List of publications of Massimo Ferri

Research papers

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  1. Ahmad, F., Ferri, M., Frosini, P.,
    Generalized permutants and graph GENEOs,
    Mach. Learn. Knowl. Extr. 5 (2023), 1905-1920.

  2. Bergomi, M.G., Ferri, M.,
    Exploring graph and digraph persistence,
    Algorithms 16 (2023), 465.

  3. Bergomi, M.G., Ferri, M., Mella, A., Vertechi, P.,
    Generalized persistence for equivariant operators in machine learning,
    Mach. Learn. Knowl. Extr. 5 (2023), 346-358.

  4. Bergomi, M.G., Ferri, M., Tavaglione, A.,
    Steady and ranging sets in graph persistence,
    J. Appl. and Comput. Topology 7 (2023), 33-56.

  5. Bergomi, M.G., Ferri, M., Vertechi, P., Zuffi, L.,
    Beyond topological persistence: Starting from networks,
    Mathematics 9 (2021), 3079. DOI: 10.3390/math9233079.

  6. Bergomi, M.G., Ferri, M., Zuffi, L.,
    Topological graph persistence,
    Commun. Appl. Ind. Math. 11 (2020), 72-87.

  7. Angeli, A., Ferri, M., Monti, E., Tomba, I.,
    Shortened persistent homology for a biomedical retrieval system with relevance feedback,
    In: A. Holzinger, P. Kieseberg, A. Tjoa, E. Weippl (Eds.): "Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, CD-MAKE 2018", Springer LNCS 11015 (2018), 282 292.

  8. Angeli, A., Ferri, M., Tomba, I.,
    Symmetric functions for fast image retrieval with persistent homology,
    Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. (2018), 1 11.; preprint available at

  9. Ferri, M., Tomba, I., Visotti, A., Stanganelli, I.,
    A feasibility study for a persistent homology based k-Nearest Neighbor search algorithm in melanoma detection,
    J. Math. Imaging Vis. 57 (2017), 324-339; preprint available at

  10. Di Fabio, B., Ferri, M.,
    Comparing persistence diagrams through complex vectors,
    In: Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2015 Part I; V. Murino, E. Puppo Eds., LNCS 9279, Springer (2015), 294-305; preprint available at

  11. Cavazza, N., Ferri, M., Landi, C.,
    Estimating multidimensional persistent homology through a finite sampling,
    Int. J. Comp. Geom. Appl. 25 (2015), 187-205; preprint available at

  12. Holzinger, A., Malle, B., Bloice, M., Wiltgen, M., Ferri, M., Stanganelli, I., Hofmann-Wellenhof, R.,
    On the generation of point cloud data sets: step one in the knowledge discovery process,
    In: "Interactive Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biomedical Informatics", A. Holzinger, I. Jurisica Eds., Springer LNCS 8401 (2014), 57-80.

  13. Ferri, M.,
    Graphic-based concept retrieval,
    In: "Availability, Reliability, and Security in Information Systems and HCI", A. Cuzzocrea, Ch. Kittl, D.E. Simos, E. Weippl, L. Xu Eds., Springer LNCS 8127 (2013), 460-468; preprint available at

  14. Cerri, A., Di Fabio, B., Ferri, M., Frosini, P., Landi, C.,
    Betti numbers in multidimensional persistent homology are stable functions
    Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 36 (2013), 1543-1557; preprint available at

  15. Cagliari, F., Ferri, M., Gualandri, L., Landi, C.,
    Persistence modules, shape description, and completeness,
    Proc. 4th Conf. Computational Topology in Image Context, CTIC 2012, Bertinoro (FC) Italy, 27-30/5/2012. A. Cerri, B. Di Fabio, M. Ferri, P. Frosini, C. Landi Eds., Springer LNCS 7309 (2012), 148 - 156.

  16. Ferri, M., Frosini, P., Landi, C.,
    Stable shape comparison by persistent homology,
    Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena Reggio Emilia 58 (2011), 143-162.

  17. Anghinolfi, A., Costa, L., Ferri, M., Viarani, E.,
    A covering projection for robot navigation under strong anisotropy,
    Int. J. Comp. Geom. Appl. 20 (2010), 511-525.

  18. Cagliari, F., Di Fabio, B., Ferri, M.,
    One-dimensional reduction of multidimensional persistent homology,
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), 3003-3017.

