(RAVELLO - SEPTEMBER 2 - 14, 2024)





The school's aim is to give introductive lectures by international experts in Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics. The school is mainly addressed to young researchers.
Four courses will be given in a series of 12 lectures scheduled in the morning of each day.



Courses (click on the title to know the contents):


1a. - part I (6 lectures, week I): An Introduction to Relativistic Cosmology, Mauro Carfora, (Università di Pavia)

1b. - part II (6 lectures, week II): Extended Theories of Gravity and Searching for New Physics, Gaetano Lambiase (Università di Salerno)


2a. - part I (6 lectures, week I): Spectral stability of nonlinear waves: essential spectrum and semigroup estimates, Keith Promislow (Michigan State University)

2b. - part II (6 lectures, week II): Spectral stability of nonlinear waves: point spectrum and bifurcations, Todd Kapitula (Calvin University)


3a. - part I (6 lectures, week I): Building models of machine learning with mathematical physics,Grant M. Rotskoff (Stanford University)

3b. - part II (6 lectures, week II): An introduction to the statistical mechanics approach to Artificial Intelligence, Pierluigi Contucci  (Università di Bologna)


4a. - part I (6 lectures, week I): Universality of height fluctuations in non-integrable dimer models, Alessandro Giuliani (Università Roma Tre).

4b. - part II (6 lectures, week II): The dimer model: Glauber dynamic and mixing timesFabio Toninelli (Technical University of Vienna)



The lessons will be held from Monday to Saturday. Each participant must attend at least two courses uninterruptedly and for the entire duration of the school, barring exceptional and justified reasons. Some lecture notes will be available during school days. All participants must be active in the seminar activity during the afternoon. This activity will be organized and guided by the teachers.

Those interested who want to attend the school must complete the online form here, no later than 15 May 2024, indicating the two courses they wish to attend and whether they need financial support from the GNFM. The scientific committee of the GNFM will examine the applications, and the final decision will be communicated as soon as possible. Financial support for subsistence and accommodation costs will be available for up to 30 young participants. Travel expenses can only be reimbursed to Italian participants who receive financial support.


For download the flyer click here.



Il Direttore del GNFM                        Il Direttore della Scuola

Prof. G. Saccomandi                             Prof. T. Ruggeri



Bologna/Perugia, 26 February, 2024