
141) Central limit theorem for the overlaps on the Nishimori line (in collaboration with F.Camilli and E.Mingione) Preprint, May 2023 ArXiv

140) Limit theorems for the cubic mean-field Ising model (in collaboration with E.Mingione and G.Osabutey) Annales Henri Poincare, 1, 1-30 (2023) ArXiv

139) Voter-like dynamics with conflicting preferences on modular networks (in collaboration with F.Zimmaro and J.Kertész) Entropy. 25(6):838. (2023)ArXiv

138) Rivoluzione Intelligenza Artificiale Le grandi Voci - Dedalo, (2023)

137) The inverse problem beyond two-body interaction: the cubic mean-field Ising model (in collaboration with G.Osabutey and C.Vernia) Physical Review E, 107, 054124 (2023) ArXiv

136) L'Intelligenza artificiale parla. Rivista il Mulino Online, febbraio (2023)

135) Human-AI ecosystem with abrupt changes as a function of the composition (in collaboration with J.Kertesz and G.Osabutey) PLoS ONE 17(5): e0267310 (2022)

134) An inference problem in a mismatched setting: a spin-glass model with Mattis interaction (in collaboration with F.Camilli and E.Mingione) SciPost Physics, V. 12, 125 (2022) ArXiv

133) Macchine Senzienti. Rivista il Mulino Online, settembre (2022)

132) A statistical physics approach to a multi-channel Wigner spiked model(in collaboration with D.Alberici, F.Camilli and E.Mingione)
Europhysics Letters, Volume 136, 48001 (2022).

131) The solution of the deep Boltzmann machine on the Nishimori line (in collaboration with D.Alberici, F.Camilli and E.Mingione) Communications in Mathematical Physics, V. 387, pp 1191–1214 (2021) ArXiv

130) Giorgio Parisi, un Nobel oltre la ricerca. Rivista il Mulino Online, ottobre (2021)

129) Stationarization and Multithermalization in spin glasses (in collaboration with F.Corberi, J.Kurchan and E.Mingione)
SciPost Phys. 10, 113 (2021)
DOI: 10.21468/SciPostPhys.10.5.113 ArXiv

128) Datie Covid     (in collaboration with al.)
    Lettera 150, Anno I, fasc. 2, nov.-dic., pp 15-18(2020)

127) Deep Boltzmann machines: rigorous results at arbitrary depth (in collaboration with D.Alberici, and E.Mingione) Annales Henri Poincaré, V. 22, pp 2619–2642 (2021) ArXiv

126) The multi-species mean-field spin-glass in the Nishimori line (in collaboration with D.Alberici, F.Camilli and E.Mingione) Journal of Statistical Physics, V. 182, N.2, pp 156-176 (2021) ArXiv

125) Covid: dati, pubblici, subito. Rivista il Mulino Online, ottobre (2020)

124) Annealing and replica-symmetry in Deep Boltzmann Machines (in collaboration with D.Alberici, A.Barra and E.Mingione) Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 180, pp 665-677 (2020) ArXiv

123)On a Statistical Mechanics Approach to Some Problems of the Social Sciences (in collaboration with C.Vernia)
Front. Phys. 8:585383. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2020.585383 (2020)

122) Intelligenza artificiale tra rischi e opportunità Alcune riflessioni sul tema. Rivista Il Mulino, N. 4, 637-645, (2019)

121) Equilibrium and Dynamics of a Multi-Bath Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model (in collaboration with J.Kurchan and E.Mingione) Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. Vol 52, 3240001 (2019) ArXiv

120) Fisici e Matematici in Intelligenza Artificiale. (in collaboration with P.Branchini)Notiziario dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, Settembre (2019)

119) Egalitarianism vs. Utilitarianism in Preferential Voting. (in collaboration with A.Sîrbu) The Future of Digital Democracy. An Interdisciplinary Approach, Springer, Pierluigi Contucci, Andrea Omicini, Danilo Pianini, Alina Sîrbu Eds. (2019)

118) Finite-size corrections for the attractive mean-field monomer-dimer model. (in collaboration with D.Alberici, R.Luzi and C.Vernia) Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. Vol 52, 105001 (2019) ArXiv

117) Mean-Field Monomer-Dimer models. A review. (incollaboration with D.Alberici and E.Mingione) Sojourns in Probability and Statistical Physics, Springer, V.Sidoravicious Ed. (2019) ArXiv