  19. Ferri, M., Stanganelli, I.,
    Size functions for the morphological analysis of melanocytic lesions
    Int. J. Biomed. Imaging 2010 (2010), Article ID 621357, doi:10.1155/2010/621357.

  20. Attene, M., Giorgi, D., Ferri, M., Falcidieno, B.,
    On converting sets of tetrahedra to combinatorial and PL manifolds,
    Comp. Aid. Geom. Design 26(8) (2009), 850-864.

  21. Cucchiella, R., Falini, G., Ferri, M., Stracquadanio, M., Trombini, C.,
    Mathematical form factor studies on the effect of water on airborne particles morphology using bi-dimensional image processing,
    J. Environ. Monit. 11 (2009), 181 186.

  22. Ferri, M., Frosini, P.,
    VC-dimension on manifolds,
    Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 31 (2008), 589-605.

  23. Attene, M., Ferri, M., Giorgi, D.,
    Combinatorial 3-manifolds from sets of tetrahedra,
    Proc. NASAGEM: New Advances in Shape Analysis and Geometric Modeling, Hannover, October 24-27, 2007, IEEE Comp. Soc. (2007), 367-375.

  24. Cerri, A., Ferri, M., Frosini, P., Giorgi, D.,
    Keypics: free-hand drawn iconic keywords,
    Int. J. Shape Modell.13 (2007), 1-13.

  25. Monari, J., Montebugnoli, S., Orlati, A., Ferri, M., Leone, G.,
    Generalized Hough transform: A useful algorithm for signal path detection,
    Acta Astronautica, 58 (2006), 230-235.

  26. Ausiello, L., Cecchetelli, E., Ferri, M., Caramelli, N.,
    Acoustic rendering for color information,
    Audio Eng. Soc. 120th Convention, Paris, May 20-23, 2006 (2006), paper 6796.

  27. Cerri, A., Ferri, M., Giorgi, D.,
    Retrieval of trademark images by means of size functions,
    Graph. Models, 68 (2006), 451-471.

  28. Stanganelli, I., Brucale, A., Calori, L., Gori, R., Lovato, A., Magi, S., Kopf, B., Bacchilega, R., Rapisarda, V., Testori, A., Ascierto, P.A., Simeone, E., Ferri, M.,
    Computer-aided diagnosis of melanocytic lesions,
    Anticancer Research 25 (2005), 4577-4582.

  29. Cerri, A., Ferri, M., Giorgi, D.,
    A new framework for trademark retrieval based on Size Functions,
    In: Proc. 2nd Int'l Conf. on Computer Vision, Video and Graphics (VVG'05), Heriot Watt Univ., Edinburgh, E. Trucco, M. Chantler Eds. (2005), 167-172.

  30. Cerri, A., Ferri, M., Giorgi, D.,
    A complete keypics experiment with Size Functions,
    In: Proc. CIVR 2005, Singapore, Springer LNCS 3568, W.-K. Leow, M.S. Lew, T.-S. Chua, et al. Eds. (2005), 357-366.

  31. Ferri, M., Frosini, P.,
    A proposal for image indexing: keypics, plastic graphical metadata,
    In: Proc. SPIE Vol. 5670, Internet Imaging VI; Simone Santini, Raimondo Schettini, Theo Gevers Eds. (2005), 225-231.

  32. Bevilacqua, A., Ferri, M., Gherardi, A.,
    Predicting biological age from a skin surface capacitive analysis,
    Int. J. Modern Phys. C, 15 (2004), 1309-1320.

  33. d'Amico, M., Ferri, M., Stanganelli, I.,
    Qualitative asymmetry measure for melanoma detection,
    In: Proc. IEEE Int. Sym. on Biomedical Images ISBI2004, Arlington VA (2004), 1155-1158.

  34. Monari, J., Montebugnoli, S., Orlati, A., Ferri, M., Leone, G.,
    Generalized Hough transform: A useful algorithm for signal path detection,
    In: Proc. 54th Int. Astronautics Congress, Sept. 29 - Oct. 3, 2003, Bremen, IAA.9.P.02 (2003).

  35. Agnati, L.F., Santarossa, L.M., Benfenati, F., Ferri, M., Morpurgo, A., Apolloni, B., Fuxe, K.,
    Molecular basis of learning and memory: Modelling based on receptor mosaics,
    In: From Synapses to Rules - Discovering Symbolic Rules from Neural Processed Data, B. Apolloni and F. Kurfess (eds.), Kluwer Academic (2002), 165-195.

