Algebra I (Commutative Algebra)
Winter Semester 2018/19
The lectures are given by Prof. Klaus Altmann
on Mondays 10:15-11:45 and 12:15-13:45 in A6/032.
The problem sheets and information about lectures can be found
Times and venues. We are running two parallel exercise sessions: Mondays 16:15-17:45 (Room A3/119) and Wednesdays 12:15-13:45 (Room A6/032).
Each week you need to come to ONLY one of these, as I will do the same things each week.
Occasionally there might be some modifications to the timetable;
please check this webpage for announcements of exercise sessions that
will be cancelled or moved.
News: the problems of the first exam (held on the 11th of February) can be downloaded here.
In order to pass you have to score at least the 50% of the totality of points of the homework sheets.
The homework has to be handed in within noon on Mondays either in the Tutorenfach E09
at the ground floor of the maths department or via e-mail to me.
Please make sure that I will be able to read what I receive;
if you want to send your solutions via e-mail, please use LaTeX or scan your sheets
with a high quality scanner (pictures taken with your phone camera are not allowed).
If you are handing in more than one sheet in the Tutorenfach, please use the stapler
(clips are not allowed).
Also, you have to find some mates, work and discuss with them about
the problem sheet, and hand in the solutions together;
I allow groups made up of at most 6 people.
Students who are not registered in the KVV should write me an e-mail which contains
their surname, their first name, and their institution.
For questions concerning the exercise classes you may contact me via e-mail: andrea.petracci[at]
The topics we discussed are summarised in Summary.
Some notes about the tensor product.
Some Exercises.
Correction of Problem 44.