24 febbraio
Seminario di algebra e geometria
ore 12:00
presso Seminario II
nel ciclo di seminari: GEOMETRIA E DEEP LEARNING
In this talk we will briefly introduce a general mathematical framework for group equivariance in the machine learning context. The framework builds on a synergy between persistent homology and the theory of group actions. Our focus will be on illustrating some methods to build Goup Equivariant Non-Expansive Operators (GENEOs), which are maps between function spaces associated with groups of transformations. The development of these techniques will give us the opportunity to obtain a better approximation of thetopological space of all GENEOs.
24 febbraio
Seminario di algebra e geometria
ore 12:00
presso Seminario II
nel ciclo di seminari: GEOMETRIA E DEEP LEARNING
In this talk we will briefly introduce a general mathematical framework for group equivariance in the machine learning context. The framework builds on a synergy between persistent homology and the theory of group actions. Our focus will be on illustrating some methods to build Goup Equivariant Non-Expansive Operators (GENEOs), which are maps between function spaces associated with groups of transformations. The development of these techniques will give us the opportunity to obtain a better approximation of thetopological space of all GENEOs.
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