  36. Brucale, A., d'Amico, M., Ferri, M., Gualandri, L., Lovato, A.,
    Size functions for image retrieval: A demonstrator on randomly generated curves,
    In: Proc. CIVR 2002, London, LNCS 2383, M.S. Lew, N. Sebe, J.P. Eakins eds., Springer-Verlag (2002), 235-244.

  37. Cagliari, F., Ferri, M., Pozzi, P.,
    Size functions from the categorical viewpoint,
    Acta Appl. Math.67 (2001), 225-235.

  38. Barone, M., Ferri, M.,
    Homological Farrell invariants for embedded graphs,
    Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, Suppl. Vol. IL (2001), 217-227.

  39. Domenicucci, F., Ferri, M., Nicoletti, G.,
    Local triangle choice for impact computation in the tactile exploration of a virtual surface,
    Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste Suppl. 1, 32 (2001), 119-130.

  40. Brucale A., Cesari F., d'Amico M., Ferri M., Frosini P., Gualandri L., Guerra M., Lovato A., Pace I.
    Image retrieval through abstract shape indication,
    Proc. IAPR Workshop MVA 2000, Tokyo Nov. 28-30 (2000), 367-370.

  41. Ferri, M., Landi, C.,
    Representing size functions by complex polynomials,
    Proc. Math. Met. in Pattern Recognition 9, Moskow, November 16-19, 1999.

  42. Bonivento, C., Di Stefano, L., Ferri, M., Melchiorri, C., Vassura, G.,
    VIDET: un sistema per videolesi basato sulla resa tattile di ambienti virtuali 3D,
    Convegno ANIPLA su: Sanità e sistemi medicali: automazione ed informatizzazione, Milano, 2-4 Aprile 1998.

  43. Travaglini, A., Lamberti, C., DeBie, J., Ferri, M.,
    Respiratory signal derived from eight-lead ECG,
    Computers in Cardiology, 25 (1998), 65-68.

  44. Cappelletti, L., Ferri, M., Nicoletti, G.,
    Vibrotactile colour rendering for the visually impaired within the VIDET project,
    SPIE Int. Symp. on Intelligent Systems and Advanced Manifacturing, Boston 1-5 Nov. 1998, 3524 (1998), 92-96.

  45. Ferri, M., Frosini, P., Lovato, A., Zambelli, C.,
    Point selection: A new comparison scheme for size functions (With an application to monogram recognition),
    Proc. ACCV'98, Hong Kong 8-10 Jan. 1998, Springer LNCS 1351 vol. 1 (1998), 329-337.

  46. Collina, C., Ferri, M., Frosini, P., Porcellini, E.,
    SketchUp: Towards qualitative shape data management,
    Proc. ACCV'98, Hong Kong 8-10 Jan. 1998, Springer LNCS 1351 vol. 1 (1998), 338-343.

  47. Bonivento, C., Di Stefano, L., Ferri, M., Melchiorri, C., Vassura, G.,
    The VIDET project: Basic ideas and early results,
    Proc. ICAR '97, Monterey, July 7-9, 1997.

  48. Bonivento, C., Di Stefano, L., Ferri, M., Melchiorri, C., Vassura, G.,
    Progetto VIDET: robotica e realtà virtuale in un sistema di ausilio per videolesi,
    Seminario I.LI.TEC. Tecnologie al servizio dell'uomo, Roma, 19-22 novembre 1997.

  49. Di Stefano, L., Eusebi, A., Ferri, M., Melchiorri, C., Montanari, M., Vassura, G.,
    A robotic system for visually impaired people based on stereo-vision and force-feedback,
    IARP International Workshop on Medical Robots, Vienna Oct. 1-2 (1996), 39-46.

  50. Bocconcelli, S., Ferri, M., Zannoli, R.,
    Quantification of coronary tortuosity by size functions,
    Meeting Osp. S. Camillo "Nuove Frontiere della Medicina", 1996.

  51. Ferri, M.,
    Size functions: a new topological approach to shape analysis,
    In: Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds, VII, F. Dillen, M. Magid, U. Simon, I. Van de Woestijne, L. Verstraelen Eds., World Scientific (1995), 299-304.

