Submitted Manuscripts (reverse chronological order)

  • Davide Palitta , Martina Iannacito , and V. Simoncini
    A subspace-conjugate gradient method for linear matrix equations
    pp. 1-25, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' di Bologna, Jan 2025. ArXiv 2501.02938

  • V. Simoncini and Yihong Wang,
    Stabilized short-term recurrences via randomized sketching
    hal-04661499v1, pp. 1-21, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' di Bologna, July 2024.

  • Stefania Bellavia , Davide Palitta , Margherita Porcelli, and V. Simoncini
    Regularized methods via cubic subspace minimization for nonconvex optimization
    pp. 1-24, June 2023.

  • Books and Monographs

    A Guide to Empirical Orthogonal Functions for Climate Data Analysis
    Antonio Navarra and Valeria Simoncini
    2010, 200 p. With online files/update., Hardcover, Springer.
    for the extra material:, ISBN: 978-90-481-3701-5
    March, 2010. Springer webpage

    Exploiting Hidden Structure in Matrix Computations: Algorithms and Applications
    Michele Benzi and Valeria Simoncini, editors, Springer, 2016. Springer webpage

    Articles in Refereed Journals (reverse chronological order)

    1. Joern Zimmerling, Vladimir Druskin, and V. Simoncini
      Monotonicity, bounds and averaging of Block-Gauss and Gauss-Radau quadrature for computing B' phi(A)B
      pp. 1-22, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' di Bologna, August 2024.
      To appear in J. Scient. Computing, 2025. ArXiv 2407.21505 [v2]

    2. Lorenzo Piccinini , and V. Simoncini
      Truncated LSQR for matrix least squares problems
      pp. 1-22, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' di Bologna, February 2024.
      Accompanying code.
      To appear in Computational Optimization and Applications (COAP). DOI: 10.1007/s10589-024-00629-w

    3. Davide Palitta , Marcel Schweitzer , and V. Simoncini
      Sketched and truncated polynomial Krylov methods: matrix Sylvester equations
      Codes available
      To appear in Math. Comp.

    4. Davide Palitta , Marcel Schweitzer , and V. Simoncini
      Sketched and truncated polynomial Krylov methods: Evaluation of Matrix functions
      To appear in Numerical Linear Algebra w/Appl.

    5. Sijing Liu , and V. Simoncini
      Multigrid preconditioning for discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of an elliptic optimal control problem with a convection-dominated state equation
      J. Scientific Computing, (2024), 101(1), article: 79.

    6. V. Simoncini and Daniele Toni ,
      On some structural properties of generalized Lyapunov eigenproblems and application to operator preconditioning
      Boll Unione Mat Ital, Volume 17, pages 625-645, (2024)

    7. V. Simoncini and Yue Hao
      Analysis of the truncated conjugate gradient method for linear matrix equations
      SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Appl., Vol. 44, Iss. 1 (2023)DOI: 10.1137/22M147880X
      HAL archive hal-03579267.

    8. Margherita Porcelli, and V. Simoncini
      Numerical solution of a class of quasi-linear matrix equations
      Linear Algebra and Its Applications 664C (2023) pp. 349-368.

    9. Alessandro Alla , Dante Kalise, and V. Simoncini
      State-dependent Riccati equation feedback stabilization for nonlinear PDEs
      Adv Comput Math, 49:9, (2023),

    10. Julian Henning, Davide Palitta , V. Simoncini and Karsten Urban
      A Very Weak Space-Time Variational Formulation for the Wave Equation: Analysis and Efficient Numerical Solution
      ESAIM: M2AN, 56(4) July-August 2022, pp. 1173 - 1198.

    11. Davide Palitta , Stefano Pozza and V. Simoncini
      The short-term rational Lanczos method and applications
      SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 44 (4), A2843-A2870, 2022.

    12. Alexandra Buenger , V. Simoncini and Martin Stoll
      A low-rank matrix equation method for solving PDE-constrained optimization problems
      SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 43(5), S637-S654, 2021.

