10 aprile
Seminario di analisi numerica
ore 14:30
presso Seminario II
seminario on line • collegamento al meeting
nell'ambito della serie: SEMINARI MAT/08 TEAM
Tensors have become widely used in various domains due to their practicality. Tensor factorization techniques are used to solve computationally demanding problems, analyze large datasets, and refine descriptions of complex phenomena. This presentation outlines the development of my research on tensors, including an overview of commonly used tensor methods and their applications in various fields such as remote sensing, multilinear algebra, numerical simulation, and signal processing. Criteria for selecting the most appropriate tensor technique depending on the problem under consideration will be emphasized. The presentation aims to outline the advantages and limitations inherent in these techniques. It explores the challenges and offers insights into current research directions driven by real-world, computational, and applied problems.
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