116) A Multi-Scale Spin-Glass Mean-Field Model. (in collaboration with E.Mingione)
Communications in Mathematical Physics, V. 368, 1323–1344 (2019)
DOI: 10.1007/s00220-019-03308-8

115) Intelligenza artificiale e apprendimento automatico. Rivista il Mulino Online, ottobre (2018)

114) La voce di Hilbert. "La didattica della matematica, strumento concreto aula" Pag. 9-13, B.D'Amore, S.Sbaragli Eds., Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, (2018), ISBN 88-371-2100-6

113) Lavagnedi Ardesia. Rivista il Mulino Online, aprile (2018)

112) Social interaction effects on immigrant integration(in collaboration with E.Agliari, A.Barra, A.Pizzoferrato and C.Vernia)
Nature, Palgrave Communications, 4 : 55 (2018)
DOI: 10.1057/s41599-018-0097-5

111) L'insegnamento della matematica come vocazione? Agosto 2017 Rivista Il Mulino Online
Vanity Fair

110) Forecasting the integration of immigrants. (in collaboration with R.Sandell and S.Seyedi) Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Vol.41, N.2, 127–137 (2017) ArXiv

109) La Scienza è Democratica. Rivista il Mulino Online, aprile (2017)

108) Inverse problem for the mean-field monomer-dimer model with attractive interaction. (in collaboration with R.Luzi and C.Vernia) Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. Vol 50, 205002 (2017) ArXiv

107) Aggregation models on hypergraphs. (in collaboration with D.Alberici, E.Mingione and M.Molari)
Annals of Physics, Volume 376, Pages 412–424, January (2017)
Audioslides of the authors' presentation.

106) Matematica e Democrazia "Mathematics and Mathematics Education" Pag. 181-192, M.Iori Eds., Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, (2016)
ISBN 88-371-1927-5

105) Non-Gaussian fluctuations in monomer-dimer models(in collaboration with D.Alberici and E.Mingione)
Europhysics Letters, Volume 214, Page 20006-20010 (2016).

104) Chi fa il Professore si vergogna. Rivista il Mulino Online, gennaio (2016)

103) Limit theorems for monomer-dimer mean-field models with attractive potential. (in collaboration with D.Alberici, M.Fedele and E.Mingione)
Communications in Mathematical Physics, V. 346, N. 3, 781-799 (2016)
DOI: 10.1007/s00220-015-2543-1

102)Howimmigrant integration unfolds (in collaboration with R.Sandell)
Elcano Royal Institute for International and Strategic Studies, ARI 17 (2016)

101)How integrated are immigrants? (in collaboration with R.Sandell)
Demographic Research, V. 33 - N. 46, 1271-1280 (2015)
DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2015.33.46

100)Enhancing participation to health screening campaigns by group interactions(in collaboration with R.Burioni, M.Fedele, C.Vernia and A.Vezzani)
Nature, Scientific Reports, 5 : 9904 (2015)
DOI: 10.1038/srep09904

99) Educazione matematica e civica Il Sole 24 Ore, October 5th (2014)

98) A mean-field monomer-dimer model with random monomer activities. Exact solution and rigorous results. (in collaboration with D.Alberici and E.Mingione)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 160, Issue 6, pp 1721-1732 (2015)
DOI: 10.1007/s10955-015-1306-x

97) A new dimension for democracy: egalitarianism in the rank aggregation problem (in collaboration with E.Panizzi, F.Ricci-Tersenghi and A.Sîrbu)
Quality and Quantity, Volume 50, Issue 3, pp 1185-1200 (2015)
DOI: 10.1007/s11135-015-0197-x

96) The lack of probability culture in Italy. Toward an international comparative research program. (in collaboration with C.Riga)
Quality and Quantity, Volume 49, Issue 6, pp 2325-2330 (2015)
DOI: 10.1007/s11135-014-0112-x

95) A stochastic approach for quantifying immigrant integration: the Spanish test case (in collaboration with E.Agliari, A.Barra, R.Sandell and C.Vernia)
New Journal of Physics, Vol. 16, 103034 (2014)

94) Nuovi poteri Culture: Rivista il Mulino Online, 16 Lug. (2014)

93) Multi-species mean-field spin-glasses. Rigorous results(in collaboration with A.Barra, E.Mingione and D.Tantari)
Annales Henri Poincare, Volume 16, Issue 3, pp 691-708 (2014)
DOI: 10.1007/s00023-014-0341-5