    13. Yue Hao and V. Simoncini
      The Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula for generalized linear matrix equations and applications
      Numer. Linear Algebra w/Appl. 28 (5), 2021, e2384. DOI: 10.1002/nla.2384

    14. Yue Hao and V. Simoncini
      Matrix equation solving of PDEs in polygonal domains using conformal mappings
      Journal of Numerical Mathematics, vol. 29, no. 3, 2021, pp. 221-244. DOI:

    15. Stefano Pozza and V. Simoncini
      Functions of Rational Krylov Space matrices and their decay properties
      Numerische Mathematik, 148 (1), 2021, pp. 99-126. DOI: 10.1007/s00211-021-01198-4

    16. Davide Palitta and V. Simoncini
      Optimality properties of Galerkin and Petrov-Galerkin methods for linear matrix equations
      Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 48 (2), 2020, pp. 791-807; DOI: 10.1007/s10013-020-00390-7

    17. V. Simoncini
      Numerical solution of a class of third order tensor linear equations
      Bollettino UMI, 13 (3), 2020, pp.429-439. DOI: 10.1007/s40574-020-00247-4

    18. Gerhard Kirsten and V. Simoncini
      Order reduction methods for solving large-scale differential matrix Riccati equations
      SIAM J. Scient. Computing, v. 42 (4), 2020, pages A2182-A2205. DOI: 10.1137/19M1264217

    19. Maria Chiara D'Autilia, Ivonne Sgura and V. Simoncini
      Matrix-oriented discretization methods for reaction-diffusion PDEs: comparisons and applications
      Computers and Mathematics with Applications, v. 79 (1), 2020, pages 2067-2085. DOI:

    20. Domitilla Brandoni and V. Simoncini
      Tensor-Train Decomposition for image recognition
      Calcolo, v. 57, Article # 9 (2020). DOI: 10.1007/s10092-020-0358-8

    21. V. Simoncini
      On the numerical solution of a class of systems of linear matrix equations
      IMA J. Numerical Analysis, v. 44 (1), 2020, 207-225. DOI: 10.1093/imanum/dry083

    22. Nick Gould and V. Simoncini,
      Error estimates for iterative algorithms for minimizing regularized quadratic subproblems
      Optimization Methods and Software. v.35 (2), 2020, pp.304-328. DOI:10.1080/10556788.2019.1670177

    23. Stefano Pozza and V. Simoncini
      Inexact Arnoldi residual estimates and decay properties for functions of non-Hermitian matrices
      BIT Numerical Analysis, 59(4), pp. 969-986 (2019). DOI:

    24. Giulia Sacchi and V. Simoncini
      A new GMRES convergence analysis for localized invariant subspace ill-conditioning.
      SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 40(2), 542-563 (2019). DOI:

    25. Davide Palitta and V. Simoncini
      Numerical methods for large-scale Lyapunov equations with symmetric banded data
      SIAM J. Scientific Computing, v.40 (5), pp.A3581--A3608 (2018).

    26. Davide Palitta and V. Simoncini
      Computationally enhanced projection methods for symmetric Sylvester and Lyapunov matrix equations
      J. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 330 (2018) 648-659. DOI:

    27. Benedetta Morini and V. Simoncini
      Stability and accuracy of Inexact Interior Point methods for convex quadratic programming
      J. of Optimization Theory and Applications (2017), 175 (2), pp.450-477. DOI: 10.1007/s10957-017-1170-8

    28. Margherita Porcelli , V. Simoncini and Martin Stoll
      Preconditioning PDE-constrained optimization with L^1-sparsity and control constraints
      Computers and Mathematics with Applications 74 (2017) pp. 1059-1075. DOI 10.1016/j.camwa.2017.04.033.

    29. Benedetta Morini , V. Simoncini and Mattia Tani
      A comparison of reduced and unreduced symmetric KKT systems arising from interior point methods
      Computational Optimization and Applications, v.68(1), 2017, pp.1-27. DOI: 10.1007/s10589-017-9907-8

    30. Catherine E. Powell , David Silvester , and V. Simoncini
      An efficient reduced basis solver for stochastic Galerkin matrix equations
      SIAM J. Scientific Computing, 39 (1), (2017), pp.A141-A163. DOI:10.1137/15M1032399

    31. Michele Benzi and V. Simoncini
      Approximation of functions of large matrices with Kronecker structure
      Numerische Mathematik 135(1) (2017) pp.1-26. DOI: 10.1007/s00211-016-0799-9

    32. Sarah W. Gaaf and V. Simoncini
      Approximating the leading singular triplets of a large matrix function
      Applied Numerical Mathematics 113C (2017) pp. 26-43 DOI: 10.1016/j.apnum.2016.10.015

    33. V. Simoncini
      Analysis of the rational Krylov subspace projection method for large-scale algebraic Riccati equations
      SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Appl. 37-4 (2016), pp. 1655-1674.

