Seminario del 2014

09 giugno
Carlos Perez Espigares, University of Modena
Seminario di fisica matematica
Understanding the physics of nonequilibrium systems remains as one of the major challenges of modern theoretical physics. We believe nowadays that this problem can be cracked in part by investigating the macroscopic fluctuations of the currents characterizing nonequilibrium behavior, their statistics and associated structures. This fundamental line of research has been severely hampered by the overwhelming complexity of this problem. However, during the last years two new powerful and general methods have appeared to investigate fluctuating behavior that are changing radically our understanding of nonequilibrium physics: a powerful macroscopic fluctuation theory (MFT) and a set of advanced computational techniques to measure rare events. I will talk about the statistics of current fluctuations in nonequilibrium diffusive systems, using the macroscopic fluctuation theory as theoretical framework, and advanced Monte Carlo simulations of several stochastic lattice gases as a laboratory to test the emerging picture. We will see how the discovery of novel isometric fluctuation relations opens an unexplored route toward a deeper understanding of nonequilibrium physics by bringing symmetry principles to the realm of fluctuations.