92)Solution of the monomer-dimer model on locally tree-like graphs. Rigorous results(in collaboration with D.Alberici)
Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 331, Issue 3 (2014), Page 975-1003, DOI: 10.1007/s00220-014-2080-3

91) A mean-field monomer-dimer model with attractive interaction. Exact solution and rigorous results(in collaboration with D.Alberici and E.Mingione)
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 55, 063301, 1-27, (2014)

90) The exact solution of a mean-field monomer-dimer model with attractive potential(in collaboration with D.Alberici and E.Mingione)
Europhysics Letters, Volume 106, Page 10001-10005 (2014).

89)An analysis of a large dataset on immigrant integration in Spain. The Statistical Mechanics perspective on Social Action(in collaboration with A.Barra, R.Sandell and C.Vernia)
Nature, Scientific Reports, 4 : 4174 (2014)
DOI: 10.1038/srep04174 ArXiv

88) Insegnarela Probabilità. Come (?) e perché (!) "La didattica della matematica come chiave di lettura delle situazioni d'aula" Pag. 9-13, B.D'Amore, S.Sbaragli Eds., Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, (2013)

87) Algoritmi e stregoni Culture: Rivista il Mulino Online, 13 Dic. (2013)

86) Dmitry Panchenko: The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model Journal of Statistical Physics: Volume 153, Issue 3, Page 551-552, (2013)

85) Antiferromagnetic Potts model on the Erdos-Renyi random graph (in collaboration with S.Dommers, C.Giardina, S.Starr)
Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 323, Issue 2, pp 517-554, (2013)

84) Complexity & Interaction: Blurring Borders between Physical, Computational, and Social Systems (in collaboration with A.Omicini) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. V. 8083, pp 1-10, (2013)

83)Interaction Flip Identities for non Centered Spin Glasses(in collaboration with C.Giardina and C.Giberti)
      Journal of Mathematical Physics, Volume 54, 73301, (2013)

82)Factorization properties in d-dimensional spin glasses. Rigorous results and some perspectives(in collaboration with E.Mingione and S.Starr)
      Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 151, Issue 5, 809-829 (2013)

81) Inverse problem robustness for multi-species mean field spin models (in collaboration with M.Fedele and C.Vernia)
      Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. Vol 46, 065001 (2013)

80) StochasticStability and the Spin Glass Phase. The State of the Art for Mean Field and Finite Dimensional Models XVIIth ICMP, World Scientific, (2012) ArXiv

79) Predicibilità e prevenzione nei grandi rischi Identità Italiana: Rivista il Mulino Online, 2 Nov. (2012)

78) PERSPECTIVES ON SPIN GLASSESPierluigi Contucci and Cristian Giardina, Cambridge University Press, (2012)

77) Effective interactions in group competition with strategic diffusive dynamics (in collaboration with E. Agliari, A. Barra, R. Burioni, F. Camboni)Intellectual Archive Bulletin 09/12 ISSN 1929-1329 (2012)

76) Cultura scientifica e comportamento economico: quanto ci costa il gioco d'azzardo? Socialnews, April, 2012
Open Source

75) Structural spin-glass identities from a stability property: an explicit derivation(in collaboration with C.Giardina and C.Giberti)       RIMS Kôkyûroku, Vol. 1805, 37-50, August (2012)
      Lecture Notes of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University.

74) On the equivalence of Hopfield Networks and Restricted Boltzmann Machines (in collaboration with A.Barra, A.Bernacchia and E.Santucci)
Neural Networks, Volume 34, October 2012, Pages 1–9, October (2012)

73) Cultura Scientifica e Società Mathematics and its didactis, forty years of commitment.
Piatgora Editrice Bologna, 40-44, (2011).
In occasion of the 65 years of Bruno D'Amore.

72) Stability of the Spin Glass Phase under Perturbations (in collaboration with C.Giardinà and C.Giberti)
Europhysics Letters, Vol. 96, N. 1, 17003-17006, (2011)ArXiv

71)Scaling Limits for Multispecies Statistical Mechanics Mean-Field Models (in collaboration with M. Fedele)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 144, N. 6, 1186-1205, (2011)

70) Ecco il sistema per vincere al Superenalotto Vanity Fair, March 2th (2011)

69) Interface Energy in the Edwards-Anderson Model (in collaboration with C.Giardina, C.Giberti, G.Parisi and C.Vernia)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 142, N. 1, 1-10, (2010) ArXiv

68) New perspectives in the equilibrium statistical mechanics approach to social and economic sciences (in collaboration with E.Agliari, A.Barra, R.Burioni)
Mathematical Modeling of Collective Behavior in Socio-Economic and Life Sciences, 137-174 (2010), Birkhauser.

