Published articles:
- Inductive and divisional
posets, October 2023, join with M. Pismataro, T. Nhat Tran and L. Vecchi, in the Journal
of the London Mathematical Society.
- Rectangular analogues of the
square paths conjecture and the univariate Delta conjecture, join with A. Iraci, G.
Paolini and A. Wyngaerd, September 2023, in Combinatorial Theory.
- Extra structure on the
cohomology of configuration spaces of closed orientable surfaces, March 2023, in
Homology, Homotopy and Applications.
- Hodge Theory for
Polymatroids, March 2023, (with G. M. Pezzoli) in International Mathematics Research
- Correction to ``Lefschetz theory
for exterior
algebras and fermionic diagonal coinvariants", February 2023, (with J. Kim and
B. Rhoades) in International Mathematics Research
- The Frobenius Characteristic of
the Orlik-Terao Algebra of Type A , June 2022, in International Mathematics Research
- On the cohomology of arrangements
of subtori, April 2022, in J. London Math. Soc. (with L.
- Asymptotic growth of Betti numbers of
ordered configuration spaces on an elliptic curve, Mar 2022, in European Journal of
Mathematics (DOI 10.1007/s40879-022-00534-8).
- The homotopy type of
elliptic arrangements, August 2021, (with E. Delucchi) in Algebraic & Geometric
- Representations of
torsion-free arithmetic matroids, March 2021, (with G. Paolini) in European Journal
of Combinatorics.
- Erratum to
''Orlik-Solomon-type presentations for the cohomology algebra of toric
arrangements'' February 2021, (with F. Callegaro, M. D'Adderio, E. Delucchi e L.
Migliorini) in Transaction of AMS.
- The cohomology ring of
unordered configuration spaces of the torus, December 2020, in Algebraic & Geometric
- Orientable arithmetic
matroids, June 2020, in Discrete Mathematics.
- Poincaré polynomial of
elliptic arrangements is not a specialization of the Tutte polynomial, June 2020,
in Discrete Mathematics.
- Orlik-Solomon-type
presentations for the cohomology algebra of toric arrangements, November 2019, (with
F. Callegaro, M. D'Adderio, E. Delucchi e L. Migliorini) in Transaction of AMS.
- Two Examples of Toric
Arrangements, October 2019, in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A.
- Combinatorics of Toric
Arrangements, June 2019, in Rendiconti Lincei Matematica.
- Cohomology Rings of Toric Wonderful Model, October 2024, join with L. Giordani and V.
Siconolfi ArXiv:2410.03520
- Cohomology ring of non-compact abelian arrangements, April 2024, join with E. Bazzocchi and M.
Pismataro ArXiv:2404.05588
- Combinatorial decomposition theorem for Hitchin systems via zonotopes, September 2022, join with
M. Mauri and L. Migliorini ArXiv:2209.00621.
- The Connection Between Combinatorics and Cohomology of Elliptic Arrangements, May 2018, ArXiv:1805.04906.