gases with large relaxation time for the dynamic pressure. In Coll. with T. Arima,  M. Sugiyama and S. Taniguchi.  J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1035 012009 (2018).
  • A New BGK Model for Relativistic Kinetic Theory of Monatomic and Polyatomic Gases. In Coll. with S. Pennisi, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1035 012005 (2018).
  •  Ultrarelativistic limit of a Rarefied Gas with Internal Structure. In Coll. with S. Pennisi. Journal of Mathematical Physics  59, 043102 (2018).
  •  Monatomic Limit of  Relativistic Extended Thermodynamics of  Polyatomic Gas. In Coll. with Maria Cristina and S. Pennisi. Continuum Mech. Thermodyn.  (2018).
  • Fluid Mixtures in Nanotubes. In Coll. with H. Gouin and  A. Muracchini.  Physical  Review  E 97, 062152 (2018).
  • Uniform Stability and Mean-Field  limit  of  Thermodynamics  Cucker-Smale Model. In Coll. with S-Y. HA, J. KIM, C. HO MIN,  and X. ZHANG,  Quartely of  Applied MAathematics Article electronically published on September 5, (2018).
  •  Molecular Extended Thermodynamics of a Rarefied Polyatomic Gas. in Trends un Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics, Editors E. Rocca, U. Stefanelli, L. Truskinocski and A. Visintin. Springer INDAM Series 27, 265-287 (2018).


  • Integrability properties for relativistic extended thermodynamics of polyatomic gas. In Coll. with Maria Cristina and S. Pennisi. Ricerche mat.  68:57–73, (2019).
  • A 2 × 2 simple model in which the sub-shock exists when the shock velocity is slower than the maximum characteristic velocity. In Coll. with S. Taniguchi. Ricerche mat. 68:119–129 (2019).
  • Second Order Approximation of Extended Thermodynamics of a Monatomic Gas and Hyperbolicity Region. In Coll. with F. Brini, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn.  (2019).
  • Production Terms in Relativistic Extended Thermodynamics of Gas with Internal Structure via a New BGK Model. In Coll. with  M.C. Carrisi and S. Pennisi. Annals of Physics 405, 298–307 (2019).
  • Similarity Solution of Strong Spherical Shock Waves in a Rarefied Polyatomic Gas based on Extended Thermodynamics.  In Coll. R. Nagaoka  and S. Taniguchi. AIP Conference Proceedings 2153, 020014,, (2019).
  • Shock Waves in Hyperbolic Systems of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics. In Coll. with  S. Taniguchi.   Applied Wave Mathematics II. Volume dedicated to Juri Engelbrecht on his 80th birthday, Mathematics of Planet Earth 6, Chapter 8, 167-186  (Springer, 2019).


  • From the Relativistic Mixture of Gases to the Relativistic Thermomechanical Cucker-Smale Flocking. In Coll. with S-Y. HA, J. KIM, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 235, 1661–1706 (2020).
  • Second Order Approximation of Extended Thermodynamics of a Monatomic Gas and Hyperbolicity Region. In Coll. with F. Brini, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn.  32, 23–39 (2020) 
  • On Invariance in 1+1-Dimensional Isentropic Relativistic Gasdynamics, In Coll. with C. Rogers, Wave Motion 94, 102527 (2020).  
  • Rational extended thermodynamics: a link between kinetic theory and continuum theory In Coll. with M. Sugiyama. Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 31, 33–38(2020).
  • Classical limit of relativistic moments associated with Boltz mann Chernikov equation: optimal choice of moments in classical theory. In Coll. S. Pennisi.  Journal of Statistical Physics. 179,  231–246(2020)
  • Rational Extended Thermodynamics of Dense Polyatomic Gases Incorporating Molecular Rotation and Vibration.  In Coll. with T. Arima, M. Sugiyama.  Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 378: 20190176. (2020).
  • Classical and ultrarelativistic limits of the Riemann problem for the relativistic Euler fluid with Synge energy. In Coll. with Q. Xiao, Ricerche di Matematica (2020).
  • Maximum Entropy Principe Closure for 14-Moment System for a Non-Polytropic Gas.  Ricerche di Matematica (2020).
  • Hyperbolicity of first and second order extended thermodynamics theory of polyatomic rarefied gases. In Coll. with F. Brini. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 124, 103517 (2020).
  • Rational Extended Themrodynamics of Dense Polyatomic Gases Incorporating Molecular Rotation and Vibration. In Coll. with T. Arima, M. Sugiyama.  Philosophical Transaction A. (2020).
  • Emergent Behaviors of Thermodynamic Kuramoto Ensemble on a Regular Ring Lattice. In Coll.with S-Y Ha, H.Park and W. Shim. Journal of Statistical Physics 181,  917–943 (2020).
  • The explicit closure for the ultrarelativistic limit or Extended Thermodynamcs of Rarefied Polyatomic Gas.  In Coll. with S. Pennisi.  Technium Vol. 2, Issue 5 pp.11-42 ISSN: 2668-778X (2020)
  • On relativistic gasdynamics. Invariance under a class or reciprocal-type transformations and integrable Heisenberg spin connections.  In Coll. with C. Rogers and W.K. Schief.   Proceedings of the Royal Society A, (2020).


