Gruppo di ricerca di Fisica Matematica

Archivio Pubblicazioni

2001     2000     1999     1998     1997
- 2001 -

D. Bambusi, S. Graffi:
Time quasi-periodic unbounded perturbations of Schrödinger operators and KAM methods
Commun. Math. Phys. 219 n. 2, 465-480 (2001).

M. Degli Esposti, C. Giardinà, S. Graffi, S. Isola:
Statistics of energy levels and zero temperature dynamics for determinstic spin models with glassy behaviour
J. Stat. Phys. 102(5/6), 1285-1313 (2001).

M. Degli Esposti:
Infinite Step Billiards
Long Time Behaviour of Classical and Quantum Systems
Proceedings of the Bologna APTEX International Conference (Bologna, Italy, 13-17 September 1999) a cura di Sandro Graffi, Andrè Martinez pp. 124-139,
World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore (2001).

F. Franchi:
A comparison of the Graffi and Kazhikhov-Smagulov models for top heavy pollution instability
Advances in Water Resources, 24, 585-594 (2001).

V. Grecchi, A. Sacchetti:
Critical Metastability and Destruction of the Splitting in Non-Autonomous Systems
J. Stat. Phys. 103, 339 (2001).

V. Grecchi, A. Sacchetti:
Acceleration theorem for Bloch oscillators
Physical Review B, 2303 (2001).

A. Sacchetti:
Dynamical localization criterion for driven two-level systems
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34, 10293-10306 (2001).

A. Sacchetti:
Destruction of the beating effect in a periodically driven double-well
proceedings of the International Conference "Long Time Behaviour of Classical and Quantum Systems", Bologna 1999, ed. S. Graffi e A. Martinez (World Scientific, 2001).

A. Sacchetti:
Tunneling destruction for a non-linear Schroedinger equation
Proceedings on the International conference Q-Math 8: Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics, Taxco (Mex) 10-14 Dicembre 2001.

A. Lahmar-Benbernou, A. Martinez:
On Helffer-Sjoestrand's theory of Resonances
Int. Math. Res. Notices, 13, 1-21 (2001).

A. Martinez, K. Yajima:
On the Fondamental Solution of Semiclassical Schroedinger Equations at Resonant Times
Comm.Math.Phys. 216, 357-373 (2001).

V. Sordoni:
Born-Oppenheimer Approximation for the Brown-Ravenhall Equation
Reviews in Math.Phys., Vol. 13, No. 8, pp:921-951 (2001).

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- 2000 -

O. Bolina, P. Contucci, B. Nachtergaele, S. Starr:
A continuum approximation for the excitations of the (1,1,...,1) interface in the quantum Heisenberg model
Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., N. 04, 1-10 (2000).

O. Bolina, P. Contucci, B. Nachtergaele, S. Starr:
Finite-volume excitations of the 111 interface in the quantum XXZ model
Commun. Math. Phys. 212, 63-91 (2000).

O. Bolina, P. Contucci, B. Nachtergaele:
Path Integral Representation for Interface States of the Anisotropic Heisenberg Model
Rev. Math. Phys. 12, No. 10, 1325-1344 (2000).

E. Caliceti:
Distributional Borel Summability of Odd Anharmonic Oscillators
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33, 1-18 (2000).

S. Graffi, A. Martinez (Eds.):
Long Time Behaviour in Classical and Quantum Systems (Proceedings of the 1999 APTEX Conference, Bologna)
World Scientific, Singapore, 2000.

M. Degli Esposti:
Quantum Maps: why and why not
ICMP2000 Proceedings (2000).

M. Degli Esposti, G. Del Magno, M. Lenci:
Escape orbits and ergodicity in infinite step billiards
Nonlinearity 13, no. 4, 1275-1292 (2000).

J. L. Lebowitz, M. Lenci, H. Spohn:
Large deviations for ideal quantum systems
J. Math. Phys. 41, no. 3, 1224-1243 (2000).

C. Giardinà:
Discrete spin variables and critical temperature in deterministic model with glassy behaviour
Phys. Rev. E 61, 3375 (2000).

C. Giardinà, R. Livi, A. Politi, M. Vassalli:
Finite thermal conductivity in 1D lattices
Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 2144 (2000).

S. Graffi, K. Yajima:
Absolute Continuity of the Floquet Spectrum for a Nonlinearly Forced Harmonic Oscillator
Commun. Math. Phys. 215, 245-250 (2000).

B. Helffer, A. Martinez:
Phase Transition in the Semiclassical Regime
Rev. Math. Phys. 12, 1429-1450 (2000).

V. Grecchi, A. Sacchetti:
Molecular localization induced by collisions
Physical Review A 61, 052106(1-4) (2000).

V. Sordoni:
Some results on anharmonic oscillator and related Schroedingeroperators in high dimension
Actes du Colloque de Coimbra "Operateurs différentiels et Physique Mathématique", Textos Mat. Ser. B, 24 pp. 135-142 (2000).

V. Sordoni:
Some results on scattering matrix for multistate Schroedingeroperator
Proceedings of the Workshop "Partial Differential Operators" Torino 8-10 May 2000, L. Rodino editor pp:149-155.

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- 1999 -

D.Bambusi, S.Graffi, T.Paul:
"Normal forms and quantization formulae"
Commun.Math.Phys., 207, 173-195 (1999).

