Seminario del 2011

18 aprile
NOTA il seminario consiste di due parti di 45 minuti. Nella prima verranno esposte le nozioni di teoria dei numeri e teoria di Galois necessarie per la seconda parte. We provide a characterization of in finite algebraic Galois extensions of the rationals with uniformly bounded local degrees. In particular we show that for an infi nite Galois extension of the rationals the following three properties are equivalent: having uniformly bounded local degrees at every prime; having uniformly bounded local degrees at almost every prime; having Galois group of finite exponent. The proof of this result enlightens interesting connections with Zelmanov's work on the Restricted Burnside Problem. We give a formula to explicitly compute bounds for the local degrees of an infi nite extension in some special cases. We relate the uniform boundedness of the local degrees to other properties: being a subfi eld of Q^(d), which is de fined as the compositum of all number fi elds of degree at most d over Q; being generated by elements of bounded degree. We prove that the above properties are equivalent for abelian extensions, but not in general; we provide counterexamples based on group-theoretical constructions with extraspecial groups and their modules.