67) Toward a quantitative approach to migrants integration (in collaboration with A.Barra)
Europhysics Letters, Vol. 89, N. 6, 68001-68007, (2010)

66) Modelling Complex Systems with Statistical Mechanics: The Computational Approach (in collaboration with C.Giardina, C.Giberti, C.Vernia)
ERCIM News, N. 81, 24-25, April (2010)
Open Source

65) A Diffusive Strategic Dynamics for Social Systems (in collaboration with E.Agliari and R.Burioni)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Volume 139, Number 3, p. 478-491, (2010)

64) Tackling climate change through energy efficiency: mathematical models to offer evidence-based recommendation for public policy (in collaboration with F.Gallo, A.Coutts and I.Gallo)
Applications of Mathematics in Models, Artificial Neural Networks and Arts Capecchi, V.; Buscema, M.; Contucci, P.; D'Amore, B. (Eds.) Springer, (2010)

63) Equilibria of culture contat derived from ingroup and outgroup attitudes (in collaboration with I. Gallo and S. Ghirlanda)
Applications of Mathematics in Models, Artificial Neural Networks and Arts Capecchi, V.; Buscema, M.; Contucci, P.; D'Amore, B. (Eds.) Springer, (2010)

62) Correlation Inequalities for Quantum Spin Systems with Quenched Centered Disorder (in collaboration with Joel L. Lebowitz)
Journal of Mathematical Physics, J. Math. Phys. 51, 23302-23311, (2010)

61) Stochastic Stability: a Review and Some Perspectives Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 138, N. 1, 543-550, (2010) ArXiv

60) Stipendi, Pensioni e Lotterie Identità Italiana: Rivista il Mulino Online, 9 Feb. (2010)
59) Acquaintance role for decision making and exchanges in social networks (in collaboration with E.Agliari, A.Barra, R.Burioni)
Dynamics of socio-economic systems, Vol. 2, N. 2, 1-9, (2009)

58) Dilution Robustness for Mean Field Ferromagnets (in collaboration with A.Barra and F.Camboni)
Journal of Statistical Mechanics, Issue 3, 1-20, (2009)

57) Il Metodo Sperimentale in Matematica "Pratiche Matematiche e Didattiche in Aula" Pag. 183-186 B.D'Amore, S.Sbaragli Eds., Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, (2009)

56) Spin Glass Identities and the Nishimori Line (in collaboration with C.Giardina and H.Nishimori)
Progress in Probability, Vol. 62, 103-121, (2009)

55) Detti e Contraddetti sulla Ruota di Venezia Alcune riflessioni sulle lotterie. Rivista Il Mulino, N. 6, 921-929, (2009)

54) Parameter Evaluation of a Simple Mean-Field Model of Social Interaction (in collaboration with I.Gallo and A.Barra)
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Science, Vol. 19, 1427-1439, (2009)

53) Mathematics for Economics: A Statistical Mechanics Perspective (in collaboration with F.Romiti)
ERCIM News, N. 78, 36-37, July (2009)
Open Source

52) On the structure of correlations in the three dimensional spin glasses (in collaboration with C.Giardina, C.Giberti, G.Parisi and C.Vernia)
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 103, 017201 (2009)

51) Interaction-Flip Identities in Spin Glasses (in collaboration with C.Giardina and C.Giberti)
Journal of Statistical Physics: Volume 135, Issue 5, 1181-1199 (2009)

50) Thermodynamic Limit for Spin Glasses. Beyond the Annealed Bound (in collaboration with S.Starr)
Journal of Statistical Physics: Volume 135, Issue 5, 1159-1170 (2009)

49) Statistical Mechanics on Random Structures — Special Issue of Journal of Mathematical Physics (Editor with C.Giardina)
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 49, N. 12 (2008)
Available to subscribers

48) PROBABILITÀ ELEMENTARE — Teoria ed esperimenti Con CD-ROM Pierluigi Contucci, Stefano Isola, Zanichelli, 2008

47) Lack of monotonicity in spin glass correlation functions (in collaboration with F.Unguendoli and C.Vernia)
Journal of Physcs A: Math. Theor. Vol. 41 (2008) 385001.

