Seminario del 2019

26 settembre
Alberto Viscardi (Università di Bologna)
Seminario di analisi numerica
Frames were introduced by Duffin and Schaffer in 1952 as a generalization of orthonormal basis. On the other hand, while the first wavelet was introduced by Haar in 1909, Wavelets became popular among both mathematicians and engineers at the end of the eighties, with the works of Daubechies, Meyer and many others. The children of these two concepts, namely Wavelet Frames, were born in the following years. They provide useful representations of functions that led to fast and reliable algorithms for signal analysis, compression, edge detection, denoising, inpainting and more. This is intended to be an introductory talk about the topic and it is aimed to illustrate which mathematical concepts are behind them and how they can be exploited in some applications.