    34. Benedetta Morini , V. Simoncini and Mattia Tani
      Spectral estimates for unreduced symmetric KKT systems arising from Interior Point methods
      Numerical Linear Algebra w/Appl. Volume 23, Issue 5 (2016), pp. 776-800. DOI: 10.1002/nla.2054

    35. Stephen D. Shank , V. Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld
      Efficient low-rank solutions of Generalized Lyapunov equations
      Numerische Mathematik, 134(2), (2016), 327-342. DOI 10.1007/s00211-015-0777-7

    36. Froilan Dopico , Javier Gonzalez, Daniel Kressner and V. Simoncini
      Projection methods for large T-Sylvester equations
      Mathematics of Computations, v.85, n.301 (2016), pp. 2427--2455. DOI: 10.1090/mcom/3081

    37. V. Simoncini,
      Computational methods for linear matrix equations (Survey article)
      SIAM Review, 58-3, (2016), pp. 377-441. (WoS highly cited paper, Jan./Feb. 2019)

    38. Davide Palitta and V. Simoncini
      Matrix-equation-based strategies for convection-diffusion equations
      BIT Numerical Mathematics, 56-2, (2016), pp.751-776. DOI: 10.1007/s10543-015-0575-8

    39. Tobias Breiten , V. Simoncini and Martin Stoll
      Fast iterative solvers for fractional differential equations
      Electr. Trans. Numer. Anal., 45 (2016), pp. 107-132.
      The Matlab code is available here

    40. Michele Benzi and V. Simoncini
      Decay bounds for functions of Hermitian matrices with banded or Kronecker structure
      SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 36-3 (2015), pp. 1263-1282

    41. Margherita Porcelli , V. Simoncini and Mattia Tani
      Preconditioning of active-set Newton methods for PDE-Constrained optimal control problems
      SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 37-5 (2015), pp. S472-S502. DOI:

    42. Claudio Canuto , V. Simoncini and Marco Verani
      Contraction and optimality properties of an adaptive Legendre-Galerkin method: the multi-dimensional case
      J. Scientific Computing (JOMP), 63(3), (2015), pp 769-798. DOI: 10.1007/s10915-014-9912-3.

    43. Yiding Lin and V. Simoncini,
      A new subspace iteration method for the algebraic Riccati equation
      Numerical Linear Algebra w/Appl., v.22, n.1, (2015), pp.26-47. DOI: 10.1002/nla.1936

    44. V. Simoncini, Daniel B. Szyld and Marlliny Monsalve,
      On two numerical methods for the solution of large-scale algebraic Riccati equations
      IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, v.34, n.3, (2014), pp.904-920.

    45. Vladimir Druskin, V. Simoncini and Mikhail Zaslavsky,
      Adaptive tangential interpolation in rational Krylov subspaces for MIMO model reduction data
      SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Appl., v.35, n.2 (2014), 476-498. DOI:

    46. Claudio Canuto , V. Simoncini and Marco Verani
      On the decay of the inverse of matrices that are sum of Kronecker products
      Linear Algebra and its Applications, Volume 452, 1 July 2014, Pages 21-39.

    47. Stephen Shank and V. Simoncini,
      Krylov subspace methods for large scale constrained Sylvester equations
      SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. and Appl. 34-4 (2013), pp. 1448-1463.

    48. Vladimir Druskin, V. Simoncini and Mikhail Zaslavsky,
      Solution of the time-domain inverse resistivity problem in the model reduction framework Part I. One-dimensional problem with SISO data
      SIAM J. Scient. Comput., v.35 n.3, (2013) pp. A1621-A1640.

    49. Yiding Lin and V. Simoncini,
      Minimal residual methods for large scale Lyapunov equations
      Applied Numerical Mathematics, v.72 (2013), pp.52-71.
      The Matlab code is available here

    50. M. Zaslavsky, V. Druskin, A. Abubakar, T. Habashy, and V. Simoncini
      Large-scale Gauss-Newton inversion of transient CSEM data using the model reduction framework
      Geophysics, v. 78, n. 4 (July-August 2013); pp. E161-E171.

    51. Wolfgang Krendl, V. Simoncini and Walter Zulehner,
      Stability Estimates and Structural Spectral Properties of Saddle Point Problems
      Numerische Mathematik: Volume 124, Issue 1 (2013), Page 183-213.

