24 novembre
Seminario di algebra e geometria
ore 14:30
presso Aula Seminario VIII piano
G. H ̈ohn and G. Mason classified all finite groups acting faithfully and symplectically on a hyper-K ̈ahler fourfold of type K3[2]. Fifteen of them are maximal, we call them eG1, . . . , eG15. Every manifold of type K3[2] admitting an action of eGi for some i must necessarily have Picard rank 21. This fact allows us to use lattice-theoretic methods to classify all the finite groups G acting faithfully on a hyper-K ̈ahler fourfold of type K3[2] X such that G contains eGi as a proper subgroup and eGi acts symplectically on X. We also describe examples of fourfolds of K3[2]-type admitting an action of such group G.
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