Prossimi seminari del Dipartimento di Matematica

08 ottobre
Benedetta Piroddi
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
ore 11:00
presso Aula Bombelli
10 ottobre
Kai Bergermann, Math Dept, TU-Chemnitz, Germany
nel ciclo di seminari: SCUBE
Seminario di analisi numerica
ore 11:00
presso Seminario II
Multiplex networks are used to model complex systems from myriad applications. They generalize classical complex networks by recording different types of relationships, different interactions, or changing interactions over time between the same entities in different layers. They possess natural linear algebraic representations in terms of structured matrices, which makes efficient numerical linear algebra techniques a valuable tool for their analysis. In this talk, we give an overview over several network science problems that can be formulated in terms of matrix function expressions, which we approximate by polynomial and rational Krylov methods. We discuss centrality measures, the solution of stiff systems of non-linear differential equations with exponential Runge--Kutta integrators, as well as un- and semi-supervised community detection. Additionally, we present a nonlinear spectral method for core-periphery detection in multiplex networks. All presented methods have a linear runtime scaling, which allows the treatment of large-scale multiplex networks and we present numerical experiments for all considered problems.
11 ottobre
Equivariant (or covariant) channels are completely positive, trace preserving maps that intertwine the action of a group G on two (irreducible) representations V and W. An interesting question is to characterise the set of states that minimise the output von Neumann entropy of such channels. For the group SU(2), this question was partially answered by Lieb and Solovej in 2014: for a certain class of SU(2)-equivariant channels, coherent states are minimisers of all concave functions of the output of channels. In this talk, I will present some asymptotic properties of SU(2)-equivariant quantum channels. I will explain how, in the limit of large output dimension, it is possible to approximate any channel by the quantisation of a “symbol” map related to the classical Husimi function. As a consequence, I will give an asymptotic expansion of the output entropy of SU(2)-equivariant quantum channels, which can be used to relate the problem of minimisation of the von Neumann entropy and the classical problem of minimisation of the Wehrl entropy. This is based on joint work with B. Ruba and J. P. Solovej.
12 ottobre
Laila Maino'
Seminario interdisciplinare
ore 09:00
presso Aula D Complesso Berti Pichat
Nell'ambito del Workshop PLS "Scienza e moda", la dott. Maino', Ph in Matematica presso l'Università di Harvard, attualmente Supply Chain and Logistics Director in Loewe, Madrid, parlerà del suo lavoro di matematico che da anni lavora per i piu' grandi gruppi del lusso.
15 ottobre
Alvaro Gutierrez Caceres
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
ore 11:00
presso Aula Bombelli
The composition of GL(n) representations is know as the plethysm of the respective representations. Understanding the structural coefficients of plethysm is a notoriously hard problem, featured in Stanley's list of important problems in algebraic combinatorics. In this talk, we explore the relevance of this problem, its connections to P vs NP, and discuss some combinatorial approaches to their study.
15 ottobre
Mathis Fitoussi
nell'ambito della serie: STOCHASTICS AND APPLICATIONS
Seminario di analisi matematica, probabilità
ore 14:00
presso Aula Arzelà
17 ottobre
Vincenzo Fano
Seminario interdisciplinare
ore 18:00
presso Aula Tonelli
21 ottobre
Max R. Jahnke
Seminario di analisi matematica
ore 15:00
presso Aula Seminario VIII piano
In this talk, I discuss some new techniques to study the differential complexes associated with tube structures on M x T of corank m, in which M is a compact manifold and T is the m-torus. By systematically employing partial Fourier series, for complex tube structures, we completely characterize global solvability, in a given degree, in terms of a weak form of hypoellipticity, thus generalizing existing results and providing a broad answer to an open problem proposed by Hounie and Zugliani (Math Ann 369(3–4):1177–1209, 2017). We also obtain new results on the finiteness of the cohomology spaces in intermediate degrees. In the case of real tube structures, we extend an isomorphism for the cohomology spaces originally obtained by Dattori da Silva and Meziani (Math Nachr 289(17–18):2147–2158, 2016) in the case in which M is a n-torus . Moreover, we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the differential operator to have closed range in the first degree.
22 ottobre
In this talk, I discuss some new techniques to study the differential complexes associated with tube structures on M x T of corank m, in which M is a compact manifold and T is the m-torus. By systematically employing partial Fourier series, for complex tube structures, we completely characterize global solvability, in a given degree, in terms of a weak form of hypoellipticity, thus generalizing existing results and providing a broad answer to an open problem proposed by Hounie and Zugliani (Math Ann 369(3–4):1177–1209, 2017). We also obtain new results on the finiteness of the cohomology spaces in intermediate degrees. In the case of real tube structures, we extend an isomorphism for the cohomology spaces originally obtained by Dattori da Silva and Meziani (Math Nachr 289(17–18):2147–2158, 2016) in the case in which M is a n-torus . Moreover, we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the differential operator to have closed range in the first degree.
24 ottobre
We study global Leray-Hopf solutions to Cauchy problems for the 3D Navier-Stokes equations in a cube under Navier boundary conditions. With a suitable reflection procedure, these solutions become space-periodic over the whole space R^3. Since the pioneering work by Jean Leray, it is known that solutions exist for any initial data with finite energy but it is not known whether their enstrophy may blow up in finite time in the so-called epochs of irregularity. Our simplified geometric and functional-analytic framework enables us to determine explicit bounds both for the epochs of irregularity and for the enstrophy. By using these information we bring strong evidence that the enstrophy blow-up may indeed occur in finite time due to the energy equipartition among the Fourier components of the solution to a finite-dimensional Galerkin approximation of the problem. This is a joint work with Gianni Arioli and Alessio Falocchi.