  • Nonlinear Hyperbolic Waves in Relativistic Gases of Massive Particles with Synge Energy. In Coll. with Q. Xiao, and H. Zhao, Arch Rat. Mech. Anal.  239, 1061-1109 (2021).
  • Shock Structure in Extended Thermodynamics with Second Order Maximum Entropy Principle Closure. In Coll. with A. Mentrelli.  Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 33, 125–150 (2021).
  • Molecular Extended Thermodynamics of Rarefied Polyatomic Gases with a new Hierarchy of Moments. In Coll. with T. Arima. Fluids 6(2), 62 (2021).
  • Uniform Stability and Uniform-In-Time Mean-Field Limit Of The Thermodynamic Kuramoto Model. In Coll. with S.-Y. Ha, M. Kang, H. Park and W. Shim. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics. https:/ (2021). 
  • Maxwellian Iteration of a Causal Relativistic Model of Polyatomic Gases and evaluation of Bulk, Shear viscosity and Heat conductivity. In Coll. with M.C Carris and S. Pennisi, Ann. of Phys. 428, 168477 (2021).
  • Emergent behaviors of the continuum thermodynamic Kuramoto model in a large coupling regime. In Coll. with S.-Y. Ha, M. Kang, H. Park and W. Shim. Journal of Differential Equations 300 519–564 (2021).
  • Kinetic and  Hydrodynamic Models for  the  Relativistic  Cucker-Smale Ensemble and  Emergent Behaviors. In Coll. with S.-Y. Ha and J. Kim. Commun. Math. Sci. International Press Vol. 19, No. 7, pp. 1945–1990 (2021).
  • Sub-shock formation in shock structure of a binary mixture of polyatomic gases. In Coll. with S. Taniguchi. Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 32, 167–179  (2021).
  • Which moments are appropriate to desribe gases with internla structure in Rational Extended Thermodynamics? In Coll. with T. Arima, M.C. Carrisi and S . Pennisi. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 137, 103820 (2021).

  • Relativistic Rational Extended Thermodynamics of Polyatomic Gases with a new hierarchy of Moments. In Coll. with T. Arima, M.C. Carrisi and S . Pennisi. Entropy  24, 43 (2022).
  • On a Relativistic BGK model for Polyatomic Gases near Equilibrium. In Coll. with B-H Hwang and S-B Yun.  Siam J. Math. Anal. 54, (3), 2906-2947 (2022).
  • Relativistic Kinetic Theory of Polyatomic Gases: Classical Limit of a New Hierarchy of Moments and Qualitative Analysis. In Coll. with T. Arima, M.C. Carrisi and S . Pennisi. Partial  Differ.  Equ.  Appl. 3, 39  (2022)
  • A complete classification of sub-shocks in the shock structure of a binary mixture of Eulerian gases with different degrees of freedom. In Coll. with S. Taniguchi. Phys. Fluids 34, 066116 (2022)


  • Navier-Stokes-Fourier equations as a parabolic limit of a general hyperbolic system of rational extended thermodynamics.   In Coll. with T. Arima, A. Mentrelli. Int. Journ. of non-linear Mech. 151, 104379 (2023). 
  • Shock Structure and sub-schocks formation in a mixture of polyatomic gases with large Bulk Viscosity. In Coll. with  S. Taniguchi. Ricerche di Matematica. (2023). 
  • Eckart equations, Maxwellian iteration and Relativistic Causal Theories of Divergence type. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 381: 20220371. (2023). 
  • Effect of the dynamic pressure on the shock structure and sub-shocks formation in a mixture of polyatomic gases. In Coll. with S. Taniguchi. Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation (2023).


  • A Nonlinear approach to Viscoelasticity via Rational Extended Thermodynamics, International Journal of Non–Linear Mechanics 160 (2024) 104658

  • Energy of a non-linear viscoelastic model compatible with fractional relaxation. In coll. with  A. Giusti  and A. Mentrelli,  International Journal of Non–Linear Mechanics 161 (2024) 104685

  • A Novel ES-BGK model for Non-Polytropic gases with internal state density independent of the temperature. In coll. with T. Arima and A. Mentrelli. J. Stat. Phys. 191, 95 (2024).
  • On the comparison between phenomenological and kinetic theories of gas mixtures with applications to flocking. In coll. with G.-C. Bae, S.-Y.  Ha, G. Hwang. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 469, 134321 (2024).



    Hobbies: computers, fotografia, nuoto

CIME Course Montecatini May 1994: Non Linear Wave Problems.
From the left: Proff. Guy Boillat, Peter Lax (Abel Prize 2005) and Tommaso Ruggeri


Prolusione Anno Accademico 2009-2010 - Università di Bologna -  L’Universo matematico:  dalla Meccanica celeste ai Sistemi complessi.


Nomina a Professore Emerito  Università di Bologna - 5  Febbraio 2020

WASCOM 2017  wascom Ruggeri


Ravello GNFM  Summer School 2022 with Giorgio Parisi (Nobel Prize for Physics 2021)
  Parisi       scuola
              Ravello 2022


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Update 27 January 2025