Published articles:

  1. Inductive and divisional posets, October 2023, join with M. Pismataro, T. Nhat Tran and L. Vecchi, in the Journal of the London Mathematical Society.
  2. Rectangular analogues of the square paths conjecture and the univariate Delta conjecture, join with A. Iraci, G. Paolini and A. Wyngaerd, September 2023, in Combinatorial Theory.
  3. Extra structure on the cohomology of configuration spaces of closed orientable surfaces, March 2023, in Homology, Homotopy and Applications.
  4. Hodge Theory for Polymatroids, March 2023, (with G. M. Pezzoli) in International Mathematics Research Notices.
  5. Correction to ``Lefschetz theory for exterior algebras and fermionic diagonal coinvariants", February 2023, (with J. Kim and B. Rhoades) in International Mathematics Research Notices.
  6. The Frobenius Characteristic of the Orlik-Terao Algebra of Type A , June 2022, in International Mathematics Research Notices.
  7. On the cohomology of arrangements of subtori, April 2022, in J. London Math. Soc. (with L. Moci).
  8. Asymptotic growth of Betti numbers of ordered configuration spaces on an elliptic curve, Mar 2022, in European Journal of Mathematics (DOI 10.1007/s40879-022-00534-8).
  9. The homotopy type of elliptic arrangements, August 2021, (with E. Delucchi) in Algebraic & Geometric Topology.
  10. Representations of torsion-free arithmetic matroids, March 2021, (with G. Paolini) in European Journal of Combinatorics.
  11. Erratum to ''Orlik-Solomon-type presentations for the cohomology algebra of toric arrangements'' February 2021, (with F. Callegaro, M. D'Adderio, E. Delucchi e L. Migliorini) in Transaction of AMS.
  12. The cohomology ring of unordered configuration spaces of the torus, December 2020, in Algebraic & Geometric Topology.
  13. Orientable arithmetic matroids, June 2020, in Discrete Mathematics.
  14. Poincaré polynomial of elliptic arrangements is not a specialization of the Tutte polynomial, June 2020, in Discrete Mathematics.
  15. Orlik-Solomon-type presentations for the cohomology algebra of toric arrangements, November 2019, (with F. Callegaro, M. D'Adderio, E. Delucchi e L. Migliorini) in Transaction of AMS.
  16. Two Examples of Toric Arrangements, October 2019, in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A.
  17. Combinatorics of Toric Arrangements, June 2019, in Rendiconti Lincei Matematica.


  1. Cohomology Rings of Toric Wonderful Model, October 2024, join with L. Giordani and V. Siconolfi ArXiv:2410.03520
  2. Cohomology ring of non-compact abelian arrangements, April 2024, join with E. Bazzocchi and M. Pismataro ArXiv:2404.05588
  3. Combinatorial decomposition theorem for Hitchin systems via zonotopes, September 2022, join with M. Mauri and L. Migliorini ArXiv:2209.00621.
  4. The Connection Between Combinatorics and Cohomology of Elliptic Arrangements, May 2018, ArXiv:1805.04906.