    52. D. Sesana and V. Simoncini
      Spectral analysis of inexact constraint preconditioning for symmetric saddle point matrices
      Linear Algebra and Appl., v.438 (2013), pp.2683-2700.

    53. Lars Eldén V. Simoncini
      Solving ill-posed Linear Systems with GMRES and a singular Preconditioner
      SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., v.33 (4), (2012), pp.1369--1394.

    54. V. Simoncini
      Reduced order solution of structured linear systems arising in certain PDE-constrained optimization problems
      Computational Optimization and Applications, 53 (2), (2012), pp. 591-617.

    55. Volker Mehrmann , Christian Schröder and V. Simoncini
      An Implicitly-restarted Krylov Method for Real Symmetric/Skew-Symmetric Eigenproblems
      Linear Algebra and Appl., 436 (10), (2012), pp. 4070-4087.
      The software associated with this paper is available here

    56. Tatjana Stykel and V. Simoncini
      Krylov subspace methods for projected Lyapunov equations
      Applied Numerical Mathematics, 62 (2012), pp. 35--50.

    57. Vladimir Druskin, Leonid Knizhnerman and V. Simoncini
      Analysis of the rational Krylov subspace and ADI methods for solving the Lyapunov equation
      SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 49 (2011), pp. 1875-1898.

    58. V. Druskin and V. Simoncini
      Adaptive rational Krylov subspaces for large-scale dynamical systems
      Systems & Control Letters, 60 (2011), pp. 546-560.
      The Matlab code is available here

    59. Leonid Knizhnerman and V. Simoncini,
      Convergence analysis of the Extended Krylov Subspace Method for the Lyapunov equation
      Numerische Mathematik, Volume 118, Issue 3 (2011), Page 567-586.

    60. Gianluca Barbella, Federico Perotti and V. Simoncini
      Block Krylov subspace methods for the computation of structural response to turbulent wind
      Comput. Meth. Applied Mech. Eng. (CMAME), (2011), v. 200(23-24), pp. 2067-2082.

    61. Micol Pennacchio and V. Simoncini
      Fast structured AMG Preconditioning for the bidomain model in electrocardiology
      SIAM J. Scient. Computing., v. 33, n.2, pp. 721-745 (2011).

    62. Liliana Ironi, Luigi Panzeri , Erik Plahte and V. Simoncini
      Dynamics of actively regulated gene networks
      Physica D, 240 (2011), pp.779-794.

    63. David J. Silvester , and V. Simoncini
      An Optimal Iterative Solver for Symmetric Indefinite Systems stemming from Mixed Approximation
      ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, v.37, n.4, pp.42:1--42:22, (2011).

    64. Michele Benzi, Luis Ferragut , Micol Pennacchio and V. Simoncini
      Solution of Linear Systems from an Optimal Control Problem Arising in Wind Simulation
      J. Numerical Linear Algebra w/Appl., v. 17, n.6, pp.895-915 (2010).

    65. Maxim A. Olshanskii, and V. Simoncini
      Acquired clustering properties and solution of certain saddle point systems
      SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. and Appl. Volume 31, Issue 5, pp. 2754-2768 (2010).

    66. Leonid Knizhnerman and V. Simoncini,
      A new investigation of the extended Krylov subspace method for matrix function evaluations
      Numerical Linear Algebra w/Appl. v.17, n.4, pp.615-638 (2010)

    67. V. Simoncini,
      On a non-stagnation condition for GMRES and application to saddle point matrices
      ETNA Electr. J. Numerical Analysis, v.37, pp. 202-213 (2010)

    68. V. Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld ,
      Interpreting IDR as a Petrov-Galerkin method
      SIAM J. Scientific Computing. v.32, n.4, pp.1898-1912 (2010).

    69. V. Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld ,
      On the field of values of oblique projections
      Linear Algebra and its Applications. v.433 n.4, pp. 810-818 (2010).

    70. V. Simoncini,
      The Extended Krylov subspace for parameter dependent systems
      Applied Num. Math. v.60 n.5 (2010) 550-560.

    71. Nick Gould and V. Simoncini,
      Spectral Analysis of saddle point matrices with indefinite leading blocks
      SIAM J. Matrix Analysis Appl., Volume 31, Issue 3, pp. 1152-1171 (2009).

    72. Micol Pennacchio and V. Simoncini,
      Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioners for the Bidomain Reaction--Diffusion system
      Applied Numerical Mathematics. Volume 59, Issue 12, Dec. 2009, pp. 3033-3050.