25 ottobre
Brian Straughan
Seminario di fisica matematica
ore 16:00
presso - Aula Da Stabilire -
We develop a theory for thermal convection in a double porosity material of Brinkman–Forchheimer type when there is a single temperature. The saturating fluid is one of Kelvin–Voigt type, and the equation for the temperature is one due to C.I. Christov. It is shown that the global nonlinear stability threshold coincides with the linear stability one. A thoroughly analytical discussion of both linear instability analysis and global nonlinear energy stability is provided. Numeri- cal results show that the relative permeability and Brinkman viscosity between the macro and micro pores are key parameters which play a dominant role in determining the critical Rayleigh number for the onset of convective motions.
25 ottobre
We develop a theory for thermal convection in a double porosity material of Brinkman–Forchheimer type when there is a single temperature. The saturating fluid is one of Kelvin–Voigt type, and the equation for the temperature is one due to C.I. Christov. It is shown that the global nonlinear stability threshold coincides with the linear stability one. A thoroughly analytical discussion of both linear instability analysis and global nonlinear energy stability is provided. Numerical results show that the relative permeability and Brinkman viscosity between the macro and micro pores are key parameters which play a dominant role in determining the critical Rayleigh number for the onset of convective motions.
28 ottobre
Moduli of stable sheaves are interesting objects which reflect several properties of underlying spaces. In the theory of algebraic varieties, the canonical bundle is an important invariant. In particular variety with trivial canonical bundle are particulary important. For surfaces, K3 surfaces and abelian surfaces are the examples, and there are many works on these surfaces. Mukai proved that the moduli of stable sheaves on these surfaces are also good by showing they are holomorphic symplectic monifolds. Mukai also invented a quite important tool called Fourier-Mukai transform. With these machinary, he conjectured many interesting phenomena on the moduli spaces in 1980's, and most of them are confirmed affirmatively by Bridgeland's works on Fourier-Mukai transforms and stability conditions. In this lecture, I will explain some results on the moduli of stable sheaves on abelian surfaces including some of Mukai's conjectures: 1. Semi-homogeneous vector bundles and Fourier-Mukai transforms. 2. Stability conditions on abelian surfaces. 3. Moduli of stable sheaves and the Bogomolov factor. 4. Birational invariants and birational automorphisms of moduli spaces.
29 ottobre
Kevin Ray Payne, Università Statale di Milano
Seminario di analisi matematica
ore 16:00
presso Aula Vitali
seminario on line • collegamento al meeting
General potential theories concern the study of functions which are subharmonic with respect to a suitable constraint set in the space of 2-jets. While interesting in their own right, general potential theories are being widely used to study fully nonlinear PDEs determined by degenerate elliptic operators acting on the space of 2-jets. We will discuss a powerful tool, the Correspondence Principle, which establishes the equivalence between subharmonics/superharmonics u and admissible subsolutions/supersolutions u (in the viscosity sense) of the PDE determined by every operator which is compatible with the constraint set. The crucial degenerate ellipticity often requires the operator to be restricted to a suitable constraint set, which determines the admissibility. Applications to comparison principles by way of the duality-monotonicity-fiberegularity method will also be discussed. The results to be presented have been obtained in collaboration with Marco Cirant, Reese Harvey, Blaine Lawson and Davide Redaelli.
30 ottobre
31 ottobre
05 novembre
Un teorema di Esnault afferma che le varietà di Fano lisce su campi finiti hanno punti razionali. Cosa succede se rilassiamo le condizioni relative alle proprietà di positività della classe anti-canonica? In questo seminario, discuterò il caso delle 3-varietà con classe anti-canonica nef. In particolare, dimostriamo che, nel caso di dimensione di Kodaira negativa, punti razionali esistono se la cardinalità del campo è maggiore di 19. Nel caso K-triviale, proviamo un risultato simile, a condizione che il morfismo di Albanese sia non banale. Questo è un lavoro con S. Filipazzi.
12 novembre
The moduli space of hyperplanes in projective space has a family of geometric and modular compactifications that parametrize stable hyperplane arrangements with respect to a weight vector. Among these, there is a toric compactification that generalizes the Losev-Manin moduli space of points on the line. We study the first natural wall crossing that modifies this compactification into a non-toric one by varying the weights. As an application of our work, we show that any Q-factorialization of the blow up at the identity of the torus of the generalized Losev-Manin space is not a Mori dream space for a sufficiently high number of hyperplanes. Additionally, for lines in the plane, we provide a precise description of the wall crossing. This is joint work with Patricio Gallardo.
25 novembre
Nell'ambito della rassegna cinamatografica PLS "Scienza al cinema" verra' proiettato il film "Il teorema di Margherita", la cui protagonista e' una studentessa dell'Ecole Normale che cerca di dimostrare la congettura di Golbach. Il prof. Zaccagnini cerchera' di spiegare al pubblico la congettura e alcune sue variant.
26 novembre
Saverio Andrea Secci
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARIO DI ALGEBRA E GEOMETRIA
Seminario di algebra e geometria
ore 11:00
presso Aula Bombelli
10 dicembre
Elena Issoglio
nell'ambito della serie: STOCHASTICS AND APPLICATIONS
Seminario di analisi matematica, probabilità
ore 14:00
presso Aula Arzelà
10 dicembre
Tiziano De Angelis
nell'ambito della serie: STOCHASTICS AND APPLICATIONS
Seminario di finanza matematica, probabilità
ore 15:00
presso Aula Arzelà
da mercoledì 18 dicembre 2024 a venerdì 20 dicembre 2024
First workshop of the ASK group for young researchers in analysis and probability.