Seminario del 2014

19 dicembre
Simone Marzioni
Seminario interdisciplinare
In the 1989 work "Quantum Field Theories and Jones Polynomial" E. Witten showed how the Quantum Field Theories formalism with the Chern-Simons action and compact gauge group can produce important invariants in low dimensional topology like the Jones polynomial. A combinatorial, formally correct, model for such theories was constructed right afterwards by Reshetikhin and Turaev. In order to be able to define quantum Chern-Simons theory with non compact gauge group, we will introduce a combinatorial model for a TQFT coming from the quantisation of the Teichmuller Space, as described by J.E. Andersen and R.M. Kashaev. This will permit us to define a new quantum invariant for triangulated 3-manifolds, conjecturally related to the hyperbolic volume. On the way we will need to introduce the Penner coordinates for the decorated Teichmuller space, and angle structures on triangulated pseudo 3-manifolds. If the time permits I will explain how this quantisation program can be extended to the case when these coordinates are complex.