    73. Lars Eldén and V. Simoncini,
      Solving Ill-Posed Cauchy Problems by a Krylov Subspace Method
      Inverse Problems, v.25, n.6 (June 2009).

    74. V. Simoncini and Vladimir Druskin,
      Convergence analysis of projection methods for the numerical solution of large Lyapunov equations
      SIAM J. Numerical Analysis. Volume 47, Issue 2,pp. 828-843 (2009).

    75. Micol Pennacchio and V. Simoncini,
      Substructuring Preconditioners for Mortar Discretization of a Degenerate Evolution Problem
      Journal of Scientific Computing, v. 36, n. 3, September 2008, pp.391-419.

    76. Marina Popolizio and V. Simoncini,
      Acceleration Techniques for Approximating the Matrix Exponential Operator
      SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Appl. v.30 n.2 (2008), pp.657-683.

    77. V. Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld ,
      New conditions for non-stagnation of minimal residual methods
      Numerische Mathematik, v. 109, n.3 (2008), pp. 477-487.

    78. Andreas Frommer and V. Simoncini,
      Stopping criteria for rational matrix functions of Hermitian and symmetric matrices
      SIAM J. Scient. Computing, v.30, n.3 (2008), pp. 1387-1412.

    79. Franco Brezzi , Konstantin Lipnikov , Mikhail Shashkov and V. Simoncini,
      A new discretization methodology for diffusion problems on generalized polyhedral meshes
      Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 196, Issues 37-40, 1 August 2007, pp. 3682-3692

    80. V. Simoncini,
      A new iterative method for solving large-scale Lyapunov matrix equations
      SIAM J. Scient. Computing, v.29, n.3 (2007), pp. 1268-1288. (WoS highly cited paper, Sept./Oct. 2016)
      The Matlab code is available here

    81. V. Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld ,
      Recent computational developments in Krylov Subspace Methods for linear systems
      Numerical Linear Algebra w/Appl., v. 14, n.1 (2007), pp.1-59. (WoS highly cited paper, Sept./Oct. 2016)

    82. Luciano Lopez and V. Simoncini,
      Preserving geometric properties of the exponential matrix by block Krylov subspace methods
      BIT, Numerical Mathematics, v. 46, n.4 (2006), pp. 813-830.

    83. Michele Benzi and V. Simoncini
      On the Eigenvalues of a Class of Saddle Point Matrices
      Numerische Mathematik, v. 103, n.2 (2006), pp. 173-196.

    84. Luciano Lopez and V. Simoncini,
      Analysis of projection methods for rational function approximation to the matrix exponential
      SIAM J. Numerical Analysis, v. 44, n. 2 (2006), pp. 613 - 635.

    85. Guiding Gu and V. Simoncini,
      Numerical solution of parameter-dependent linear systems
      J. Numer. Linear Algebra w/Appl. v. 12, n. 9 (2005), pp. 923-940.

    86. V. Simoncini,
      Variable Accuracy of Matrix-Vector Products in Projection Methods for Eigencomputation
      SIAM J. Numerical Analysis v. 43, n.3 (2005), pp. 1155-1174.

    87. Franco Brezzi , Konstantin Lipnikov and V. Simoncini,
      A family of mimetic finite difference methods on polygonal and polyhedral meshes
      M3AS: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, v.15 n.10 (2005) pp. 1533-1552.

    88. V. Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld ,
      The effect of non-optimal bases on the convergence of Krylov Subspace Methods
      Numer. Math. v. 100, n.4 (2005), pp. 711-733.

    89. V. Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld ,
      On the occurrence of Superlinear Convergence of Exact and Inexact Krylov Subspace Methods
      SIAM Review v. 47, n.2 (2005), pp. 247-272.

    90. V. Simoncini and Michele Benzi
      Spectral Properties of the Hermitian and Skew-Hermitian Splitting Preconditioner for Saddle Point Problems
      SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Appl., v.26, n.2 (2004), pp. 377-389.

    91. V. Simoncini,
      Block triangular preconditioners for Symmetric Saddle-Point problems
      Applied Num. Math. v.49, n.1 (2004), pp. 63-80.

    92. Micol Pennacchio and V. Simoncini
      The behavior of symmetric Krylov subspace methods for solving M x= (M - γ I)v.
      Linear Algebra and Appl., v.380 (2004), pp.53-71.