46) Correlation Inequalities for Spin Glass in one Dimension (in collaboration with F.Unguendoli)
Rendiconti Lincei, Matematica e Applicazioni, Vol. 19, Issue 2, 141-147, (2008)

45) Bipartite Mean Field Spin Systems. Existence and Solution (in collaboration with I. Gallo)
Math. Phys. Elec. Jou. Vol 14, N.1, 1-22 (2008)

44) Answer to the Comment on "Ultrametricity in the Edwards-Anderson Model" (in collaboration with C.Giardina, C.Giberti, G. Parisi, C. Vernia)
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 100, 159702 (2008)

43) Mathematics and Social Sciences: A Statistical Mechanics Approach to Immigration (in collaboration with C.Giardina)
ERCIM News, N. 73, 34-35, April (2008)
Open Source

42) Phase transitions in social sciences: two-populations mean field theory (in collaboration with I. Gallo and G. Menconi)
Int. Jou. Mod. Phys. B, Vol. 22, N. 14, 1-14 (2008)

41) How Can Mathematics Contribute to Social Sciences — Special Issue of Quality and Quantity (Editor with S.Graffi)
Quality and Quantity, Vol. 41, 531 (2007)
Available to subscribers

40) Cortona Special Issue of Journal of Statistical Physics (Editor with S.Graffi and J.Lebowitz)
Journal of Statistical Physics, 126, Numbers 4/5, February/March (2007)
Available to subscribers

39) The Ghirlanda-Guerra Identities (in collaboration with C.Giardina)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol 126, N. 4/5, 917-931, (2007)

38) Modeling Society with Statistical Mechanics: an Application to Cultural Contact and Immigration (in collaboration with S.Ghirlanda)
Quality and Quantity, Vol. 41, 569-578 (2007)

37) Ultrametricity in the Edwards-Anderson Model (in collaboration with C.Giardina, C.Giberti, G. Parisi, C. Vernia)
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 99, 057206, (2007)

36) Correlation Inequalities for Spin Glasses (in collaboration with Joel L. Lebowitz)
Annales Henri Poincare, Vol. 8, N.8, 1461-1467, (2007)

35) Comment on "Both site and link overlap are non trivial in 3-dimensional Ising spin glasses" (in collaboration with C.Giardina) November (2006) Arxiv

34) Overlap Equivalence in the Edwards-Anderson Model (in collaboration with C.Giardina, C.Giberti, C. Vernia)
Physical Review Letters, Vol 96, 217204 (2006)

33) Surface Terms on the Nishimori Line of the Gaussian Edwards-Anderson Model (in collaboration with S.Morita, H.Nishimori)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 122, N. 2, 303-312, (2006)

32) Spin-Glass Stochastic Stability: a Rigorous Proof (in collaboration with C.Giardina)
Annales Henri Poincare, Vol. 6, N. 5, 915-923, (2005)

31) Factorization Properties in the 3D Edwards-Anderson Model (in collaboration with C.Giardina)
Physical Review B, 72, 14456, (2005)

30) Path Integral Representations for the Spin-Pinned quantum XXZ Chain (in collaboration with O.Bolina and B.Nachtergaele)
Markov Processes and Related Fields, Vol 11, 211-221 (2005)

29) Finding Minima in Complex Landscapes: Annealed, Greedy and Reluctant Algorithms (in collaboration with C.Giardina, C.Giberti, C. Vernia)
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Science, Vol. 15, No. 9, 1349-1369 (2005)

28) Griffiths Inequalities in the Nishimori Line (in collaboration with S.Morita and H.Nishimori)
Progress of Theoretical Physics, Supp. No. 157, 73-76, (2005)

27) Interpolating Greedy and Reluctant Algorithms (in collaboration with C.Giardina, C.Giberti, F.Unguendoli, C. Vernia)
Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 20, Nos. 4-5, 1-6 (2005)

26) Local Order at Arbitrary Distances in Finite-Dimensional Spin-Glass Models (in collaboration with F.Unguendoli)
Rendiconti di Matematica dell'Accademia dei Lincei, Ser. 9, Vol. 16, 197-202, (2005)

25) Stochastically Stable Quenched Measures (in collaboration with A.Bianchi and A.Knauf)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 117, Nos. 5/6, 831-844, (2004)

