This is the webpage of the course about Complex Analysis which will be given by Andrea Petracci in the Summer Semester 2019.
This document
contains the preliminary syllabus, the bibliographic references,
the summary of the lectures,
and the problem sheets for homework.
If you find typos or mistakes in this document,
please contact me via e-mail: andrea.petracci[at]
This note studies differential 1-forms on open subsets of the euclidean space.
Students have to register both in Campus Management of FU and in KVV (of Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik). If they are not able to do so, they have to tell me, via e-mail, their institution and their Matrikelnummer.
Times and venues. The meetings are:
- Mondays 12:00-14:00 in A6/SR 007/008,
- Mondays 16:00-18:00 in A6/SR 007/008,
- Tuesdays 16:00-18:00 in A6/SR 031.
The exercise classes (for which the attendance is mandatory) are 16:00-18:00 on the following dates:
Tue 9th April, Tue 16th April, Tue 30th April, Mon 6th May, Mon 13th May, Mon 20th May, Mon 27th May, Mon 3rd Jun,
Tue 11th Jun,
Mon 17th Jun, Mon 24th Jun, Mon 1st Jul.
The first exam will be held on Mon 8th Jul 12-14.
Exam (Klausur).
There are two written exams:
- Monday the 8th of July 2019, 12:00-14:00 in A6/SR 007/008,
- Monday the 7th of October 2019, 12:00-14:00 in SR
130 (Arnimallee 3, Hinterhaus).
Everybody is allowed to participate in both exams; the better result will be taken.
For both exams, one might prepare and use a single sheet of paper (A4) with hand-written notes.
Other tools, such as books, notes, calculators or cell phones, are not allowed.
Exercise classes.
In order to succesfully pass the Exercise classes,
students are required to attend at least the 50% of the exercise classes
and to score at least the 50% of the totality of points of the weekly homework sheets.
The homework has to be handed in within noon on Mondays either in the Tutorenfach E09
at the ground floor of the maths department or via e-mail to me.
Please make sure that I will be able to read what I receive;
if you want to send your solutions via e-mail, please use LaTeX or scan your sheets
with a high quality scanner (pictures taken with your phone camera are not allowed).
If you are handing in more than one sheet in the Tutorenfach, please use the stapler
(clips are not allowed).
You can do the homework alone or with another person. The pairs are completely self-organised and flexible,
i.e. they can change over time.