    93. V. Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld ,
      Theory of Inexact Krylov Subspace Methods and Applications to Scientific Computing
      SIAM J. Scient. Computing, v.25, n.2 (2003), pp. 454-477.

    94. V. Simoncini,
      Restarted Full Orthogonalization Method for shifted linear systems,
      BIT Numerical Mathematics, v.43, n.2 (2003) pp. 459-466.

    95. V. Simoncini,
      Algebraic formulations for the solution of the nullspace-free eigenvalue problem using the inexact Shift-and-Invert Lanczos method
      Numer. Linear Algebra w/Appl. v. 10, n.4 (2003), pp. 357-375.

    96. V. Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld ,
      Flexible Inner-Outer Krylov Subspace Methods
      SIAM J. Numer. Analysis, v.40 (6) 2003, pp. 2219-2239.

    97. V. Simoncini and F. Perotti,
      On the numerical solution of (λ² A + λ B + C) x = b and application to structural dynamics
      SIAM J. Sci. Comput. v. 23 n.6 (2002) pp. 1876-1898.

    98. M. Pennacchio and V. Simoncini,
      Efficient algebraic solution of reaction--diffusion systems for the cardiac excitation process
      J. Comput. Applied Math., v.145 (1) (2002), pp.49-70.

    99. Miro Rozlozník and V. Simoncini,
      Krylov Subspace Methods for Saddle Point Problems with Indefinite Preconditioning
      SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Appl., v.24 n.2 (2002) pp. 368-391.

    100. V. Simoncini and Lars Eldén ,
      Inexact Rayleigh quotient-type methods for eigenvalue computations
      BIT Numerical Mathematics, v. 42, n.1 (2002), pp. 159-182.

    101. Ilaria Perugia and V. Simoncini,
      Block-diagonal and indefinite symmetric preconditioners for mixed finite element formulations
      Numerical Linear Algebra with Appl. v. 7, n.7--8 (2000), pp. 585--616.

    102. V. Simoncini,
      On the convergence of restarted Krylov subspace methods
      SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Appl., v.22, n.2, (2000), pp. 430--452.

    103. A. Feriani, F. Perotti and V. Simoncini,
      Iterative system solvers for the frequency analysis of linear mechanical systems
      Computer Methods in Applied Mech. and Eng., v. 190, n.13-14 (2000) pp. 1719-1739.

    104. V. Simoncini,
      Remarks on non-linear spectral perturbation
      BIT Numerical Mathematics, v. 39, n.2 (1999), pp.350-365.

    105. Ilaria Perugia , V. Simoncini and Mario Arioli ,
      Linear Algebra methods in a mixed approximation of magnetostatic problems
      SIAM J. Sci. Comput., v.21, n.3, (1999) pp.1085--1101.

    106. V. Simoncini,
      A new variant of restarted GMRES
      Numerical Linear Algebra with Appl., v. 6 (1999), pp. 61-77.

    107. V. Simoncini and Stratis Gallopoulos ,
      Transfer functions and Resolvent norm approximation of large matrices
      ETNA, v. 7 (1998), pp. 190--201.

    108. V. Simoncini,
      A matrix analysis of Arnoldi and Lanczos methods
      Numer. Math. v. 81 n. 1 (1998), pp. 125-141.

    109. V. Simoncini and E. Sjostrom,
      An algorithm for approximating the singular triplets of complex symmetric matrices
      Num. Linear Algebra with Appl., v. 4 (6) (1997) pp.469-489.

    110. V. Simoncini,
      A stabilized QMR version of block BiCG
      SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Appl., v. 18-2 (1997), pp. 419–434.

    111. E. Kasenally and V. Simoncini,
      Analysis of a minimum perturbation algorithm for nonsymmetric linear systems
      SIAM J. Numerical Analysis, v. 34 (1) (1997), pp.48-66.

    112. V. Simoncini,
      On the numerical solution of AX-XB=C
      BIT Numerical Mathematics, v. 36 (4) (1996) pp. 814-830.

    113. V. Simoncini and M. Sadkane,
      Arnoldi-Riccati method for large eigenvalue problems
      BIT Numerical Mathematics, v. 36 (3) (1996) pp. 579-594.

    114. V. Simoncini and Stratis Gallopoulos ,
      A hybrid block GMRES method for nonsymmetric systems with multiple right-hand sides
      J. Comput. Applied Math. v.66 (1996) pp. 457-469.

