Conference Talks:
- 5h minicourse Hitchin fibrations and related combinatorics at the winter school Geometry, Algebra and Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces and Configurations VI in Dobbiaco.
- Cohomology rings of abelian arrangements at the conference Hyperplane Arrangements 2023 in Tokyo.
- Combinatorial decomposition theorem for Hitchin systems via zonotopes at the XXII UMI Congress.
- Combinatorial decomposition theorem for Hitchin fibrations at the Tenth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians.
- Cohomology Rings of Toric Wonderful Models at the conference Tropical Days In Bristol.
- Integral points in graphical zonotopes at the conference 89th Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire.
- Decomposition theorem for Hitchin Fibrations and poset of non-integral flats at the winter school Geometry, Algebra and Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces and Configurations V.
- The Sn-action on the Orlik-Terao algebra of type An-1 at the conference Arrangements in Ticino.
- Hodge theory for polymatroids at the Göran Gustafsson Symposium, Stockholm.
- Betti numbers of ordered configuration spaces on an elliptic curve at the Workshop Homology and homotopy of configuration spaces (University of Copenhagen)
- Hodge theory for polymatroids at the conference Arrangements at Home IV: Geometry and Topology.
- Wonderful models for toric arrangements at the conference Arrangements at Home, I: Combinatorial Aspects (recording ).
- Orlik-Solomon type presentations for the cohomology algebra of toric arrangements at the conference Toric Arrangements in Bristol, Heilbronn Institute.
- Unordered configuration spaces on surfaces in the intensive research period Arrangements at Western (London, Ontario).
- Counting Regions in Pisa at summer school PISA-HOKKAIDO-ROMA2 2018.
- Combinatorics and Cohomology Algebra of Toric Arrangements in Kyoto at the conference Matroids, Reflection Groups, and Free Hyperplane Arrangements.
- Orlik-Solomon Relations for Toric Arrangements in Dobbiaco/Toblach at the conference Geometry, Algebra and Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces and Configurations II (2018).
- Toric Arrangements in Cortona at the conference Combinatorics of Root Systems.
Seminar talks:
- Log-concavity of the chromatic polynomial of graphs at Roma La Sapienza.
- Hodge theory for polymatroids at University of Strasbourg.
- Chow ring of polymatroids at MIT-Harvard-MSR Combinatorics Seminar (Boston).
- Unordered configuration spaces of surfaces at University of Michigan topology seminar (Ann Arbor).
- Asymptotic growth of Betti numbers of configuration spaces of an elliptic curve at Northeastern Topology Seminar (Boston).
- Hodge Theory for Polymatroids at Bologna University.
- On the Gabriel and Kac Theorems at University of Pisa.
- Log-concavity of chromatic polynomial of graphs at Topics in Mathematics (Bologna).
- Representation theory and configuration spaces at Seminar on Combinatorics, Lie Theory, and Topology, Pisa (recording ).
- Configuration spaces of surfaces at Università degli Studi di Padova.
- Arithmetic matroids and their representations at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm).
- Configuration spaces of points on surfaces in Pisa at Baby Geometry (only abstract).
- Toric Arrangements: An introduction between algebra, topology and combinatorics at University of Bologna (only abstract).
- Cohomology of configuration spaces of points on the 2-torus at University of Neuchâtel.