D.Bambusi, S.Graffi, T.Paul:
"Long time semiclassical approximation of quantum flows: a proof of the Eherenfest time"
Asymptotic Analysis, 21, 149-160 (1999).

M.Benchaou, A.Martinez:
"Estimations exponentielles en théorie de la diffusion pour des opérateurs de Schrödinger matriciels"
Ann.Inst.H.Poincaré, 71, 561-594 (1999).

M.Degli Esposti, G.Del Magno, M.Lenci:
"An Infinite Step Billiard"
Nonlinearity 11, no. 4, 991-1013 (1999).

P.Contucci, P.Kleban, A.Knauf:
"A Fully Magnetizing Phase Transition"
Journal of Statistical Physics 97, N. 3/4, 523-539 (1999).

A.Lahmar-Benbernou, A.Martinez:
"Semiclassical Asymptotics of the Residues of the Scattering Matrix for Shape Resonances"
Asymptotic Analysis 20, 13-38 (1999).

A.Martinez, V.Sordoni:
"Microlocal WKB expansions"
J.Funct.Analysis 168, 380-402 (1999).

"Classical billiards and quantum large deviations"
Ph.D. Thesis, Rutgers University (1999).

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- 1998 -

M.Aizenman, P.Contucci:
"On the Stability of the Quenched state in Mean Field Spin Glass Models"
Journal of Statistical Physics, 92, n.5/6, 765-783 (1998).

V.Baladi, M.Degli Esposti, S.Isola, E.Järvenpää, A.Kupianen:
"The spectrum of weakly coupled maps"
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 77, 539-584 (1998).

I.Borsari, F.Camia, S.Graffi, M.Unguendoli:
"Absence of glassy behaviour in the deterministic spherical and XY models"
J.Phys. A: Math.Gen., 31, 1127-1139 (1998).

S.De Bievre, M.Degli Esposti:
"Egorov theorems and equidistribution of eigenfunctions for the quantized sawtooth and Baker maps"
Annales de l'Institut H.Poincaré, Phys.Theor., 69, 1-30 (1998).

"Caos quantistico cinematico" (Kinematic Quantum Chaos)
Ph.D. Thesis, Università di Bologna (1998).

M.Degli Esposti, S.Isola:
"Transfer operators for infinite dimensional dynamical systems"
Journal de Physique IV, 8, 227-231 (1998).

C.Giardinà, R.Livi:
"Ergodic properties of microcanonical observables"
J.Stat.Phys. 91, 1027 (1998).

V.Grecchi, A.Sacchetti:
"Wannier-Bloch Oscillators"
Comm.Math.Phys., 197, 553-569 (1998).

"Classical Limit of the Matrix Elements on Quantized Lobachevskii Plane"
Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal, 4, n.3, 19pp (1998).

"Gaussian decay for the eigenfunctions of a Schrodinger operator with magnetic field constant at infinity"
Comm. Partial Differ. Equations 23, No. 1-2, 223-242 (1998).

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- 1997 -

I.Borsari, M.Degli Esposti, S.Graffi, M.Unguendoli:
"Deterministic spin models with mean field glassy behaviour"
J.Phys.A, 30, L155-L159 (1997).

M.Degli Esposti, S.Graffi, S.Isola:
"Classical limit of the quantum Arnold cat: a comprehensive treatment"
St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal, vol. 8, pp. 183-229 (1997).

E.Caliceti, V.Grecchi, M.Maioli:
"Perturbation Theory, Borel Summability and Asymptotics"
St.Petersburg Math.J., 8, 111-122 (1997).

R.Conti, P.Contucci, C.Falcolini:
"Polynomial Invariants for Trees. A statistical Mechanics Classification Figures"
Discrete Applied Mathematics, N. 81, 225-237 (1997).

P.Contucci, A.Knauf:
"The Phase Transition of the Number-Theoretical Spin Chain"
Forum Math. N. 9, 547-567 (1997).

J.P.Gazeau, S.Graffi:
"Quantum Harmonic Oscillator: a Relativistic and Statistical Point of View"
Boll.U.M.I., Ser.VII , XI-A, 815-839 (1997).

V.Grecchi, A.Sacchetti:
"Lifetime of the Wannier-Stark resonances and perturbation theory"
Commun.Math.Phys., 185, 359-378 (1997).

V.Grecchi, A.Sacchetti:
"Metastable Bloch oscillators"
Phys.Rev.Lett., 78, 4474-4477 (1997).

M.Klein, A.Martinez, X.P.Wang:
"On the Born-Oppenheimer approximation of wave operators II : singular potentials"
Journal of Mathematical Physics Vol. 38, n.3, 1373-1396 (1997).

"Microlocal Exponential Estimates and Applications to Tunneling"
NATO ASI Series C, Vol. 490 (L. Rodino, Ed.), Klumer Acad. Publ. (1997).

"Instantons and Splitting"
Journal of Math. Physics, 38 (2), 770-795 (1997).

D.Robert, V.Sordoni:
"Generalized Determinants for Sturm-Liouville Problemson the Real Line"
Greiner, Peter C. (ed.) et al., Partial differential equations and their applications, CRM Proc. Lect. Notes. 12, 251-259 (1997).

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