  52. Ferri, M., Frosini, P.,
    Range size functions,
    Proc. SPIE Conf. on Vision Geometry III, Boston, 1994 Nov. 2-3 (1995), 243-251.

  53. Ferri, M., Gallina, S., Porcellini, E., Serena, M.,
    On-line character and writer recognition by size functions and fuzzy logic,
    Proc. ACCV '95, Dec. 5-8, Singapore, vol. 3 (1995), 622-626.

  54. Ferri, M., Lombardini, S., Pallotti, C.,
    Leukocyte classification by size functions,
    Proc. 2nd IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Sarasota, 1994 Dec. 5-7 (1994), 223-229.

  55. Anghinolfi, A., Ferri, M.,
    Navigazione robotica in ambiente anisotropo,
    Proc. Automation 1993, Milano Nov. 23-25 (1993), 695-703.

  56. Ferri, M., Mangili, F., Viano, G.,
    Projective pose estimation of linear and quadratic primitives in monocular computer vision,
    CVGIP: Image Understanding 58 (1993), 66-84.

  57. Verri, A., Uras, C., Frosini, P., Ferri, M.,
    On the use of size functions for shape analysis,
    Biol. Cybern. 70 (1993), 99-107.

  58. Ferri, M., Lins., S.,
    Topological aspects of edge fusion in 4-graphs,
    J. Combin. Theor. Ser. B 51 (1991), 227-243.

  59. Ferri, M., Mangili, F.,
    Monocular pose estimation of quadrics of revolution,
    SPIE Vol. 1608 Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision X (1991), 128-138.

  60. Cerè, A., Donati, A., Ferri, M.,
    A note on groups and permutation-partition pairs,
    Ann. Univ. Ferrara Sez. 7, 35 (1989), 59-69.

  61. Ferri, M., Gagliardi, C.,
    Multiple residues in dimension three,
    J. Combin. Theor. Ser. B 44 (1988), 263-275.

  62. Ferri, M.,
    Colour switching and homeomorphism of manifolds,
    Canadian J. Math. 39 (1987), 8-32.

  63. Ferri, M., Gagliardi, C., Grasselli, L.,
    A graph-theoretical representation of PL manifolds - A survey on crystallizations,
    Aequationes Math. 31 (1986), 121-141.

  64. Ferri, M., Gagliardi, C.,
    A characterization of punctured n-spheres,
    Yokohama Math. J. 33 (1985), 29-38.

  65. Ferri, M., Gagliardi, C.,
    Crystallisation moves,
    Pacific J. Math. 100 (1982), 85-103.

  66. Ferri, M., Gagliardi, C.,
    On the genus of 4-dimensional products of manifolds,
    Geom. Dedicata 13 (1982), 331-345.

  67. Ferri, M., Gagliardi, C.,
    The only genus zero n-manifold is Sn,
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 85 (1982), 638-642.

  68. Agnati, L.F., Fuxe, K., Benfenati, F., Ogren, S.-O., Ferri M.,
    A new hypothesis on memory - A possible role of local circuits in the formation of the memory trace,
    Medical Biology 59 (1981), 224-229.

  69. Ferri, M.,
    Crystallisations of 2-fold branched coverings of S3,
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 73 (1979), 271-275.

  70. Ferri, M., Gagliardi, C.,
    Strong ball coverings of manifolds,
    Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 28 (1979), 289-293.

  71. Ferri, M.,
    A non-Cayleyian diagram for presentations of groups,
    J. Combin. Inf. Syst. Sci. 3 (1978), 245-254.

  72. Ferri, M.,
    Una rappresentazione delle n-varieta` topologiche triangolabili mediante grafi (n+1)-colorati,
    Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. 13 (1976), 250-260.

  73. Pezzana, M., Ferri, M., Gagliardi, C.,
    Omomorfismo di Mayer-Vietoris per varieta` tridimensionali,
    Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. 12, suppl. fasc. 3 (1975), 148-157.

  74. Ferri, M., Gagliardi, C.,
    Alcune proprieta` caratteristiche delle triangolazioni contratte,
    Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 23 (1975), 195-220.