24) On the Surface-Pressure for the Edwards-Anderson Model (in collaboration with S.Graffi)
Comm. Math. Phys., Vol. 248, N.1, 207-216, (2004)

23) Griffiths Inequalities for the Gaussian Spin Glass (in collaboration with S.Morita and H.Nishimori)
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol 37, L203-L209, (2004)

22) Thermodynamic Limit for Finite Dimensional Classical and Quantum Disordered Systems (in collaboration with C. Giardina and J. Pule)
Reviews in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 16, N. 5, 629-637, (2004)


21) Monotonicity and Thermodynamic Limit for Short Range Disordered Models (in collaboration with S.Graffi)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 115, Nos. 1/2, 581-589, (2004)

20) Convex Replica Simmetry Breaking from Positivity and Thermodynamic Limit (in collaboration with S.Graffi)
Int. Jou. Mod. Phys. B, Vol. 18, Nos. 4-5, 585-591 (2004)

19) Thermodynamic Limit for Mean Field Spin Models (in collaboration with A.Bianchi, C.Giardina)
Math. Phys. El. Jour., Vol 9, N.6, 1-15 (2003)

18) Optimization Strategies in Complex Systems (in collaboration with L.Bussolari, C.Giardina, C.Giberti, F.Unguendoli, C. Vernia)
Science and Supercomputing, Cineca Report, 386-390, (2003)

17) Replica Equivalence in the Edwards-Anderson Model Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol.36, 10961-10966, (2003) ArXiv

16) Energy-Decreasing Dynamics in Mean-Field Spin Models (in collaboration with L.Bussolari, M. Degli Esposti, C. Giardina')
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol. 36, 2413-2421, (2003)

15) Thermodynamical Limit for Correlated Gaussian Random Energy Models (in collaboration with M.Degli Esposti, C.Giardina', S.Graffi)
Commun. in Math. Phys. 236, 55-63, (2003)

14) Toward a classification theorem for stochastically stable measures Markov Processes and Related Fields, Vol 9, N. 2, 167-176, (2002) ArXiv

13) The Ferromagnetic Heisenberg XXZ chain in a pinning field (in collaboration with B.Nachtergaele, W.Spitzer)
Phys. Rev. B, 66, 64429-64442, (2002)

12) Mean field behaviour of spin systems with orthogonal interaction matrix (in collaboration with S.Graffi, S. Isola)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 106, N. 5/6, 895-914 (2002)

11) A continuum approximation for the excitations of the (1,1,...,1) interface in the quantum Heisenberg model (in collaboration with O.Bolina , B.Nachtergaele and S.Starr)
Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., N. 04, 1-10, (2000).

10) Finite-volume excitations of the 111 interface in the quantum XXZ model (in collaboration with O.Bolina , B.Nachtergaele and S.Starr)
Commun. Math. Phys. 12, 63-91 (2000).

9) Pat Integral Representation for Interface States of the Anisotropic Heisenberg Model (in collaboration with O.Bolina and B.Nachtergaele)
Rev. in Math. Phys., Vol. 12, No. 10, 1325-1344 (2000).

8) A Fully Magnetizing Phase Transition (in collaboration with P.Kleban and A.Knauf)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 97, N. 3/4, 523-539, (1999).

7) On the Stability of the Quenched state in Mean Field Spin Glass Models (in collaboration with M. Aizenman)
Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 92, N. 5/6, 765-783, (1998).

6) Polynomial Invariants for Trees. A statistical Mechanics Classification Figures (in collaboration with R. Conti and C. Falcolini)
Discrete Applied Mathematics, N. 81, 225-237, (1997).

5) The Phase Transition of the Number-Theoretical Spin Chain (in collaboration with A. Knauf)
Forum Math. N. 9, 547-567, (1997).

4) The Low Activity Phase of Some Dirichlet Series (in collaboration with A. Knauf)
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vo. 37, N.11, 5458-5475, (1996).

3) An analyticity bound for two-dimensional Ising model at low temperature Journal of Statistical Physics, Vol 82, N. 5/6, 1647-1657, (1996).

2) On the Strict Inequality Between Quenched and Annealed Ising Spin Glass Letters in Mathematical Physics, N. 27, 143-147, (1993).

1) Some Properties of Mean Field Solutions in a Disordered Ising Model Il Nuovo Cimento, V. 107 B, N. 11, 1313-1325,(1992).