    115. V. Simoncini and Stratis Gallopoulos ,
      Convergence Properties of Block GMRES and Matrix Polynomials
      Linear Algebra and Appl., v. 247 (1996), pp. 97-119.

    116. V. Simoncini,
      Ritz and Pseudo-Ritz Values Using Matrix Polynomials
      Linear Algebra and Appl., v. 241-3, pp. 787-802 (1996).

    117. V. Simoncini and Stratis Gallopoulos ,
      An Iterative Method for Nonsymmetric Systems with Multiple Right-hand Side
      SIAM J. Scient. Computing, v. 15 (1995) pp.917-933.

    118. T. F. Chan, E. Gallopoulos, V. Simoncini, T. Szeto and C. H. Tong
      A Quasi-Minimal Residual Variant of the Bi-CGSTAB Algorithm for Nonsymmetric Systems
      SIAM J. Scient. Computing, v. 15 (1994) pp. 338-347.

      Papers in Proceedings and books (reverse chronological order)

    119. Julian Henning Davide Palitta, V. Simoncini and Karsten Urban
      Matrix oriented reduction of space-time Petrov-Galerkin variational problems.
      In ``Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, ENUMATH 2019'' Proceedings, Springer (2021), pp. 1049-1058.

    120. Alessandro Alla and V. Simoncini
      Order reduction approaches for the algebraic Riccati equation and the LQR problem
      In: Falcone M., Ferretti R., Grüne L., McEneaney W. (eds) Numerical Methods for Optimal Control Problems.
      Springer INdAM Series, vol 29. Springer, Cham (2018),

    121. C. Arcidiacono and V. Simoncini
      Approximate nonnegative matrix factorization algorithm for the analysis of angular differential imaging data
      Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Volume 10703, 2018, Article number 1070331
      Adaptive Optics Systems VI 2018; Austin; United States; 10 June 2018 through 15 June 2018; Code 139576

    122. V. Simoncini
      The Lyapunov matrix equation. Matrix analysis from a computational perspective
      Quaderno UMI n. 55 - Topics in Mathematics, Bologna - UMI 2015 - pag. 157-174.

    123. V. Simoncini,
      Krylov Subspaces
      in The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics, Sept. 2015.

    124. Wolfgang Krendl, V. Simoncini and Walter Zulehner,
      Efficient preconditioning for an optimal control problem with the time-periodic Stokes equations
      Proceedings ENUMATH 2013, Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, Springer 2015, pp.479-488.

    125. Mattia Tani and V. Simoncini,
      Refined spectral estimates for preconditioned saddle point linear systems in a non-standard inner product
      ANZIAM J., v.54, pp.C291--C308 (2013), Proceedings of the 16th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, CTAC-2012.

    126. V. Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld ,
      On the Superlinear Convergence of MINRES
      Proceedings ENUMATH 2011, Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011, pp. 733-740, Springer (2013).

    127. Micol Pennacchio and V. Simoncini,
      Non-symmetric Algebraic Multigrid Preconditioners for the Bidomain Reaction--Diffusion system
      Proceedings ENUMATH 2009, Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2009, 729-736, Springer (2010).

    128. Barbella G., Perotti F., Simoncini V.,
      A numerical procedure for the dynamic response of tall buildings subject to turbulent wind excitation
      5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, CD-rom proc, Firenze 19-23 July, 2009.

    129. Andreas Frommer and V. Simoncini,
      Error bounds for Lanczos approximations of rational functions of matrices
      in ''Numerical Validation", Mathematics in Industry, Lectures Notes in Computer Science, Annie Cuyt and Walter Kr{\"a}mer and Peter Markstein and Wolfram Luther eds, Springer, 2009, v. 5492, pp.203-216.

    130. Andreas Frommer and V. Simoncini,
      Matrix functions
      in ``Model Order Reduction: Theory, Research Aspects and Applications'', Mathematics in Industry, Schilders, Wil H. A. and van der Vorst, Henk A. eds, Springer, Heidelberg, 2008, pp.275-304.

    131. Micol Pennacchio and V. Simoncini
      Substructuring Preconditioners for the Bidomain Extracellular Potential Problem
      Numerical Mathematics and advanced Applications. Proceedings of ENUMATH 2005, Springer-Verlag (2006), pag. 459-466.

    132. V. Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld ,
      Relaxed Krylov subspace approximation
      PAMM v. 5, n.1 (Dec. 2005), pp.797-800.