  75. Ferri, M.,
    Sulla planarita` di grafi associati a gruppi,
    Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma 4 (1975), 191-198.
Other publications

  1. Ferri, M.,
    Una Intelligenza Artificiale fatta con 21 bicchierini, (2024).

  2. Ferri, M.,
    La tenacia degli errori comuni,
    In: Didattica della Matematica come attivita` di ricerca in aula. Atti Convegno Incontri con la Matematica n. 36, Castel San Pietro Terme, October 21-23, 2022; Ed.: B. D'Amore (2022).

  3. Giorgi, D., Del Francia, M., Ferri, M., Cignoni, P.,
    Topological Classification of Vittorio Giorgini s Sculptures
    Bridges 2020 Conference Proceedings (2020), 121-128.

  4. Ferri, M.,
    Why topology for machine learning and knowledge extraction?
    Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (2018), 1(1), 6; doi: 10.3390/make1010006

  5. Ferri, M.,
    Persistent topology for natural data analysis - A survey,
    In: Holzinger A., Goebel R., Ferri M., Palade V. (eds) Towards Integrative Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, LNAI, vol 10344, Springer (2017), 117-133; preprint available at

  6. Ferri, M.,
    Il futuro dello studio del cervello? La topologia, (2016).

  7. Ferri, M.,
    Creazione, applicazione, insegnamento della matematica: luci e ombre,
    In: La matematica e la sua didattica. Mathematics and Mathematics Education. Proc. of Int. Conference, Bologna, October 8, 2016, Ed.: M. Iori (2016), 255-256.

  8. Ferri, M.,
    Progress in persistence for shape analysis (extended abstract),
    In: Computational Topology in Image Context, 6th Int. Workshop CTIC 2016, Marseille, June 15-17, 2016; A. Bac, J.-L. Mari Eds., LNCS 9667, Springer (2016), 3-6.

  9. Ferri, M.,
    L'incredibile ubiquita` della topologia persistente, (2015).

  10. Ferri, M,
    The ACAT Project,
    In: "Topics in Mathematics, Bologna", A. Bonfiglioli, R. Fioresi, A. Parmeggiani Eds., Quaderni UMI 55 (2015), 65-73.

  11. Ferri, M.,
    L'arcobaleno della conoscenza, (2014).

  12. Ferri, M.,
    Oltre la terza dimensione,
    In: La didattica della Matematica come chiave di lettura delle situazioni d'aula, B. D'Amore e S. Sbaragli (ed.), Pitagora (2013), 27-32.

  13. Ferri, M.,
    Esiste la geometria applicata?,
    In: La Matematica e la sua didattica, S. Sbaragli (ed.), Pitagora (2011), 87-89.

  14. Ferri, M.,
    Geometria da esportazione,
    XlaTangente 6 (2007), 50-56.

  15. Ferri, M.,
    Punti critici e robotica,
    Archimede (2) (2007), 59-66.

  16. Ferri, M.,
    "Moebius": un film e un invito alla topologia,
    In: Matematica e cultura in Europa, M. Manaresi (ed.), Springer (2005), 219-229.

  17. Ferri, M.,
    Aspetti geometrici della robotica,
    In: La matematica nella vita quotidiana, S. Di Sieno, M. Rigoli, T. Sichel (eds.), Mimesis (2002), 61-70.

  18. Ferri, M.,
    Visione delle macchine: una sfida anche per i matematici,
    Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. A (8) 4-A (2001), 85-115.

  19. Ferri M., Gagliardi C.,
    Ricordo di Mario Pezzana,
    Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, Suppl. 49 (2001), VII-XX.

  20. Ferri, M. (Ed.),
    Giornate di Topologia e Geometria delle varieta`,
    Seminari di Geometria, Univ. di Bologna, 8 (1992).

  21. Ferri, M.,
    Geometria e topologia dei profili nella visione artificiale,
    Atti delle Giornate di Geometria, Messina 12-15/10/1988.

  22. Ferri, M.,
    Nodi, grafi e loro invarianti,
    Atti del Convegno CNR-GNSAGA di Trieste 6-8/10/1988.

  23. Ferri, M.,
    Appunti di topologia differenziale,
    I.N.d.A.M. "F. Severi", a.a. 1981/'82.


Interview by Claudia Landi, AATRN, 21/4/2021.

Tutorial on Non-topological persistence, AATRN, 24/3/2021.

Conferenza su Smallworld, #Unibosera, 16/4/2020.

Talk on Non-topological persistence at GEOTOP-A, 22/11/2019.

Course on Mathematics, shape, computer vision, ACAT School, 1-5/7/2013.