teaching activity

Courses given in Italian

Math Method course - aa 2012-2013

In general Prof. Citti will teach on Monday and Prof. Ferri on Friday. However changements are possible, and we suggest to check regularly this page

On Friday, October 26 2012, Prof. Citti will teach


  • An (optional) middterm 1,30 hours : 4 exercices. topic covered by the midterm:
    • establish where a given function is holomorphic (see exercice 12 in notes)
    • Integrate the given functions (see exercice 4 pag 54 in notes)
    • use residues to compute integrals (see exercice 14 pag 114 in notes)
    • compute integrals on $\R$ using residues
  • Students who passed the middlte term can come on the day of the oral to
  • Students who did not pass the middlte term will have to repeat a test on all the exercices
    • they can take a make up midterm, (1h + 30 minutes) and then afford the exercice on eigenfunctions on the day of the oral
    • alternatively they can choose afford all the exercices (the 4 exercices of the middle term and the one on eigenfunctions (= 2hours). In this case they will only discuss oral on the day of the oral


  • Dates of the written exam or mid-term recovery
    • 22 Dec. 2012, 9.00 AM, classroom 5.7
    • 25 Jan. 2013, 14. PM, classroom 6.2
    • 15 Feb. 2013, 14 PM, classroom 6.2.
  • Dates for the oral exam:
    • 7 Jan. 2013, 9:00 AM, classroom "Tonelli" (Maths. Dept., 6th floor)
    • 31 Jan. 2013, 9:00 AM, classroom "Tonelli" (Maths. Dept., 6th floor)
    • 20 Feb. 2013, 9:00 AM, classroom 4.2

Program of the course

  • Functions of complex variables and residue
  • Introduction to couontable basis of an Hilbert space: Fourier analysis, Bessel Functions, Zernike Polynomials.

Notes and suggested reading

Suggested exercices

Results of the written tests

november 2012
december 2012

previous years program and notes