    133. F. Perotti and V. Simoncini,
      Analytical and Numerical Techniques in frequency domain response computation
      Recent Research Developments in Structural Dynamics, A. Luongo Ed. Research Signpost Pub., 2003, pp. 33-54.

    134. C. Bekas, E. Kokiopoulou, E. Gallopoulos and V. Simoncini,
      Parallel Computation of Pseudospectra using Transfer Functions on a {\tt MATLAB-MPI} Cluster Platform}
      D. Kranzlmueller, P. Kacsuk, J. Dongarra, J. Volkert (Eds.):
      "Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface"
      Proc. 9th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
      Vol. 2474, pp.199-207, Linz, Austria, September 29-October 2, 2002.

    135. F. Perotti and V. Simoncini,
      Computational aspects in direct frequency domain analysis
      "Structural Dynamics - EURODYN 2002", Grundmann \& Schueller (eds.) Zwets & Zeitlinger, Lisse (2002), pp. 685-690.

    136. A. Feriani, F. Perotti and V. Simoncini,
      Numerical methods for the performance of direct frequency domain analysis,
      {\it Structural Dynamics} - EURODYN '99,
      L. Fryba and J.Naprstek eds, (1999) Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 145--150,

    137. V. Simoncini,
      Linear systems with a quadratic parameter and application to structural dynamics
      in Iterative Methods in Scientific Computation II, IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics,
      D. Kincaid and A. Elster, eds., vol. 5, 1999, pp. 451-461.

    138. V. Simoncini,
      An Iterative Procedure for Computing the Null Basis
      in Iterative Methods in Linear Algebra, II, IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics, S.~Margenov and P.~Vassilevski, eds., vol.~3, 1996, pp. 413-423.

    139. G. Bertero, G. Erbacci, V. Simoncini e M. Iskandarani,
      Implementation of a spectral element method for shallow water equations on the Cray T3D,
      CINECA Report 1995.

    140. G. Erbacci, V. Simoncini, G. Bertero, R. Ansaloni e A. Navarra,
      A spectral finite element model for shallow water equations: implementation experiences on the CRAY T3D,
      Cray Usergroup Proceedings, Denver, March 1995.

    141. E. Gallopoulos and V. Simoncini,
      Iterative solution of multiple linear systems: Theory, practice, parallelism and applications
      Advances in Parallel and Vector Processing for Structural Mechanics: Proc. Second Int'l. Conf. on Computational Structures Technology, eds. B.H.V. Topping and M. Papadrakakis (1994), pp. 47--51.

    142. A. Messina, P. Londrillo, L. Moscardini and V. Simoncini
      Numerical experiments on gravitating systems
      IX Italian Conf. on General Rel. and Grav. Physics,
      Cianci et al. eds, pp. 338-352. World Scientific (Singapore), 1991

      Other manuscripts

    143. Domitilla Brandoni, Margherita Porcelli, and V. Simoncini
      A spectral PALM algorithm for matrix and tensor-train based Dictionary Learning
      pp. 1-26, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' di Bologna, July 2021. OO E-Print ID : 2021-07-8516, arXiv: 2107.11644

    144. Gerhard Kirsten and V. Simoncini
      A matrix-oriented POD-DEIM algorithm applied to semilinear matrix differential equations
      pp. 1-25, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' di Bologna, June 2020. Latest version May 2021. arXiv preprint n. 2006.13289 [math.NA].

    145. Nicola Guglielmi and V. Simoncini
      On the existence and approximation of a dissipating feedback
      pp. 1-23, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' di Bologna, October 2018. arXiv: 1811.00069 [math.NA]

    146. V. Simoncini and Lars Eldén
      An Error Estimate for the Approximation of $\cosh(\sqrt{A})v$ in the {Krylov} Subspace
      Tech. Rep. LiTH-MAT-R-2010/01--SE, Department of Mathematics, Link\"oping University, Jan 2010. (Report not submitted for publication in a Journal)

    147. I. Perugia and V. Simoncini,
      An optimal indefinite preconditioner for a mixed finite element method
      IAN-CNR Tech. Rep. 1098, Nov. 1998.
    148. V. Simoncini,
      Ph.D. Thesis
      (in Italian) Universita' degli Studi di Padova, 1994
    149. V. Simoncini and E. Gallopoulos,
      Iterative methods for complex symmetric systems with multiple right-hand sides
      CSRD Tech. Rep. 1322, Dec. 1993.